
Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy

Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy

ljay889 Profile Photo
#2Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy
Posted: 9/21/14 at 11:43am

Thrilling. I wish there was footage of her Everything's Coming up...

#2Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy
Posted: 9/21/14 at 11:44am

Just thought I'd mention...this YouTube channel is full of Broadway rarities like this...

east side story Profile Photo
east side story
#3Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy
Posted: 9/21/14 at 1:08pm

If I were able to go back in time to see one performance, this would be the one.

HorseTears Profile Photo
#4Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy
Posted: 9/21/14 at 3:56pm

This is so great! Thanks for sharing.

#5Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy
Posted: 9/21/14 at 3:59pm

There's also a sound clip of her in MAME...I could be wrong, but I believe this is the entire recording of her in MAME. However, there is no visual...just audio.


GavestonPS Profile Photo
#6Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy
Posted: 9/21/14 at 9:41pm

Thrilling. I wish there was footage of her Everything's Coming up...

Yes, too bad. Because, actress that she is, she played it as a musical scene in which she convinced the horrified Louise and Herbie to go on with the act minus anyone who had any talent.

It was a bravura sequence, but in a different way than "Some People" and "Rose's Turn", because it was played more to the other characters than to the audience (at least until the very end).

(At least that's my memory and, working on a stock recreation of the Broadway production, I saw 35 performances. Still, it was 40 years ago.)

In case anyone still wonders, Angela's Rose was one of the most thrilling performances I have ever seen on the musical stage. Everything you have heard about it is correct. Only her Mrs. Lovett topped it, IMO.

#7Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy
Posted: 9/22/14 at 8:03am

I absolutely agree Gaveston ( except maybe her Mrs. Lovett topping it - I'd say it was a draw). But that evening of theatre at "Gypsy" was perhaps my most unforgettable. How I wish that - and her Mame - was preserved on film.

#8Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy
Posted: 9/22/14 at 11:05am

I absolutely agree with Gaveston on all points. Lansbury's "Roses" was stunningly brilliant and effective. She started by trying to convince Louise and Herbie that all would be okay and built it into convincing herself. I'd be hard pressed to say whether her Rose or her Mrs. Lovett was better. Her Rose was probably more emotionally compelling, but her Mrs. Lovett was a more challenging undertaking because the character was a thematic device as well as a character and she made it work superbly on both levels. She found and conveyed the humanity in what could easily be a caricature while also embodying utilitarianism run amok.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#9Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy
Posted: 9/22/14 at 12:35pm

Beautifully put, guys!

HorseTears Profile Photo
#10Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy
Posted: 9/22/14 at 3:41pm

Love that quirky accent she sings with.

#11Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy
Posted: 2/16/15 at 10:48am


Because, some have asked for footage of Everything's Coming Up Roses. Well, I found a video that features just that! It's not much, but it should be enough to please, though, right?

Play from :49-:58 & 1:09- 1:18.

I know...it's a pitiful amount of footage, but, better than nothing!

Claudia Draper
#12Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy
Posted: 2/16/15 at 6:58pm

She looks older then barbra does, now

#13Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy
Posted: 2/16/15 at 7:06pm

Ugh, It says the video has been removed by the user.

1971FolliesFan Profile Photo
#14Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy
Posted: 2/23/15 at 3:18pm

Well, it is back up again! Here it is:

Incidentally, I have been looking for ages for more footage of her in Gypsy. From what I discovered, there is all this footage of her in Gypsy:

- The most well known, a 12 minute long audio b-roll footage used to TV reviews. This was shown in much better quality on Michael Feinstein's American Songbook documentary.

- The one with the link above, which was b-roll for TV reviews. It was a complete video, and there was also footage shot from the same place of "Some People".

- Footage shot from the wings, which she herself said to have seen in a 2007 interview.

- Footage shot from the balcony, which she herself said to have seen in the interview mentioned above.

I hope this helped out a little, I would very interested if anyone had any information on this at all, or if even better they had these videos!

Updated On: 2/23/15 at 03:18 PM

victorg Profile Photo
#15Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy
Posted: 2/23/15 at 5:53pm

i was lucky. this was the first show i ever saw back in 1974. could NOT have had a better start!

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#16Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy
Posted: 2/23/15 at 7:46pm

I can't speak for video but there is a full audio of her in Gypsy that is soundboard recording from 1974- It has some static age to it, but it's still great. There is a full show video recording of her in the revival of Mame too.

Darreyl with an L!

1971FolliesFan Profile Photo
#17Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy
Posted: 2/24/15 at 1:19am

Yes, I know. There are actually two. One from in the middle of the production, and one from closing night. There is also about 29 minutes of Home Movie footage of he in the original 1966 production of Mame.
Here is the home movie:

#18Better Quality/ Extended Broll of Ms Lansbury in Gypsy
Posted: 2/24/15 at 6:12pm

Lovely discussion with Angela Lansbury on today's Diane Rehm show.
Angela Lansbury on The Diane Rehm Show
