
Active school shooting at Texas campus.- Page 2

Active school shooting at Texas campus.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#25Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/22/13 at 7:43pm

Abby, are you at home watching the coverage on tv with a lubed up cucumber just jackhammering away at yourself looking at the carnage?

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#26Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/22/13 at 7:57pm

I guess Abby forgot about the shooting at Fort Hood, which left 13 people DEAD and another 29 WOUNDED. One of the dead was a pregnant woman.

She might not know about Charles Whitman, who killed 14 people and wounded 32 others at the University of Texas. That was in 1966.

In 2012, there was a shoot out at College Station that left 3 officers dead and four others injured. The shooter was killed also.

You were saying?

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#27Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/22/13 at 8:01pm

Let's not forget about Luby's! George Hennard shot 50 people, killing 23 of them. It was the worst shooting on American soil, until the Virginia Tech massacre.

AbbyNormal13 Profile Photo
#28Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/22/13 at 8:14pm

Having to go back 2+ decades when gun laws were a lot different to make your point sort of proves you don't have much to stand on when it comes to the whole "texas is the mass murder capital" thing.

SNAFU Profile Photo
#29Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/22/13 at 8:17pm

Fort Hood Shooting was in 2009. Hardly decades ago.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

AbbyNormal13 Profile Photo
#30Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/22/13 at 8:19pm

I realize that, but two out of the four were over 22 years ago. And out of recent shootings, they still didn't add up to the death toll in connecticut.

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#31Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/22/13 at 8:25pm

The Luby's massacre happened in 1991. From Wiki:

"In response to the massacre, the Texas Legislature in 1995 passed a shall-issue gun law, which requires that all qualifying applicants be issued a Concealed Handgun License (the state's required permit to carry concealed weapons), removing the personal discretion of the issuing authority to deny such licenses. To qualify for a license, one must be free-and-clear of crimes, attend a minimum 10-hour class taught by a state-certified instructor, pass a 50-question test, show proficiency in a 50-round shooting test, and pass two background tests, one shallow and one deep. The license costs $240 to $290, depending on the added instructor's fee."

So, a GOP dominated state can issue licenses with two background checks, but when Obama wants to do nationwide checks, that's against the second amendment? How does that work?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#32Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/22/13 at 8:26pm

Obama's a negroid so he's evil. Duh.

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#33Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/22/13 at 8:32pm

Do we need to list all of the shootings? It doesn't matter what year or what laws were in place. People are being murdered.

By your logic, the massacre at Fort Hood shouldn't have happened because 1) not a gun free zone and 2) people were armed.

The facts don't change.

I didn't bring up the assassination of JFK, but I guess I should've.

SNAFU Profile Photo
#34Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/22/13 at 9:21pm

Let the troll die.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

AbbyNormal13 Profile Photo
#35Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/22/13 at 9:46pm

Yes, 1991, 22 years ago. Can you not count?

And I have no problem with the background checks, you have to have them anyway if you buy a gun through a dealer, it's the no "assault" weapons that bothers me, because the government's definition of an assault rifle isn't always a gun that is meant to kill a lot of people in a short amount of time or a gun that can get off a lot of rounds in very little time. Just because you add a pistol grip to a .22 (which, to you non gun owning people is not a very powerful weapon compared to others), doesn't make it any more powerful, but it's still considered an assault rifle only based on the fact that it has a pistol grip and looks like a scary military weapon.

And jungle red, there are shootings everywhere, not just in states with liberal gun laws, as we have seen in recent months. And I'm not saying there are never shootings in places where guns are allowed, but have you not seen a pattern in the shootings in the last few months? They're almost always in gun-free zones with people who can't protect themselves.

AbbyNormal13 Profile Photo
#36Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/22/13 at 9:49pm

And here are some interesting stats on rifle deaths.


RIfles make up a very small percentage of all gun deaths.

SNAFU Profile Photo
#37Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/22/13 at 10:06pm

Abby, die.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#38Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/22/13 at 10:13pm

"Let the troll die."

May I help in any way?

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

AbbyNormal13 Profile Photo
#39Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/22/13 at 10:14pm

So you want me to die for expressing my views? That seems a bit harsh, don't you think? I haven't killed anyone, or even threatened anyone. I disagree with pretty much everything you say but I don't wish death upon you. I thought liberals were supposed to be peaceful since they are always speaking out against bullying and things like that, but you have proved me wrong.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#40Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/22/13 at 10:20pm


SNAFU Profile Photo
#41Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/22/13 at 10:27pm

Yep Abbie just F*cking die and do us all here on BWW a favor!

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#42Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 9:55am

These shootings just NEED TO STOP.
Eff whether or not you are for gun control. These mass shooting discussions that we have should say something. I mean, mass shootings in America...that is not shocking news anymore. We grieve for a bit and then we forget about it until the next shooting. If this happened in, lets say Britain, or Germany, or some other nation in Europe...it would be the biggest news story. Simply because these things don't happen over there. When it did happen in Norway, remember how shocking it was? Because we don't expect those things to happen to those nations. Over here though...we do.

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."

AbbyNormal13 Profile Photo
#43Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 1:43pm

And these laws will not stop mass shootings. You will realize that when mass shootings continue to happen in gun free areas. Criminals will continue to bring guns where they know no one else will have them, and shoot them, just like in Norway. No one had a chance there because they had absolutely nothing to protect themselves because they were at a camp with no other guns.

But you do have one good point, you don't expect things like that to happen in Norway because Norway has the highest rate of gun ownership in Western Europe and the lowest crime rates. The percentage of gun deaths per 100,000 people is 1.78. So you proved me right, thank you. But I'm assuming you didn't know that otherwise you wouldn't have said it. Maybe you should do your research before posting.


You only use Britain and Germany as an example because they make your point, but fail to mention Russia, which has strict gun laws yet a much higher homicide rate than the US, because most homicides there are not caused by guns, they find other ways to kill people.

AbbyNormal13 Profile Photo
#44Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 1:49pm

And snafu, I'm sorry but it's going to take a lot more than a person of your intelligence level telling me to die to get me to stop posting my views.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#45Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 1:59pm

So, Abby, tell me about the theatre in your area. Regional? Just community? High School?

StockardFan Profile Photo
#46Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 2:01pm

What does it matter HOW MANY people died at each shooting? People died. That is enough.


AbbyNormal13 Profile Photo
#47Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 2:05pm

Yes, people die, and the new laws aren't going to stop that from happening, people die every day in Chicago from guns and they have the strictest gun laws in the country, how do you explain that?

Wynbish Profile Photo
#48Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 2:11pm

Oh goodness... Abby was Moriarty in a past life

Active school shooting at Texas campus.

AbbyNormal13 Profile Photo
#49Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 2:17pm

Shootings are bad, I totally agree, but please explain how you expect to stop shootings altogether. Because if you have a plan that will stop criminals from going into gun free zones with a gun, I, and I'm sure the government would love to hear it, because that would be great if it was realistic, but it's not realistic, at all, if it was I'm sure someone would have already come up with a plan to stop criminals from being criminals. And stop killers from being killers, but it's never going to happen.