Carol Burnett In Love Letters

Anshel2 Profile Photo
#1Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/13/14 at 12:08pm

Any one see her this weekend? I've seen Mia Farrow who was just so vulnerable. I just can't see Carol B. in this, but am hoping she is wonderful.

mattmarkowski99 Profile Photo
#2Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/13/14 at 2:04pm

Carol Burnett was just wonderful in this. She and Brian Dennehy have such chemistry. One of the best plays I have ever seen, but she sadly doesn't sign unless you catch her sneaking out of the front door into her car.

haterobics Profile Photo
#2Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/13/14 at 2:25pm

"unless you catch her sneaking out of the front door into her car."

Sneaking? You mean leaving?

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#3Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/13/14 at 2:45pm

I certainly hope that whether an actor signs at the stagedoor or not continues to be reviewed as part of their performance since, you know, it's just as important as their onstage work *eye roll*

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

#4Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/13/14 at 2:45pm

I saw it last month and it was a total bore - people reading the phone book, no chemistry with each other, no emotion, etc. It was a snoozer.

Then I saw it with Carol Burnett over the weekend and WOW what a major difference. She breathes life into the play, makes it hilarious & fun, and makes the 95 minutes just fly by. She has great chemistry with Brian Dennehy, and they are both reacting to each other as they are alternately reading the letters. Highly recommended. This is how theater should be.

The future casts should be made to watch last month's version (to learn how NOT to perform Love Letters) and watch it with Carol Burnett (a thrilling performance!)

mattmarkowski99 Profile Photo
#5Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/13/14 at 6:26pm

"Sneaking? You mean leaving?"

She was leaving, but in a sneaking kind of way. She had sunglasses on and a sweatshirt with a hood up meaning she was trying to sneak out so that the people at the stage door didn't see her. If she was just "leaving" then she would have walked out of the stage door or out the front now without the hood up with the sweatshirt. Yes, she was leaving, but in a way that she wouldn't be seen - hence my use of the word sneaking.

And also to the other reply. My reaction of the play had nothing to do with Carol Burnett not signing autographs. I was disappointed, but it wasn't such a big deal that it changed by whole entire opinion of the show. I loved it before she left and I loved it the same after she left.

FishermanBob Profile Photo
#6Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/13/14 at 6:36pm

"She was leaving, but in a sneaking kind of way."

Was she tiptoeing? And did she stop every 3-4 steps to quickly look left and then right? And did you hear the theme from the Pink Panther playing in the background? Cause if all that was happening, then I would have to agree, she was definitely sneaking.

She's 81 years old. She doesn't have to apologize for wearing her sweatshirt hood up.

ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
#7Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/13/14 at 6:42pm

Maybe it wasn't even Carol Burnett at all!

"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah

mattmarkowski99 Profile Photo
#8Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/13/14 at 6:50pm

I really don't care that she didn't come out of the stage door. And I don't really think it is such a big deal that I used the word sneaking. I'm so sorry, next time I won't make this mistake again.

CurtainsUpat8 Profile Photo
#9Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/13/14 at 6:54pm

It sure sounds like she was sneaking out to me. There are lots of people on this board who just want to be contrary. Don't pay attention to them.

haterobics Profile Photo
#10Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/13/14 at 7:01pm

I have yet to figure out what the appropriate way is for an actor to leave a show and not sign. There doesn't seem to be one.

AC126748 Profile Photo
#11Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/13/14 at 7:32pm

It's not like she stuck her middle finger in your face and told you to go f*ck yourself.

An actor's duty to you as an audience member ends when she leaves the stage. Whether or not she wants to sign autographs is her business. However--as this board so frequently reminds us--we live in an entitled age, and an actor who chooses not to do the stage door thing is often derided as being unappreciative or a bitch.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

PianoMann Profile Photo
#12Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/13/14 at 7:35pm

I'm so glad to hear these positive first reviews of Burnett!

