Lauren Kennedy Concert Review

BillFinn Profile Photo
#1Lauren Kennedy Concert Review
Posted: 3/16/08 at 4:45pm

I had the pleasure of seeing Lauren Kennedy in concert at the Menier Chocolate Factory last night, on my 21st Birthday. What a wonderful and enchanted time.

I have been a fan of Lauren's since I was 13 years old, from "The Last Five Years." Her vocals soared and knocked the ball out of the park. She sang all of the songs from her new CD, "Here and Now." The entire evening, I was waiting for her to sing "Spread a Little Joy." That's my new signature song for her. She sings it with so much optimism and bounce in her step. Unfortunately, Lauren didn't perform "I'm Free."

Her special guests were London's "Last Five Years" talent, Laura Pulver, and Philip Quast. Laura Pulver. Where has this girl been all our lives? She performed "In This Room," but what really stood out was her "Summer in Ohio." She brought the house down. Her voice was brassy, boastful, and powerful. She packed so much humor in every note. The audience couldn't stop laughing. She even added a new sarcastic twang to the "Anita" lyric, that Lauren admitted she's stealing for her next "Last Five Years" concert coming up.

Laura Pulver was the light-hearted portion of the evening, while Philip Quast brought a more serene and emotional vibe. A three-time Oliver winner walked on stage, but Lauren simply said "Hey boo!" It was great! They sang one of Jeff Blumenkrantz's duets-- an Edna St. Vincent Millay poem. Then Quast performed his rendition of "Letting You Go," which left us all crying. His subtle movements and compassion towards the piece was so obvious. He was even crying towards the climax. Lauren couldn't stop staring at him. There was an electricity in the room.

The highlights had to have been her encore pieces, "I Can Do Better Than That" and "Goodbye Until Tomorrow." She owned the microphone that night. Everything came out of her naturally. The notes, the words, and the passion for the song. I was surprised by "Just Not Now." It's such a fluid piece, both musically and lyrically. Anyways, Lauren had her funny moments. Before beginning "Apathetic Man," she said something to the effect of "And this song goes out to all you ladies out there... And I'm sure some of you men... Well if you're here, probably MOST of you men."

It was just such a moving experience. I write musicals and I've been such a fan of hers for 8 years, probably more, now. And I've loved her rendition of these classic Broadway showtunes. It's only come so far though... on a CD. Still, magical. To see her live and looking at me? To be in the second row, center, and actually see this performer dedicate herself to this work that I've loved for all these years. It was incredible and almost transparent. It was kind of surreal. To see how far I've come from 13 to 21.

All in all, it was certainly a funny, rocking evening. If Lauren ever does a concert near you, don't hesitate to see her live.

Bill Finn rocks. Woot.
Updated On: 3/16/08 at 04:45 PM

insertclevernamehere Profile Photo
#2re: Lauren Kennedy Concert Review
Posted: 3/16/08 at 6:17pm

I want to go to one of her concerts so badly. I loved her L5Y clips that used to be on youtube.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention...I'm the good cop, he's the bad cop.

#2re: Lauren Kennedy Concert Review
Posted: 3/16/08 at 6:37pm

Agreed totally BillFinn! I was fortunate enough to get tickets for last nights concert, and I was blown away by it. Even after hearing her so many times on recordings, she was even more incredible live.

I was so pleased when I heard Lara was a guest there. I'd seen her in Miss Saigon, Last Five Years, and Parade, and she's got better and better every time (she was amazing to start with!). Philip's "Letting You Go" was breathtaking, a flawless performance.

Lauren is someone who not only has the most extraordinary voice, but also the personality and charisma to match. She kept us all entertained with anecdotes and jokes between songs - her Freudian slip saying "Andrew Lloyd Webber" instead of "Andrew Lippa" when introducing "Spread a Little Joy" was fantastic!

I was also fortunate enough to be there at Dress Circle for her signing - despite her being an hour late! Still, it meant there were only a few of us there by then, so was lovely to meet her.

I'm praying she returns to London very soon.

ruthiefan_felix Profile Photo
#3re: Lauren Kennedy Concert Review
Posted: 3/16/08 at 6:55pm

her 'Andrew Lloyd Webber' slip was HILARIOUS! Great concert! Lara stole the show for me though! Lauren whilst having a good voice and amazing amount of energy and charisma, I felt she struggled abit with some of her high or long notes. She's good don't take me wrong but I thought Lara was better :P I loved Lauren more when she was talking, what a personality! so funny!
Anyway, NOTHING's gona top my Chita concert in my whole life and I really have to start dealing with it!

All That Jazz Check out & support my drawings @

BillFinn Profile Photo
#4re: Lauren Kennedy Concert Review
Posted: 3/16/08 at 7:21pm

The Lloyd Webber moment was precious. She opened "Spread a Little Joy" by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Then was mortified and ran to the back of the stage. The band started playing the entrance to "Memory." She came back and said "Sorry folks. Freudian slip!"

I don't think Laura was better; I just think she was a lot different. The humor was placed in different places. You notice it's subtle in Lauren's performance. It's too obvious in Sherie's. In Laura's, it's juuuuuuust right on the nose.

And I LOVE that Lauren laughed off her misfortunes, the entire night. She had this moment where she opened up the act "So rumor has it I'm something of a ... (motions quotation marks) BOX! OFFICE! POISON! (fake laugh) OH MY!" She just laughed at herself all night. That was the best part. She knows she does flop shows, but takes it in stride, because of the experiences and people she's met along the way.

My favorite was her opening to "Through the Mountains." I forgot what she said, but she ended it with "DON'T POST IT ON THE MESSAGE BOARDS! Please! Oh God..."

Bill Finn rocks. Woot.
Updated On: 3/16/08 at 07:21 PM

CapnHook Profile Photo
#5re: Lauren Kennedy Concert Review
Posted: 3/16/08 at 8:29pm


"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

BroadwayBound062 Profile Photo
#6re: Lauren Kennedy Concert Review
Posted: 3/16/08 at 9:55pm

I feel she is one of the most underrated performer on broadway

Genius lasts longer than beauty.

broadwayfan7 Profile Photo
#7re: Lauren Kennedy Concert Review
Posted: 3/16/08 at 10:21pm

Glad you had a nice time! Lauren is such an amazing performer!

"Everytime you step on that stage it is somebody's first Broadway show and somebody's last Broadway show. Make it count."

insertclevernamehere Profile Photo
#8re: Lauren Kennedy Concert Review
Posted: 3/16/08 at 10:30pm

If anyone could find a way to put some of the songs on thesite, I'd love you forever.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention...I'm the good cop, he's the bad cop.
