Shows That Need Theaters

esparza 333
#1Shows That Need Theaters
Posted: 7/29/08 at 2:40pm

List possible theaters they can go in too.

Current Avatar:The sensational Aaron Tveit in the soon to be hit production of Catch Me If You Can.

wicked_beast4 Profile Photo
#2re: Shows That Need Theaters
Posted: 7/29/08 at 2:42pm

S-E-A-R-C-H. There are countless threads on what theaters upcoming shows may go into. No need for a new thread.

"He found something that he wanted, had always wanted and always would want— not to be admired, as he had feared; not to be loved, as he had made himself believe; but to be necessary to people, to be indispensable." -F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise
