You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin

#1You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/16/13 at 4:39pm

At least that's what one military vet told her this week.

Why does the troll keep coming back?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#2You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/16/13 at 4:41pm

That was a rhetorical question like "Why does herpes keeping coming back?"

#3You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/16/13 at 4:42pm

She's clearly a role model for literally ones of trolls.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 10/16/13 at 04:42 PM

#4You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/16/13 at 4:44pm

She's addicted -- she can't stop. We're stuck with her. For life.

John McCain's most visible legacy.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#5You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/16/13 at 4:44pm

I wonder if she gets tired of being called an idiot. Cuz damn she gets called that alot!!

#6You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/16/13 at 4:45pm

What does the troll tell herself to get out of bed in the morning?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Jane2 Profile Photo
#7You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/16/13 at 4:50pm


Updated On: 10/17/13 at 04:50 PM

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#8You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/16/13 at 4:52pm

I will never, ever, ever get used to people like that saying the EXACT opposite of what is true.

romantico Profile Photo
#9You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/16/13 at 5:14pm

She turned her back on Alaska and decided to quit being Governor so she could go out and become a reality TV star and make money. She said F--- YOU Alaska and all those who voted for me. I'm gonna make some money. She is a loser a liar a quitter and a dumb moron. Steve Schmidt has said all the things in GAME CHANGE were 100% true & I believe him.Lets not forget, Sarah could not even answer a simple question like,'what newspaper do you read?' That was considered a "gotcha Question".

How anyone could listen to her or give her an ounce of credibility says alot about that person's mental state.

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

#10You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/17/13 at 9:36am

Romantico - well said!

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#11You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/17/13 at 9:40am

Yet the guy who ran opposite of Cory Booker thought she was the perfect person to endorse him in the final days of the NJ senate rate!

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

NYadgal Profile Photo
#12You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/17/13 at 9:51am

...and look what happened to him.

She needs to go away. I was there was a 'block' feature in real life!

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#13You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/17/13 at 9:59am

^Absolutely! But find it so mind-boggling that people even listen to her when she opens her mouth.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

Addison D. Profile Photo
Addison D.
#14You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/17/13 at 10:02am

Addy--you figure THAT one out and can you can retire and live the easy life! I promise to be a Beta tester!

ETA: Maybe Google Glass will actually be able to implement such a feature, using a combination of facial recognition software and a Photoshop-like process where the pixels of the blocked face are replaced with something yummy--maybe Audrey?

You should patent the idea now...

You think, what do you want? You think, make a decision...

#15You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/25/13 at 11:15am

She's an idiot for continuing to appear in the press and wanting to be a political player in 2014.

The return of Sarah Palin

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#16You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/25/13 at 11:18am

God, I hope she runs for president in '16.

#17You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/25/13 at 12:07pm

Remember that odious troll going on and on just a few weeks ago that my even mentioning the name Sarah Palin was just some strange hang-up I had about a nobody from nowhere who was only being talked about when *I* brought her up and gosh, the tea naggers didn't even talk about her anymore so she was totally irrelevant so what was my obsession?

Yeah, I hope that troll got hit by a steam roller.

ETA: Which begs the question: Does she still matter?

Do these idiots at CNN not recognize that that's another misuse of the term "begs the question"?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 10/25/13 at 12:07 PM

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#18You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/25/13 at 12:14pm

I noticed that, too. I think everyone has just given up on using it properly.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#19You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/25/13 at 12:48pm

Sarah posted this on her Facebook wall about the diabetic pregnant woman who almost fainted behind Obama:

“Whether accurate or not, for some reason I found this hilarious! Am I out of bounds for cracking up when I saw this take on a nauseated Obama fan, her absentminded pal, and our President’s heroics this week? If so, penance paying I’ll accept.”

She's a disgusting POS

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2
Updated On: 10/25/13 at 12:48 PM

best12bars Profile Photo
#20You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/25/13 at 12:59pm

She needs to stop smirking and go back to her tailgating tea party and die from a deep-fried tur-duck-en right now. Right now.

By the way, I wonder if this thread title could be sung to the tune of "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch?"

She's definitely got termites in her smile.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

best12bars Profile Photo
#21You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/25/13 at 1:03pm

I'll start it ...

You're an idjit, Sarah P.
You're as vile as vile can be.
You can see a Russian village from your cave across the sea.
Sarah P!

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#22You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/25/13 at 1:05pm

Gosh, and she got so upset when noted comedian Kathy Griffin called Mrs. Palin's prop baby Trag or Tirp or Blurp or Twerp or Glurp or Glug or whatever a "tard". One would think Mrs. Palin would not find humor in the disabilities of others, especially since she was so upset over the jokes of a harmless comedian.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 10/25/13 at 01:05 PM

suestorm Profile Photo
#23You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/25/13 at 1:33pm

""Gosh, and she got so upset when somebody called Trag or Tirp or Blurp or whatever a "tard".""

NEMO you should be ashamed of yourself. whatever your crazed hatred to Palin her kid should not have to suffer your poison arrows.

you once had a hissy fit cuz i used the word retarded, not at a person, but as an adjective. making light of a downs kid and using that word to describe a child is the most vile and cruel thing i have ever read on this board. Im sure there are many disgusting words people have used to you in the past. i would think you would be more sensitive because of it.

You have no right to ever be vocabulary police ever again

Just erase it so we can make like you never said it.


FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW..................................................................................................................... ...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................
Updated On: 10/25/13 at 01:33 PM

#24You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/25/13 at 2:01pm

What I find really illustrative about the right-wing attack on the woman who collapsed at the Obama speech is that somehow they see that as an opportunity to attack the president. Several right-wingers have claimed the incident was "faked" (including Palin who found it "Hilarious!") The interesting part of this is that there is not a single thing to suggest that's true- no evidence, no plausible theories- not even an explanation about why it would be advantageous to Obama to have a pregnant woman collapse at his event. Just an insistence it was FAKE!

Updated On: 10/25/13 at 02:01 PM

#25You're an IDIOT, Sarah Palin
Posted: 10/25/13 at 2:05pm

I recall noted unfunny man Rush "Viagra for Underage Sex Tourism?" Limbauuugh going on an on and on about Michael J. Fox not taking his Parkinson's meds and therefore making his illness "look worse" when testifying in favor of stem cell research. Folks of that stripe are just overflowing with the milk of human kindness, aren't they?

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