
Report Abuse Links opinion thread- Page 22

Report Abuse Links opinion thread

#525Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 7:00pm

LizzieCurry said: "Pootie2 said: "I doubt she'll ever really "come around" because she's still gloating internally about "changing the boards!" and getting other Bway actors to blindly support her "cause." Everything she says from now on about loving Broadway fans will always ring with the edge of falseness. And she still has no idea what the term "bullying" means."


Don't kill my optimism! "


I'm sorry! :)


Blockhead24 Profile Photo
#526Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 7:01pm

PalJoey said: " 


Apparently that was Part Two of her insincere apology. Part One was this equally insincere and frankly unctuous praise for BroadwayWorld:

Also re: XANADU which was mentioned upthread-- I never would have gone to see it without these boards and I was fortunate enough to meet some amazing people on this board because of the show.



Patti Murin ‏@PattiMurin  1h1 hour ago


I love @BroadwayWorld and the reason the message boards were created. To connect, share, debate, disagree and encourage passion for theatre.






Having never seen Ms. Murin perform, I can only assume she is more convincing onstage than she is on Twitter.


There is a specific gif I would love to post in response to her "apology" but I don't want to get banned or anything







Updated On: 3/13/16 at 07:01 PM

Princeton78 Profile Photo
#527Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 7:03pm

I think from here on out, every time a show opens, we should send any negative reviews that Brantley writes to Patti for her approval or disapproval.  

"Y'all have a GRAND day now"

#528Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 7:14pm

"Whizzer I think you should  send her your post on the previous page. She is receptive to having direct messages with people on Twitter and responding to them."


Yes, let's see how long that lasts with Namo connecting her saying creepy things like Othello is his favorite play because someone gets strangled over a misunderstanding. 


Yeah. That's not creepy.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#529Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 7:17pm

Report Abuse Links opinion thread


#530Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 7:18pm

that is the dumbest quote i have ever read 

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#531Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 7:24pm


Rob Profile Photo
#532Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 7:27pm

This thread has contained some very wonderful posts about all the wonderful things that are so great about this community, many of which I've saved to read again on 'blue' days. Thank you for all those that have posted such great things. BWW is a special place.


I also had the opportunity to spend a couple of hours over lunch with Patti yesterday, and without speaking for her, I don't think there is *anything* insincere about her appreciation for nearly everything on the site, including 99% of what appears on these here boards. It wasn't something that she expounded upon in her original post, because that wasn't what the post was about, but she's attempted to clarify that to me, online and to all others that have asked her publicly and privately. I've now experienced this both first and second-hand, and her message is consistent as is her appreciation for all of the positive aspects, including what we're all learning as a result of the conversation she sparked. 


As I explained to her yesterday, there's not a day that goes by that we haven't had to remove a small amount of posts from the site - including spam, and including things that violated our guidelines. Some of these came via reported abuse, and some we caught. There has never been a specific post that's violated our guidelines, that I've seen that hasn't been removed... but we've often talked about our awareness that we (and no one) could catch everything as it went up, which is why we'd been talking about adding the 1 click abuse button.


We were planning to roll that out next week with some other (still under construction) updates, but as it was ready, we rolled it out early. 


Are there cases of things that are, and have been in a gray area of what's a personal attack, what's a disagreement, what's abuse and what's something that just isn't a shared opinion? Absolutely, and that will never go away in a community as diverse and vibrant as this one is. There's been times when I think we've over-moderated, and there's been times when I think we've under-moderated and I've been 'yelled at' for both. 


Addressing that, the other change that we've made was making our guidelines clearer for what happens to those that violate our rules. The policies in the past about warnings, deletions and suspensions have not been as consistent as they could have been, and I think now make everything clearer for all involved. As we've additional additional moderators (like Alan) this will make their jobs easier and improve our communication with all of you as to what we're doing, and why. 


And I remain available myself, nearly 24/7 via PM, or email. robert(at)broadwayworld.com 


And we're working to improve paragraph spacing on long posts next! 

Updated On: 3/13/16 at 07:27 PM

NYadgal Profile Photo
#533Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 8:09pm

Bravo, Rob.    And thank you.  

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

Patti LuPone FANatic Profile Photo
Patti LuPone FANatic
#534Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 8:49pm

Whizzer, I miss your other names.   Rob?  smiley

"Noel [Coward] and I were in Paris once. Adjoining rooms, of course. One night, I felt mischievous, so I knocked on Noel's door, and he asked, 'Who is it?' I lowered my voice and said 'Hotel detective. Have you got a gentleman in your room?' He answered, 'Just a minute, I'll ask him.'" (Beatrice Lillie)

sabrelady Profile Photo
#535Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 8:51pm

"a safe space".

Is that how theatre is created?

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#536Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 8:52pm

Rob, thank you!

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#537Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 8:56pm

Bull****, she only jumped up and started saying about the other 99 per cent when this went bigger than she thought. She might what she said, simple as that.

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

#538Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 8:57pm

A good thing that came out of this debacle on Murin's part is that other industry persons have come forward to reveal their disdain towards online fan communities. It's like discovering someone you've friended on Facebook is going to vote for Trump; time to clean out.


I look forward to the paragraph spacing fix, though!


