An Act of God Previews

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#25An Act of God Previews
Posted: 5/11/15 at 12:38am

Anyone else try their luck at the lotto for this? Tel us about your experience! 

_IrisTInkerbell Profile Photo
#26An Act of God Previews
Posted: 5/11/15 at 10:01am

Do we how many tickets they have for the lotto? I hope it's not only one pair like Hamilton but more like On The Town, Fun Home ect?

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#27An Act of God Previews
Posted: 5/12/15 at 7:01am

I saw this last night and despite Jim Parsons' winning personality, I found it merely mildly amusing at its best and insipid and lame at its worst.


The jokes are all over the place: some received laughter and a hand; others a groan or silence.

Some sample jokes:

How about Bruce Jenner? You know he's the only Kardashian woman I can stand.

I wish artists would stop thanking me in their award acceptance speeches. The next time Kanye wins a Grammy and thanks me for his "God-Given Talent" it's going to become his "God-TAKEN Talent."

When Jesus went up on the cross I told him to hang in there!

Oh, the Virgin Mary? I don't want to get into her. No, literally, I didn't want to get into her.

The serpent was the most deeply closeted animal in the garden. He would slink around with that lisp and couldn't have looked more phallic if he had two balls for rattlers. 

He was hung like a fig tree before the harvest and a TOTAL power bottom too!


The only truly tasteless joke that needs to be cut ASAP is in a section about why God allows bad things to happen to good people. Why would you let the Holocaust happen? Well, at least we got Cabaret out of it! I mean it was horrible what happened to those people, but Kander & Ebb really nailed it! (Even Parsons knew this was rough and tried to move past it quickly after a slightly negative audience response.)

I didn't go in expect a profound evening of theater, but there was nothing original, nothing witty, no insightful commentary through humor on religion.

As for Parsons' performance, he's a trooper and very amiable, but I thought he was better in both Harvey and The Normal Heart. I hope he keeps coming back Broadway, but next time let's pray he sets his sights a little higher than this.   

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

#28An Act of God Previews
Posted: 5/12/15 at 2:28pm

If anyone here has won the digital lottery, where was your seat?

#29An Act of God Previews
Posted: 5/13/15 at 1:06pm

Does anybody know if Jim is signing after his performances?

#30An Act of God Previews
Posted: 5/13/15 at 1:36pm

 The last time I saw Jim on stage was his perfect portrayal of Elwood in Harvey, a play which I thoroughly enjoyed. As for Whizzer's "joke" summary of this one: Thank you and Yikes!

JBroadway Profile Photo
#31An Act of God Previews
Posted: 5/13/15 at 11:30pm

My girlfriend won the lotto for us today. We really enjoyed the show. There are definitely some clunker jokes in there, but we laughed a lot as well. A lovely, cute, interesting afternoon at the theatre. 

For those wondering: Jim DOES indeed go to the stage-door. I was surprised he came out after a matinee. He came out pretty quickly, and went down the line very quickly as well. He sped through all the autographs and didn't pose for pictures - clearly in a hurry to get back inside. However, he even though he was in a hurry, he was still very kind, charming and bubbly in his classic Jim Parsons way. 

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#32An Act of God Previews
Posted: 5/14/15 at 1:22am


Updated On: 5/14/15 at 01:22 AM

EthelMae Profile Photo
#33An Act of God Previews
Posted: 5/20/15 at 5:21pm

Won Today Tix lottery for today's mat. Single tix. Orch Row O, center!

Now for the bad news. As has already been stated here by another poster-this "show" is like a 90-minute Oscar or Tony opening monologue. Mr. Parsons is personable, as we know, but he is left to sit for virtually the whole show and throw us one-liners that are not very funny.

The other 2 roles are almost non-existant.

This show is for Mr. Parsons' fans only. It's fun to watch your familiar TV star on stage in person.

The person next to me turned on his phone every now and then while glancing up at the stage and then back down to his phone. Normally I would have said something but in this instance I thought, "this is the way to watch this show."


LimelightMike Profile Photo
#34An Act of God Previews
Posted: 5/20/15 at 5:40pm



I really do hope they garner *some* positive notices next week...

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#35An Act of God Previews
Posted: 5/25/15 at 3:49am

Does anyone know if the mobile lottery for this is still limited to previews only or has it opened up for future performances as well? Thanks!

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#36An Act of God Previews
Posted: 5/26/15 at 2:38am



Has anyone seen it recently?

#37An Act of God Previews
Posted: 5/26/15 at 1:07pm

Does anybody know if Jim signs after matinees?  I'm going to the Wednesday matinee on June 10th.  Any information is much appreciated.  Thanks!

#38An Act of God Previews
Posted: 5/26/15 at 1:59pm

Yes, I believe in most cases Jim will come out after all shows and sign.  He comes out pretty quickly so be prepared.  He does not pose for pictures.

IronMan Profile Photo
#39An Act of God Previews
Posted: 5/27/15 at 11:17pm

Saw it this afternoon with several people, and though some thought it was hysterical, most of us (myself included) wondered what the hell anyone was laughing at.  I've heard better jokes about god/the bible in Facebook posts, and there was nothing clever or original about any of it.  On the positive side, the set and lighting was beautiful, but once you've seen it... and poor Tim Kazurinsky has nothing to do of any value.  Why is he even there? 


The ONE time I actually laughed was the 'Cabaret' joke, which seems to have been watered down a bit from Whizzer's report.  If more of the humor was that edgy instead of being puns and one-liners that a 5th grader might come up with it might have a chance, but... I have no idea who this show is for.  Are there really people who've never thought about how ridiculous and contrary the bible is? 


One question was answered, though: I now know why we will never see Jim Parsons in a musical.  Kind of an embarrassing way to end the show. 

"What- and quit show business?" - the guy shoveling elephant shit at the circus.
