Set in 1975 during the final days of the American occupation of Saigon, Miss Saigon is an epic love story about the relationship between an American GI and a young Vietnamese woman. Orphaned by war, 17-year-old Kim is forced to work as a bar girl in a sleazy Saigon nightclub, owned by a notorious wheeler-dealer known as "The Engineer." John, an American GI, buys his friend Chris the services of Kim for the night- a night that will change their lives forever.
Don't miss this "thrilling, soaring and spectacular" (The Times of London) musical when it returns to Broadway this spring for a limited engagement.
The Heat Is on in Saigon
The Movie in My Mind
The Dance
Why God Why?
This Money's Yours
Sun and Moon
The Telephone Song
The Deal
The Ceremony
What's This I Find
The Last Night of the World
The Morning of the Dragon
I Still Believe
This Is the Hour
If You Want to Die in Bed
Let Me See His Western Nose
I'd Give My Life for You
The Revelation
What a Waste
The Fall of Saigon
Room 317
Her or Me
The Confrontation
American Dream
The Sacred Bird
All Our Children
Too Much for One Heart
What If He Doesn't Come Back?
Overture/Backstage Dreamland
Why God Why?
Sun And Moon
The Telephone Song
The Wedding Ceremony (Dju Vui Vai)
Thuy's Arrival
The Last Night Of The World
The Morning Of The Dragon
I Still Believe
Thuy's Death
The Revelation
Finale - Act I (I'd Give My Life For You)
Opening - Act II (Bui Doi)
The Fall Of Saigon
Kim And Ellen (Room 317)
Now That I've Seen Her