Rob Profile Photo
#539Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 9:07pm

Rosscoe -- recognition of the positive parts and people was in her post from the beginning. I read that about 11 minutes after it went up, and reached out to her within minutes of that and she's been nothing but consistent about that. Seeing that she wrote something that acknowledged the multiple sides before digging in to a particular thing that was bothering her, was the original impetus in my writing to her. I recognized then that a productive dialogue could take place, with her, which it has. Those that post in 'absolutes' are a whole other case, but those that can recognize there's multiple ways to look at something are always worth talking to... IMHO at least. 

and Pootie2 -- stay tuned. :)

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#540Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 9:42pm

I found that by hitting return twice it creates a space between paragraphs/sentences, that's how I've worked around the paragraph spacing issue, but I am looking forward to the upcoming fix as well.   Thanks Ron for everything you and your team do here at BroadwayWorld.     

Updated On: 3/13/16 at 09:42 PM

iabwayfan Profile Photo
#541Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 9:44pm

BWW is a great resource from which theatre lovers visit and learn.  I am grateful for their efforts in promoting it as a positive place where all are welcome and people are treated kindly.


Thank you, BWW!  You just made me want to visit even more often!

Rob Profile Photo
#542Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 9:46pm

We just put in a paragraph fix (maybe?). 

Let's see if it works. 

#543Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 10:04pm

Oh Rob, I forgot to thank you for fixing post editing at some point! It didn't work for me for the longest time, which was frustrating. Um, line break to test paragraphs, I guess. It worked!

Oh wait, there's a bug: If you EDIT your post, the paragraph break (single enter) is lost and the text is moved into the previous paragraph.

Further information: I made two carriage returns to the above "bug edit" before my current edit, only the "Oh wait" paragraph was again moved into the first paragraph despite two breaks--it seems the carriage returns were converted to spaces in the edit screen. Adding only one carriage return between paragraphs to my final edit. cheeky

Updated On: 3/13/16 at 10:04 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#544Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 10:49pm

  Rob--thanks for all the diplomacy you've engaged in with her on our behalf, during what cannot have been an easy week. I wonder, though, if I could I ask you--and Patti--for one more thing?   


Since she used my 99 percent/1 percent idea in her insufficiently apologetic Tweet, can you ask her if she would be willing to Tweet or post abother message, one that says not "I'm sorry IF I hurt you" but "I'm sorry THAT I hurt you"? In other words, a REAL apology that acknowledges the wrong she did to me and the other 99 percent of the theater-loving posters here, by inflaming her colleagues against the 99 percent of us, for offenses we did not commit. I feel that she owes us that apology, and I think (from her Tweets) that she knows it too. She just hasn't done it yet.  


Tell her a sincere amends for calling for our community to be demolished would mean a lot to PalJoey and the 99 percent of theater-loving posters.    

Updated On: 3/13/16 at 10:49 PM

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#545Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/13/16 at 11:27pm



Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

#546Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/14/16 at 1:49am

mailhandler777 said: "Marianne2 said: "That's a shame, AC126748. Interestingly, Lea Salonga did delete the tweet that called us bitches, so I wonder if she had second thoughts. At least I did not see it anywhere today."
It's on her Facebook page yet as well as Patti's since she tagged her in it. "


IMPORTANT CORRECTION: Lea Salonga has never been involved. I had to double check because I follow her on Twitter and she has never tweeted about this. Turns out the offending post is on her FAKE Facebook page. She has tweeted in the past that the fake page is not hers. Her real Facebook page is verified, same as her Twitter. (If you google, you'll see the masquerading fake one come up along with the verified one). Should've trusted my instincts, as I never expected her to use that kind of language anyway. I wish I had done the leg work when someone posted the screenshot; guess it was too much to expect someone would double check their sources before dragging an innocent person into this.


This drama definitely isn't worth it LOL. But I do appreciate Rob and Alan for their hard work during these crazy last couple of days.

SweetLips Profile Photo
#547Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/14/16 at 4:37am

The day I discovered BWW live theatre happiness came back into my life. I discovered the message board and knowing nothing about internet 'chats'--I don't facebook/twitter and as for shop on ebay ??--I decided to become a member.

I read everything and plucked up the courage to type and send--and down came the insults--sock puppet?shrill?troll? correction of my punctuation,'look it up yourself' etc.

I retreated but continued to read and took strength by reading how others defended themselves and stood up for what they believed.

Words can be so destructive and linger longer than a bruise or black eye. I feel so clever if I utter a witty remark to friends but verbally it comes across so different to writing it.

This discussion is healthy as long as we personalise it and think about the harm that can be done before we press send.

How brave would I be if SweetLips didn't do the talking for me?

At least Patti Murin is real-even if I'd never heard of her before today.


GavestonPS Profile Photo
#548Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/14/16 at 4:59am

I'm glad you stuck around, SL!

devonian.t Profile Photo
#549Report Abuse Links opinion thread
Posted: 3/14/16 at 7:02am

Glad things are getting back to normal!

But any word from Mr Deutsch on what percentage of the messageboard ought to be closed down yet?

Incidentally, it has been implied that we take on avatars and usernames here so that we can be nasty without recrimination.  Actually, I think there are a number of reasons why don't use our own names:

a) internet safety- especially for younger users, to make tracing/ grooming/ stalking more difficult

b) professional discretion- quite a few of us do actually work in theatre, and though we enjoy the occasional sharing of secrets and indiscretions, it's best not to be a public source- just like all those "insiders" who keep Reidel informed.

c) FUN- it's fun to create a persona which we think embellishes our personality

Those who imply it has to be more sinister are 'seeing things in black and white'- mostly black.
