Stranger Things season 4

MisterJosh85 Profile Photo
#1Stranger Things season 4
Posted: 6/2/22 at 10:49pm

I didn't hate it, but it does feel like there are just too many characters on the show at this point. 

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#2Stranger Things season 4
Posted: 6/7/22 at 1:04pm

I have one episode left but I'm really enjoying it. I think Eddie and Argyle are both great additions to the cast. But, it does work best when it focuses on the main group of kids.

Alex Kulak2
#3Stranger Things season 4
Posted: 6/7/22 at 10:28pm

After the somewhat disappointment that was Season 3 (it wasn't terrible, but too overly focused on nostalgia for my taste), this season feels like a big step in the right direction.

There are a lot of characters, but the longer runtimes help give us enough time with each of them that it doesn't seem bloated.

I was also confused by the $30 million-per-episode price tag, but you really do see the money on the screen. The scope, the cinematography, the sets, the incredible practical effects used to create Vecna, it's a feat for television.

I am waiting for baited breath for the last two episodes in a month.

uncageg Profile Photo
#4Stranger Things season 4
Posted: 6/25/22 at 11:40pm

Really enjoyed it. Was a bit skeptical about the longer episodes going in wondering how they were going to fill in that time. I feel they could have trimmed the Hopper rescue a bit. (How I don't know though!). For me, I found it interesting that the "comedy" pretty much switched over to the adults and the kids are acting more mature. (At least I felt that). I didn't see the ending coming. I was a bit confused when they moved between the past and present (The memories she was fed in that tank) with 11. 

Being a Kate Bush fan and having listened to the song since it first came out, I was really happy they chose that song. I just want that mash-up they did for the final teaser for the last two season episodes. I will watch those when I arrive at my ex's for vacation next Sunday. He has a massive tv that I will take over on Sunday night!

Just give the world Love.

#5Stranger Things season 4
Posted: 7/1/22 at 2:02am

I don't know how they're gonna do Mike-Jonathan-Will-Argyle as a comedic group honestly. Originally my thought on them was that it was going to be a more serious version of Scoop Troop. Not literally scoop troop but you have 3 characters teaming up to form a kind of odd trio. With Jonathan-Mike being a brand new dynamic for the show that we've never really seen. And add a 4th member who is a new character to spice that up. And I thought this was a good way for the show to go back to being "Serious" again.

You take the 3 most serious guys in the show, Jonathan has had maybe 1 comedy scene with Murray? Mike and Will barely ever do comedy. And you make them into a Comedy relief trio? It doesn't really make much sense to me. What is Jonathan gonna be this season? Just a full blown stoner joke character? It would feel so unnatural to see. The thing is with Stranger Things is that it's very good at balancing a 4 person team(it's one of the foundations of the show) so I have no doubt that they'll all get enough time to shine, but both Noah and Finn have said that their roles are a lot more comedic. And I have no idea how that will work in conjunction to them going on a search for Eleven but I guess we'll have to omegle voojio wait and see.

Updated On: 7/1/22 at 02:02 AM

uncageg Profile Photo
#6Stranger Things season 4
Posted: 7/3/22 at 8:45am

I really wasn't a fan of the Argyle character. Liked him more in the last two episodes but I found him to be a bit annoying.It felt like they were trying to give a slight nod to Cheech & Chong but it just didn't work. 

I enjoyed this season. Even with the longer episodes it seemed to fly by. I felt a few of the big scenes were stretched out just a bit too long but that was fine. I expected a bit more of a cliffhanger to get us more excited about the final season, but we know we will all be there for it anyway!




I actually cried during the Eddie scene. I really like that character. I am hoping that maybe they will head back and Eleven will use her powers to bring him back. I also think we will see Papa again.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 7/3/22 at 08:45 AM

TaffyDavenport Profile Photo
#7Stranger Things season 4
Posted: 7/3/22 at 11:31am

I thought the final two episodes were spectacular, but my big takeaway from the whole season was how hot malnourished-shaved head-Russian prison Hopper was. Woof!

Updated On: 7/3/22 at 11:31 AM

uncageg Profile Photo
#8Stranger Things season 4
Posted: 7/4/22 at 12:13am

TaffyDavenport said: "I thought the final two episodes were spectacular, but my big takeaway from the whole season was how hot malnourished-shaved head-Russian prison Hopper was. Woof!"


Both him and Antonov, after he gets a bit grungy!


Just give the world Love.
