Hedwig Advice

haterobics Profile Photo
#50Hedwig Advice
Posted: 5/5/14 at 2:50pm

"Because you think the rules are for someone else, not you."

Technically, they are. These laws all started as a way for police to arrest/move homeless people in public spaces but since that sounded discriminatory, they just had to say they were concerned with anyone sitting in one place in public for too long. But, they have never been equally enforced, and never will be.

I'm not saying that is a good thing, but it's like "stop and frisk," it applies to everyone... technically. But as a white dude on the upper west side, I've never had it happen to me. When I looked up when it has happened in my neighborhood, there seemed to be a pattern to who was stopped and frisked.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#51Hedwig Advice
Posted: 5/5/14 at 3:04pm

If the rule, as stated here, is that sitting outside the theater is not permitted, then those who sit outside the theater don't think the rule is for them. Not talking about homeless or selective searching. We're discussing HEdwig.

I'm moving on.

Updated On: 5/5/14 at 03:04 PM

ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
#52Hedwig Advice
Posted: 5/5/14 at 3:33pm

Thanks so much Jane for teaching us in the ways of your world.

"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah

haterobics Profile Photo
#53Hedwig Advice
Posted: 5/5/14 at 3:48pm

"those who sit outside the theater don't think the rule is for them."

I think you're creating a non-existent situation, though. People who have gone and were told they had to stand to get tickets... as far as I've read, have 100% stood. I'm sure people were sitting prior to knowing this rule, since it certainly isn't standard everywhere, but that is understandable.

Only people who plan to go in the future have declared they will sit, except... once they get there, and their actions will jeopardize them actually attending the show that night, will stand, too.

I do apologize for taking the discussion so far off track by indicating the theater has little legal ground to do this, aside from refusing to sell tickets to non-compliers, heh.

#54Hedwig Advice
Posted: 5/5/14 at 4:26pm

^yes which opens them up to someone screaming discrimination

haterobics Profile Photo
#55Hedwig Advice
Posted: 5/5/14 at 4:36pm

Well, they can scream all they want, if they are told they have to do a certain thing to get a certain outcome, then there's little merit in their case.

And no one can claim they are unable to stand, since, well... they are already buying a ticket to stand. Hedwig Advice

Play  Esq. Profile Photo
Play Esq.
#56Hedwig Advice
Posted: 5/5/14 at 4:56pm

Hands on a Hard to Get Hedwig Ticket?

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#57Hedwig Advice
Posted: 5/5/14 at 8:43pm

This is my thinking with not allowing people to sit. HEDWIG has the strong possibility of attracting the loser fan-people that lurked for seats to RENT, N2N, If/Then and a few other musicals ripe for disenfranchised fans. They tend to come early and camp out like slovenly trolls-often being very loud, annoying and sad. Instituting a standing policy deters people from showing up at the ass-crack of dawn to be annoying fans. I am all for this. You want the tickets-stand and wait for them. This isn't a rest home.

This post is only about the rabid super fans who forget how to work a full time job, wash and have a social life outside of stage doors. Not the other people who rush.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

~~tiny3~~ Profile Photo
#58Hedwig Advice
Posted: 5/5/14 at 9:02pm

Jane is completely correct.
For those who mioht not know, there also are very strict fire codes for each individual Bway theatre, which varies according to the architecture of said theater. Theatres sometimes get a hefty fine from the Fire Dept, if there are infractions. God forbid if they have to evacuate a house for any reason. This may have something to do with where people have to stand. The mgmt. of Hedwig is definitely NOT trying to make your life difficult, but is trying to cope with a sold out show in an organized and decent fashion. Discounted tickets, such as standing room or lottery are a COURTESY, not a RIGHT, and should be considered that. Yes, as Jane said earlier, if you are willing to "jump thru the hoops" to get these precious few tix at a highly discounted rate, YOU MUST OBEY THE RULES set by the theatre. I think if the bitching about this stops here on this board and others, and the show continues to be a hot, hot ticket, perhaps in the near future the theatre mgmt. might consider loosening up the no sitting rule, Since the show has only been playing a month or so, I'm sure they will revise how things are done...and the sweltering summer will be upon us soon.

Not meant to diss anyone's comments on this thread, just try and see the subject from the "other" point of view - that is...everything in life is about the MONEY. Bway tickets are "what the market will bear, and the free market has dictated that prices are 152.00 here. Discounts are offered usually when premium or house tix are not picked up 48 hours prior to any given day.

Be grateful.
Don't bitch.

I really do feel for all you young people who love theatre who have to cough up these ridiculous prices for tix. We ancient people paid 1-5.00 for SRO back in the 70s. 25.00, orch. Them days are over unfortunately.

Updated On: 5/5/14 at 09:02 PM

LuminousBeing Profile Photo
#59Hedwig Advice
Posted: 5/5/14 at 11:53pm

So for those seeking advice: how late is too late to line up to "secure" an SRO spot? I was planning to take a bus into NYC next Friday and do SRO for the show, but if I have to arrive at the theater at noon and stand in line for six hours, then stand for the show, my knee wouldn't take it. Thanks for the heads-up, everyone! I could do three hours of standing, I think, but definitely not five or six plus standing for the show. . . .

#60Hedwig Advice
Posted: 5/10/14 at 5:02pm