Do people think the student rush is going to be insane now because of her involvement? Has anyone tried the rush / passed by and can comment?

dreaming Profile Photo
#13Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/13/14 at 7:49pm

The rush is general and it's one hour before curtain, FYI.

I'm hoping to catch this pairing very soon.

BTW-I thought Mia Farrow was AMAZING.

lovebwy Profile Photo
#14Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/13/14 at 11:26pm

Many many years ago I saw Julie Harris and Richard Kiley do Love Letters in Boston. I was just not very impressed. It was the way you described it seeing it a month ago. Two people reading.

Would LOVE to see Carol Burnett in it.

amoni2 Profile Photo
#15Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/13/14 at 11:37pm

Oh simmer down AC126748, no one said she had to sign. He was merely describing how Burnett left the building. And sorry it offends your delicate sensibility, but it doesn't take a detective to conclude if a performer who has been on the stage for fifty years, and clearly knows how the stage door works, leaves out the front door with a hood and sunglasses, it's obvious they are sneaking out to avoid the waiting crowd. No one is calling for her arrest.

#16Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/13/14 at 11:57pm

She didn't sneak out - she simply walked out the theater's front doors into a waiting SUV. Then gave a very warm huge wave/smile to the crowd as the SUV was pulling away. (Brian Dennehy did sign.) And again, her performance was simply WOW - you must see this show with her in it. Highly recommended!!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#17Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/13/14 at 11:59pm

No, she dug a Shawshank style hole under the sidewalk and crawled through it while wearing a swastika and shouting her support for Prop 8.

haterobics Profile Photo
#18Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/14/14 at 12:09am

The entire point of the remark seemed to be telling people who wanted her signature that they should "catch her sneaking out of the front door into her car" rather than wait at the stage door, no?

As opposed to just saying that she doesn't sign, so no use trying to get her signature...

mattmarkowski99 Profile Photo
#19Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/14/14 at 12:27am

God! I am so sorry that I said she snuck out. She didn't, she left like every other person in the world. She didn't sneak out at all. Why can't people on this just talk about her performance? Instead, everyone obsesses over how I wrote the word "sneaking." Please just talk about her performance. I'm so sorry that I used the wrong word. I'm sorry I offended all of you.

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#20Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/14/14 at 6:51am

I thought you meant, does she, like, sign. So that deaf people can enjoy "Love Letters," too. (I mean come on, really, shouldn't they catch a break?) After all, she pulls her ear.

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling

anmiller07 Profile Photo
#21Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/14/14 at 8:13am

Why can't people on this just talk about her performance?

...she sadly doesn't sign unless you catch her sneaking out of the front door into her car

At which part of the performance did that happen?

Patash Profile Photo
#22Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/14/14 at 9:35am

I agree that actors should be required to sign and stop and chat with the audience. Could you imagine if you stood outside a restaurant to talk with the chef after a good meal, and he didn't stop to chat with you about how much he enjoyed preparing your meal? Or what if you went to the factory where they made your car so you could talk to the guy who helped build it and get his autograph, but he just brushed by you on his way home from work? Doesn't he know that part of an important part of anyone's job is chatting with those they provided the "product" for?

PianoMann Profile Photo
#23Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/14/14 at 10:21am

Thanks for the clarification, dreaming! I'm definitely hoping to catch Burnett in the short period of time that she's performing!

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#24Carol Burnett In Love Letters
Posted: 10/14/14 at 9:13pm

I saw the show tonight and Burnett was excellent. I loved the show even more this time around and got rather emotional at the end.

I can't vouch for Burnett's stagedoor behavior, but she's rather sneaky on stage. Farrow was vulnerable from the start and really played it for the tragedy and longing, even when she was cracking a joke. There was always a wistful undercurrent to her line readings. Burnett is very funny in the first third and lets the drama of the later letters creep up on the audience.

Love Letters is going to be my personal surprise favorite treat so far this season. Can't wait to go back for the next pairing.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!
