
When teasing on the board goes too far

When teasing on the board goes too far

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#98Take your meds.
Posted: 7/6/05 at 12:48pm

I'm glad you brought this up, Yenta. It really brought out Dollypop's true colors. His fondness for cruelty is not selective. It seems to be unlimited and applicable to anyone. Unfortunately, you are probably now one of his new targets of unprovoked attacks. I hope you're not a journalist because the torture will most likely be encouraged on this board and no matter how many times it happens, he'll be allowed to do it again and again. Rumors about you will probably crop up and I wouldn't be surprised if dozens of "Yentas" start popping up out of nowhere. I honestly wish you the best of luck. If you truly know DP as well as you say, then you most likely know what he is capable of.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
