
"Unfriending" on Facebook- Page 2

"Unfriending" on Facebook

Posted: 5/1/12 at 9:02pm

Barbara Bush was on LOVE BOAT?

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

Posted: 5/1/12 at 10:23pm

I just got friended by someone today who I wasn't sure of but we had several mutuals so I accepted her and she turns out to be an old friend from another board and when she told me her board name i certainly remembered her.

'Take me out tonight where's there's music and there's people and they're young and alive.'

Eris0303 Profile Photo
Posted: 5/2/12 at 12:36pm

I've unsubscribed from several people because some of my friends only seem to play games all day along. Couple months ago I "unfriended" someone I was friendly with in college. I always remembered her daughter's birthday but she never remembered mine. That's not a huge deal but more than once we made plans together and she backed out AFTER the tickets were bought but before she paid for her's. Then I began to notice she only contacted me when she wanted something. "Buy 31 from me", "Give toward's my kid's college fund", "come to the class I'm teaching an hour away from you", etc. I decided to cut all ties with her. What cemented my decision was the fact that it took her months to notice. When someone I thought was a very good friend deleted me I noticed right away. So, I must not be that important to this chick lol

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

Calvin Profile Photo
Posted: 5/2/12 at 12:54pm

I've actually never unfriended anyone, as I don't mess around on Facebook enough to care -- but I'm coming close to hitting that button for the first time. It's someone who I think used to post on here but doesn't anymore. She suddenly went from fairly innocuous postings to drivel about "protecting marriage" and crazy anti-abortion stuff mixed in with an update about every thing she does, be it eating Cheerios, watching a Bonanza rerun or taking a shower.

Kalimba Profile Photo
Posted: 5/2/12 at 1:00pm

Calvin, honey, it wouldn't take another second for me to delete her!

I usually unsubscribe from the "me, me, me's" who really don't engage people, but some times have even taken to deleting them. One time though someone asked me why we weren't Facebook friends anymore. Oops!

Calvin Profile Photo
Posted: 5/2/12 at 1:05pm

The only thing that's taken me so long is it's fallen almost into fascinating trainwreck territory!

Kalimba Profile Photo
Posted: 5/2/12 at 1:20pm

Well that's understandable then. There's a dancer I'm FB friends with, and some skanky girl constantly posts on his page, writes in all upper case. She comes off really demented. I would have deleted her in a hot second. It takes every ounce of energy for me not to respond with a "give it a rest, bitch."

clever name Profile Photo
clever name
Posted: 5/2/12 at 1:24pm

yeah, Calvin, it's the constant updates of every minute of their day that would make me hide someone.That and the 20 posts in a row about whatever game they are playing.

Someone on BWW unfriended me. She doesn't post here anymore but I was still all "WTF?"..and then I got over it.

Kalimba Profile Photo
Posted: 5/2/12 at 1:40pm

Then there are those that thrive in the drama they create in their lives. It's just too much of a trainwreck to delete.

But if you're one who has a profile one day, then suspend it the next, then back up the next, and back and forth, and so on....DELETE. I'm tired of my friends number going up and down like a hot air balloon.

StockardFan Profile Photo
Posted: 5/2/12 at 1:46pm

The only time I unfriended someone, was when this geeky guy from HS was commenting on every single picture I posted and every single status update I posted. It started to freak me out.......he was like a stalker.


Jane2 Profile Photo
Posted: 5/2/12 at 3:35pm

re: making statuses and posts all about "me me me." When I come to think of it, almost everyone makes their status about themselves. I do it too. If I unsubscribed to everyone who did that, I'd be left with a handful of friends.

I see it as a way to keep in touch with what my friends are doing without having to call them, lol. See, I HATE talking on the phone too much.


Kalimba Profile Photo
Posted: 5/2/12 at 4:44pm

Jane, honey, oh I meant the ones that post "me, me, me" and then don't interact when a friend posts something on their wall.

Jane2 Profile Photo
Posted: 5/2/12 at 4:45pm

ah, I see. Yes, I can't stand even talking to those people in person. They simply are not listening to a thing you say, they're just planning on what they're going to say next while you're talking.


Kalimba Profile Photo
Posted: 5/2/12 at 4:54pm


Posted: 5/2/12 at 4:56pm

I don't have a facebook, but reading this thread, I was just thinking that whenever someone is unfriended, on the fb page of the person who's been unfriended, there should appear the profile pic of the one unfriending them, with an animated gif of a pixie or wizard or something, and the words "I unfriend you!" circling it three times, and then the pixie/wizard/whatever spits.

That was a ridiculously long sentence.

Kalimba Profile Photo
Posted: 5/2/12 at 5:13pm

^But very funny just the same!

Posted: 5/4/12 at 2:47pm

There should be some announcement

'wexy and Gabe' are now unfriends.

'Take me out tonight where's there's music and there's people and they're young and alive.'
