Rocksy trivia

#1Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/21/15 at 7:33pm

Despite losing his first wife to cancer, what is it Rocksy famously said human beings don't have a right to?

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SNAFU Profile Photo
#2Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/21/15 at 9:19pm

Charge large fees for the tare tickets?

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

#2Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/21/15 at 9:34pm

CLOSE! Healthcare! Human beings have no right to healthcare. (This was said YEARS before Obama.)

Here's an easier one…

What did we learn is not appropriate footwear at the Campbell Apartment?

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Jane2 Profile Photo
#3Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/21/15 at 9:38pm

flip flops


#4Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/21/15 at 9:56pm

Close! Sneakers! Even sneakers that "look like" dress shoes!

Next, a medium tough question:

What's one of the funniest ways Rocksy has spelled the French phrase for "mistake"?

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FishermanBob Profile Photo
#5Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/21/15 at 11:20pm

Ms. Steak?

#6Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/21/15 at 11:29pm

Close. The judges would have accepted "foass pooas".

Here's a philosophical one.

What economic system does Roxy love (so much that some people can't get healthcare under it) until producers charge more for tickets to shows?

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Jane2 Profile Photo
#7Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/21/15 at 11:32pm

voodoo economics


#8Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/21/15 at 11:37pm

YES! Free market capitalism.


When Rocksy thinks there is no hope for someone, or something, what utensil does he refer to?

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Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#9Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/21/15 at 11:43pm

I find it interesting that my post was deleted from this thread.

#10Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/21/15 at 11:47pm

I think there's a bug. I had a couple of hilarious posts not go through, in other threads earlier.

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FishermanBob Profile Photo
#11Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/22/15 at 12:18am

"When Rocksy thinks there is no hope for someone, or something, what utensil does he refer to?"


#12Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/22/15 at 12:25am

The judges WILL accept that response… the answer was "Fork" but that's a concept covered by "spork".

Next trivia:

What Broadway composer does Rocksy love and support, criticizes others for making jokes about, and then makes jokes about himself?

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Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#13Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/22/15 at 12:31am

#14Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/22/15 at 12:36am

Double points for Jordan!

This next trivia question goes back a dozen years for all the OGs in the house:

What did Broadway composers Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman do that, according to Rocksy, caused huge numbers of people to "turn off the Tonys and not buy tickets to Broadway"?

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Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#15Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/22/15 at 12:39am

Declare their love for each other?

#16Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/22/15 at 12:52am

Close, close, you're getting warm…

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Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#17Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/22/15 at 12:53am

Did they kiss? My memory is kind of foggy on that one. I know it was something homo-ish.

#18Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/22/15 at 12:58am

YES! They kissed! To be fair, I threw this in Rocksy's face so many times that about 8 or 9 years later he admitted that he had been wrong. Bonus trivia point: That was the ONLY time he has ever admitted to being wrong.

Easy trivia: What old things does Rocksy love?

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Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#19Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/22/15 at 1:00am

Mrs. Rocksy?

#20Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/22/15 at 1:13am

Very close.

Old movie palaces!

Bonus trivia: What did Rocksy say George W. Bush was not?

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Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#21Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/22/15 at 1:15am

A liar? A war criminal?

#22Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/22/15 at 1:18am

Close! The Anti-Christ!

What does Rocksy have but has no idea how to use even though he pretends he does?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#23Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/22/15 at 1:19am

Mrs. Rocksy?

#24Rocksy trivia
Posted: 2/22/15 at 1:20am


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