Mark Rylance & Shakespeare

#1Mark Rylance & Shakespeare
Posted: 6/19/19 at 9:54am

I see Sir Mark Rylance has backed a new academic book from Routledge which claims there are many hands in the Shakespeare work and that the Stratford man was a play broker. The author, Dr Barry Clarke, seems to be a Renaissance man himself, who writes math and logic puzzles for The Daily Telegraph in London, books of logic puzzles, has written an academic book on quantum theory and electrodynamics, and has a doctorate in Shakespeare studies. Francis Bacon's Contribution to Shakespeare: A New Attribution Method

Updated On: 6/19/19 at 09:54 AM

#2Mark Rylance & Shakespeare
Posted: 6/19/19 at 3:42pm

Mark Rylance wrote the foreword to a published academic thesis that costs $101 per copy. Check out the work of Harvard Shakespeare scholar Marjorie Garber, who makes the case that the authorship question is beside the point.

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