Boy From Oz Closing Review

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#0Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 9:26pm

So my first hint that this was going to be unlike any other closing I'd ever gone to was that there were people outside wearing signs that said "For a ticket, I would do almost anything." The second hint was that I didn't even get into the lobby of the theater until 3:05. The final hint was when I got to the seats and there were flashes going off everywhere- taking pictures of Barbara Walters, Jackie Collins, Carol Bager-Sayer, and Matt Damon. I love Matt Damon so that was super exciting for me to see.

Curtain finally rose at about 3:25 and Hugh got his first standing ovation just for coming onto the stage. Everyone went crazy over Mitchell Federan, even though his turns almost caused him to fall off the piano he was so close to the edge this time.

When they got up to "Only an Older Woman" Isabel Keating had this weird frog in her throat and coughed, missing her entrance so they had to have her drink the whole "drink" she had there and then Hugh called over to the "bartender" and they had to give her another glass of colored water. The whole time they were vamping the opening until she got into it and once she got it started the audience was cheering all over for her.

After Stephanie Block's "She Loves to Hear the Music" there was a standing ovation. She was laughing and loving it. She was really thrilled by it and it was so obvious because she kept thanking everyone.

"Quiet Please, There's a Lady On Stage" got a huge reception as well, with Isabel Keating getting a huge send off from the audience.

Naturally, "Not the Boy Next Door" got an enormous standing ovation just because it ended Act I.

When Act II came, Hugh said that usually this was when he played with the audience but that tonight he was going to do what he wanted to do. He had them spot light Barbara Walters in the audience and then got her to come up and sit on the stage in this chair and he told her she was going to get a lap dance. Then he said but the problem is that the person who is giving her the lap dance doesn't know it. Then he had them spot light Matt Damon who was laughing. They got HIM to come up on stage and him and Hugh danced all around Barbara Walters and it was the most bizarre so-wrong-yet-so-awesome moment I've ever seen. Once they finished that Barbara went back to her seat and he made Matt sit in the chair then he had all the girls come out from the wings and dance around him while he knelt in front of Matt dancing. Matt's face was like "what the heck?" but then he laughed too and it was awesome.

"Don't Cry Out Loud" got a large reception for Beth Fowler.

"Once Before I Go" was the most emotional portion of the show however. Every line was paused between for audience reactions and of course Hugh was very emotional during it. It also received a standing ovation, of course.

They did their bows of course and Hugh gave an excellent little speech about how the audiences showed that despite the bad reviews a show can find success and how much he loved being in this and everything about it.

It got out about 6:00 and was a MOB scene. People across the street hanging out windows to see, everything. It was really a sight to see...

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

LittleFish8386 Profile Photo
#1re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 9:38pm

Woah, thats amazing. Thanks bythesword.

That must have been awesome!

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#2re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 9:40pm

Oooooh it was awesome.

AH! I forgot something.

When the lights went down, they made an announcement:

"At this performance the role of Peter Allen..." (everyone laughs) "usually played by Hugh Jackman" (more laughter)

*long pause*

"Will be played by Donald Trump"

*Loud, HYSTERICAL reaction*

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#3re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 9:40pm

Sounds incredible !! Thanks much for taking the time to post !

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#4re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 9:41pm

No problem, it was awesome times.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

thirdrowcenter Profile Photo
#5re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 9:47pm

Thank you so much for the fabulous post. I would have loved so much to be at the final performance.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#6re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 9:48pm

That sounds so amazing - great post!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#7re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 9:54pm

re: Boy From Oz Closing Review I had to share, I figured people would want to know.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

#8re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 9:59pm

Add yet another show I should have seen...

#9re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 10:04pm

I was at the matinee on the 11th... the show was amazing. To anyone who didn't catch my post under "Celebrities @ Shows" thread. On the 11th's matinee, Lenny Kravitz was in the audience... and when Peter went to play with him during "Bi-Coastal", it turns out he had LEFT!!! What a bummer... the band and Peter then sang "American Woman" with the guy who took Lenny Kravitz's empty Hysterical.

And if she'll say, "My darling, I'm yours!" I'll throw away my striped tie and my best pressed tweed, all I really need is the girl...

#10re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 10:04pm

I was at the matinee on the 11th... the show was amazing. To anyone who didn't catch my post under "Celebrities @ Shows" thread. On the 11th's matinee, Lenny Kravitz was in the audience... and when Peter went to play with him during "Bi-Coastal", it turns out he had LEFT!!! What a bummer... the band and Peter then sang "American Woman" with the guy who took Lenny Kravitz's empty Hysterical.

And if she'll say, "My darling, I'm yours!" I'll throw away my striped tie and my best pressed tweed, all I really need is the girl...

#11re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 10:05pm

haha. thanks so so much!! it sounded like a great show!

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

#12re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 10:08pm

Theater has been great at teaching me not to procrastinate. Out of all the shows I've seen this year, only one (Chicago) will be open at the end of year. I'm incredibly glad I got to catch a little of Hugh Jackman's stardust before he left.

Alix Profile Photo
#13re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 10:16pm

GREAT review...thanks so much! That sounds like so much fun!!!


AidaNYRent Profile Photo
#14re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 10:23pm

Great review, I loved the show. I didn't get to see the final performance, but when I did see it I was amazed.. So sorry to see the show leave, but no one, NO ONE could replace Mr. Jackman....

"I've heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn, and we are lead to those who help us most to grow if we let them and we help them in return" Galinda

#15re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 10:24pm

I don't know if I would have lived through Hugh and Matt together re: Boy From Oz Closing Review

NYadgal Profile Photo
#16re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 10:33pm

I am barely surviving (which is why I directed everyone on the other thread to this one)... no energy left to type!

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

#17re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 10:36pm

Tomorrow morning, then? I want as many stories as possible.

johny0828 Profile Photo
#18re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 10:59pm

i knew it would be crazy when the cancellation line was half a block long.

#19re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 11:15pm

Also, I wanted to add that the much missed "foot click" that they took out of "When I Get My Name in Lights" when Hugh fractured his foot was back and the audience went NUTS. And from where I was sitting, it looked like Hugh was laughing when Isabel had her froggy moment. When she got to the part of the song that said "I need a drink" the whole theatre was cracking up!!Huge applause
Great show

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#20re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 11:18pm

DGrant, just seeing Matt Damon made me a little too happy for my own good lol.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

#21re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 11:27pm

There is no such thing as 'too happy' - and I probably would have been arrested for my reaction upon seeing Hugh on his knees in front of him re: Boy From Oz Closing Review

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#22re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 11:27pm

haha I don't think so, I'm sure that at least one other person there was having the same reaction. All the flashes going off were blinding.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

MadeofGold Profile Photo
#23re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 11:28pm

Thank you so much for the review! Matt Damon and Hugh Jackman giving Barbara Walters a lapdance? I never thought I would say this but damn I wish I was Barbara Walters! :)

"... Still a little bit of your taste in my mouth. Still a little bit of you laced with my doubt. Still a little hard to say what's going on..." Damien Rice

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#24re: Boy From Oz Closing Review
Posted: 9/12/04 at 11:30pm

So do I MoG, so do I.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?
