On a bitterly cold London evening, schoolteacher Kyra Hollis receives an unexpected visit from her former lover, Tom Sergeant, a successful and charismatic restaurateur whose wife has recently died. As the evening progresses, the two attempt to rekindle their once passionate relationship only to find themselves locked in a dangerous battle of opposing ideologies and mutual desires.
Matthew Beard made his stage debut in the West End production of Skylight, earning a nomination for the Emerging Talent Award at the London Evening Standard Awards.
Carey Mulligan, who graced the stage in Skylight both on Broadway and in London, is also celebrated for her diverse film roles, including an Academy Award-nominated performance in An Education.
Bill Nighy, known for his extensive work with playwright David Hare, including starring in "The Vertical Hour" on Broadway and "Pravda" at London’s National Theatre, brought his remarkable talent to the stage in "Skylight."