
West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?

West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?

Littleshopofcarrie Profile Photo
#1West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 11/7/14 at 6:38am

At the stage door the other day, one of the cast member said that a performance has been recorded and shall be released on DVD. Has this been announced already? I would assume it would be the 25th Anniversary Performance.

FireFingers Profile Photo
#2West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 11/7/14 at 7:06am

The 25th anniversary performance was filmed all the way through. I suspect CamMac is making sure a release of the live show won't hamper any plans for a film version.

Jeffrey Karasarides Profile Photo
Jeffrey Karasarides
#2West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 11/7/14 at 7:55am

Please keep in mind that the 25th Anniversary performance of Les Miserables at the 02 was released on blu-ray in early 2011, and even showed at the end credits that the film adaptation was finally going to happen.

Updated On: 9/23/16 at 07:55 AM

SomeOtherMe Profile Photo
#3West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 11/7/14 at 10:14am


Maybe they're thinking of the same idea to promote an upcoming, (yet to be announced) film version?

#4West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 11/7/14 at 12:42pm

I do hope they release it. in spite of the smaller, simpler sets, this was a beautiful production.

#5West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 11/7/14 at 1:06pm

I had heard it was being given to the cast only, similar to the Manila production Starring Lea Salonga and Will Chase. If this is true, we may not see a legitimate release.

tazber Profile Photo
#6West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 11/7/14 at 2:40pm

It seems like an awful lot of work for it to be just for the cast.

Or maybe that's just my wishful thinking.

....but the world goes 'round

SomeOtherMe Profile Photo
#7West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 11/7/14 at 3:54pm

I certainly hope it's true. I'd love to have this show on DVD.

#8West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 11/7/14 at 11:04pm

"It seems like an awful lot of work for it to be just for the cast."

True, but again I point to the Manila video. It is well shot, and they filmed it twice, but never released it. Cam Mac also filmed his revival of My Fair Lady and that was also never released. He has a track record for doing this sort of thing.

#9West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 6/3/15 at 2:37pm

So it seems that a documentary will be released on the revival of Miss Saigon. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any Blu-Rays for it yet and it will only be on PAL DVD

The Heat Is Back On

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#10West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 6/3/15 at 2:41pm

How bizarre. Good luck trying to top that original documentary.

Tag Profile Photo
#11West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 6/3/15 at 2:47pm

Isn't it standard for West End musicals to be pro-shot and not released.  More so as an archive of the show.  

#12West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 6/3/15 at 6:25pm

I think it is a wonderful idea to promote the show and a possible upcoming movie by releasing the London 25th anniversary performance on dvd. It's all about getting it out there. There is a reason that the show is much less known to the general public. I've always felt that they were "hiding" this show in a strange way. Les Miserables was always out there, much more cast recordings and also the 10th Anniversary performance and the 25th Anniversary performance released on DVD only added to the popularity of the show. 

Also, a movie version would be very different from the London revival show so I think now is the time to put it out there and grow an audience.


Also, if they take non-singers for the film again, and make it look and sound like a big struggle too, I'm glad that a document like this will exist, for the people who actually love the material as it is written. Then the film will be less of a downer.

Updated On: 6/3/15 at 06:25 PM

#13West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 9/23/16 at 12:21am

At the intermission of the Cinema broadcast of MISS SIAGON the blu ray and DVD releases were advertised.  So, yes it will be released on home video.  As to when, there was no release date mentioned.

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#14West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 9/23/16 at 1:10am

UK release is late October for DVD. 

tazber Profile Photo
#15West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 9/23/16 at 6:25am

10/24/16 for both DVD and BD (UK only).

I suspect that this will region free (as Fathom's Billy Elliot was), followed later by an actual region 1 release.

....but the world goes 'round

#16West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 9/23/16 at 7:25am

They had a slide during the intermission saying that it's coming soon to blu ray, digital and DVD. I'd find it odd if they were to advertise that during the American showing only to not release it in the States. 

Dancingthrulife2 Profile Photo
#17West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 9/26/16 at 2:59am


Now you can preorder on Amazon UK and have it shipped to US. Can't wait to see it on PSVR!

#18West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 10/1/16 at 2:30am

It looks like Amazon removed the DVD/Blu Ray from their website

QueenAlice Profile Photo
#19West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 10/1/16 at 5:29pm

It actually makes sense to me that they would withhold selling this I the states until after the Broadway production premiered. Especially because several of the west end leads are transferring with the production.

“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”

Dancingthrulife2 Profile Photo
#20West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 10/1/16 at 6:43pm

Preordered one before it was taken down. Still holding on to the hope that it'll be shipped on Oct.23 as promised.

#21West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 10/17/16 at 11:32am

Still no release date for the US West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?


Bummer this bluray is region B... 10/24 in UK.

jl_smith81 Profile Photo
#22West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 10/23/16 at 8:57pm

if you shop at www.amazon.co.uk you can still purchase the dvd.  they will ship to the US and it was only $17.66 with shipping (according to today's exchange rate).  Estimated shipping is about a 1 1/2 - 2 weeks.   Just ordered mine like 15 min ago and it will be here Nov 4-7 West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?

"Who lives who dies who tells your story"
Updated On: 10/23/16 at 08:57 PM

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#23West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 10/23/16 at 10:05pm

When they released the musical of From Here to Eternity only on region 2 DVD I bought it from Amazon.co.uk and used DVDShrink to convert it to a disc that would be playable on my region 1 DVD player. It's free and it worked like a charm.

Dancingthrulife2 Profile Photo
#24West End's Miss Saigon to be released on DVD?
Posted: 10/24/16 at 12:05am

Just watched it on my PS VR. An impeccable experience except when my tears blurred the lenses.
