The Real Max Bialystock?

#1The Real Max Bialystock?
Posted: 4/10/07 at 10:14pm

Mel Brooks has been quoted NUMEROUS times saying that his character of Max Bialystock was based on a real-life Broadway producer who had the same personality.. Does anybody know specifically who? David Merrick maybe?

#2re: The Real Max Bialystock?
Posted: 4/10/07 at 10:17pm

According to the newly released biography of Brooks, the producer was a man named Benjamin Kutcher, who would shtupp little old ladies and have them write checks out to "Cash." When they responded that it was a "funny title," he'd reply "so was The Iceman Cometh."

Brooks worked for him following WWII.

ashbash1990 Profile Photo
#2re: The Real Max Bialystock?
Posted: 4/10/07 at 11:34pm

that "Iceman Cometh" line cracks me up every time... but yea, what Yankee said...

What a night! I was in more laps than a napkin!

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#3re: The Real Max Bialystock?
Posted: 4/10/07 at 11:36pm

I think shtupp has a "c" in it.
