Saturday Night Fever tour?

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#1Saturday Night Fever tour?
Posted: 6/18/15 at 1:21am

Does anyone know who's producing the upcoming Saturday Night Fever tour? I know it's non-equity and I'm finding dates for it but no info on who's sending it out.


Marway44 Profile Photo
#2Saturday Night Fever tour?
Posted: 6/18/15 at 6:33am

It's the oddest thing.  There was a full website about the upcoming tour and now it's gone.  It looked like a big national tour but the website is gone.  I'm confused as to the disappearance, but as you can see the show seems to still be going on.   

Marway44 Profile Photo
#3Saturday Night Fever tour?
Posted: 7/6/15 at 7:06am

CATS- I found your answer.  The website seems to be back.  You can see all the info at

I have tickets for when it visits the Gateway Playhouse in Long Island.  It seems to be selling pretty well.

#4Saturday Night Fever tour?
Posted: 7/6/15 at 12:52pm

I know it didn't capture the hearts of the critics when it opened, and it didn't exactly capture the soul of the movie, but I really enjoyed it.  And the audience with whom I saw it, seemed to, as well.

Marway44 Profile Photo
#5Saturday Night Fever tour?
Posted: 7/6/15 at 2:42pm

No the critics did not like it, but of the 16 times I saw it, the audience sure did!  Kind of like Blood Brothers although that show ran longer.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#6Saturday Night Fever tour?
Posted: 7/6/15 at 6:26pm

I'm pretty sure the Gateway production isn't the tour? Gateway is an Equity house employing mostly equity actors. This is a non-union tour, I think through Big League? 

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#7Saturday Night Fever tour?
Posted: 7/6/15 at 6:35pm

Here's creative/producing info:

New Fever OnTour LLC, prod.; Jeffrey B. Moss, dir.; Denis Jones, choreo.; Skip Brevis, music supervisor

Marway44 Profile Photo
#8Saturday Night Fever tour?
Posted: 7/7/15 at 7:05am

Now I'm confused.  So is Gateway doing their own production of Fever, or is it associated with a tour group?

RippedMan Profile Photo
#9Saturday Night Fever tour?
Posted: 7/7/15 at 10:33am

Gateway is producing their own, along with Ogunquite Playhouse in Maine. And Arvada in Colorado. And there's a tour going out. And there's a production on Royal Caribbean. For some reason it's a hot property right now. The rights must be cheap? 

SantanaLopez Profile Photo
#10Saturday Night Fever tour?
Posted: 7/7/15 at 10:50am

I never got the chance to see this show, so I looked up some information about it on Wikipedia. This show sure gets produced a lot over in the UK. From what I've read on Wikipedia the darker elements of the story were eliminated to make it more family friendly. I'll have to seek out the cast recording. It's a classic soundtrack so I'm definitely interested in hearing how the songs were utilized and adapted for this show.


Marway44 Profile Photo
#11Saturday Night Fever tour?
Posted: 7/7/15 at 2:00pm

Ripped - Makes sense what Gateway is doing like they did with Addams Family.  They just buy the rights for those 2 locations.

Santana - Do get the recording but be aware they only made a soundtrack from the UK production so it's a little more expensive on cd.  The recording is terrific but they have some songs fade out and not end they way they did on Broadway.  What kind of Fool and Tragedy, especially sound great on the recording. 
