New Podcast

TheGhostLight Profile Photo
#1New Podcast
Posted: 7/20/17 at 5:30pm

Hello lovely people,

I recently started an interview podcast that aims to get at the heart of what inspires theatre people-- and not just those who have "made it." So far, I've had actors, a director/educator, and a stage manager on the show, but I'd love to open it up to any profession in the theatre. I also have some great interviews lined up with two people that wrote a musical and someone who founded a theatre company.

Also, these conversations have been exclusively with people I went to college with, but I definitely want to speak to people I've never met as well. Think Beautiful/Anonymous without the anonymous and geared around the theatre.

If you'd like to check it out, you can find the website here.

In addition to that, I'm looking for interesting, unique stories. If you know someone that fits the bill, in any theatrical profession, you can reach me at TGLpod on Twitter and Facebook or

I'm probably doing quite a bit incorrectly on the podcast right now, but I'm hoping to get better with every episode.

Thanks for your time!


Updated On: 7/20/17 at 05:30 PM
