Theater Resources Unlimited Presents 2019 Weekend Intensive For Showcase Producing
by Rebecca Russo
- Jun 28, 2019
Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU) presents the 2019 Weekend Intensive for Showcase Producing on Saturday and Sunday, July 20 and 21, 2019 from 10am to 6pm at Clinton Cameo Studios, 307 W. 43rd Street, Studio B (take elevator down to B level). Please reserve using the bright red reservation box at https:truonline.orgevents2019-weekend-intensive or e-mail with questions.
Theater Resources Unlimited Announces November Panel
by A.A. Cristi
- Nov 6, 2018
Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU) presents the November Panel:General Manager and Attorney, and the Early Development of New Work on Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 7:30pm (networking at 7pm) at The Actors' Temple, 339 West 47th Street, New York, NY 10036. This panel is free for TRU members;$12.50 for non-members in advance ($15 at door).Please reserve using the bright red reservation box at or e-mail
Theater Resources Unlimited Announces The 2018 Bootcamp Weekend Intensive For Showcase Producing
by Stephi Wild
- Mar 29, 2018
Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU) announces the 2018 Bootcamp Weekend Intensive for Showcase Producing on Saturday, April 28, 2018 & Sunday, April 29, 2018 from 10am - 6pm at Nola Studios, 244 W. 54th Street, 5th floor. Registration is $270 for non-members ($225 for TRU members, $290 for Membership/Workshop Package, and $100 for a second attendee). Save $50-$60 with the Early Bird Discount through April 15.
Theater Resources Unlimited Announces TRU PRODUCER BOOT CAMP
by A.A. Cristi
- Jan 27, 2018
Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU) announces the workshop Raising Money for Theater: Who, How, and When to Ask, part of TRU Boot Camps on February 4, 2018 from 10am - 6pm at 151 W. 46th St., 8th Floor, NYC. Basic pricing is $175 for non-members, $150 for TRU members with $25 off for early birds, thru 1/26. Discount codes available for anyone who has applied to any of the upcoming festivals, as well as students. Email with proof of a festival application, or a student ID, and TRU will provide you with a code for $40 or $60 off (for a Festival price of $135 or Student price of $115).
'Subliminal Lullaby' Now Available on iTunes and CD Baby
by Caryn Robbins
- Aug 8, 2017
Parents everywhere may soon be celebrating the fact that putting children to bed just got easier with the worldwide release of 'Subliminal Lullaby' from singers Autumn Sky Wolfe ( and Debra Byrd. Available on iTunes and CD Baby, a portion of the profits from song sales are going to the Autism Speaks nationwide nonprofit organization.
TRU to Host Mediation Techniques for Producers (And Everyone), 1/30
by Tyler Peterson
- Jan 25, 2016
Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU) in association with JAMS (Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services) presents the Mediation Techniques for Producers (And Everyone): Dealing with the Off-Stage Dramas, on Saturday, January 30, 2016 from 12noon to 4:30pm at the JAMS Conference Room, The New York Times Building, 620 Eighth Avenue (btw. 40th and 41st Streets), 34th floor, NYC.
BWW Interview: American Idol Finalist David Hernandez Kicks Off The Copa Palm Springs Starry Cabaret Season
by David Green
- Sep 8, 2015
American Idol Breakout Sensation David Hernandez brings his affable personality and dynamic vocal abilities to The Copa Palm Springs for one very special performance, September 12 at 8:00 pm. In addition to American Idol, David has showcased his talents on The Ellen Show, The Today Show, MTV's TRL, EXTRA, Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, Teen Choice Awards, TV Guides' Sexiest Stars 2008, Idol Tonight, Idol Gives Back and FOX-TV. A once-in-a-lifetime invitation came to David when he was asked to sing at the Inaugural Kick-Off Celebration ball for President Barack Obama. I had the chance to catch up with David as he is preparing for his Palm Springs concert. Here are a few excerpts from the interview.
Theater Resources Unlimited Hosts Mediation Techniques for Producers Today
by BWW News Desk
- Oct 26, 2013
Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU) presents a provocative new workshop, Mediation Techniques for Producers: Dealing with the Off-Stage Dramas today, October 26, 2013 from 2-6pm at The NEW Playroom Theater, 151 West 46th Street, 8th floor, NYC. The cost to participate is $75 ($60 for TRU members, and ACR-GNY members).
Theater Resources Unlimited to Host Mediation Techniques for Producers, 10/26
by Tyler Peterson
- Oct 10, 2013
Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU) presents a provocative new workshop, Mediation Techniques for Producers: Dealing with the Off-Stage Dramas on Saturday, October 26, 2013 from 2-6pm at The NEW Playroom Theater, 151 West 46th Street, 8th floor, NYC. The cost to participate is $75 ($60 for TRU members, and ACR-GNY members). For more information, and to register visit
Barry Manilow Releases Duets Collection Today
by BWW News Desk
- May 3, 2011
Grammy, Tony, and Emmy Award-winning recording artist Barry Manilow has been proudly collaborating with the world's greatest singers whenever possible.
Barry Manilow Releases Duets Collection 5/3
by Gabrielle Sierra
- Mar 2, 2011
Grammy, Tony, and Emmy Award-winning recording artist Barry Manilow has been proudly collaborating with the world's greatest singers whenever possible.
Andre De Shields Says Farewell to Ellen Stewart
by Jessica Lewis
- Jan 18, 2011
No actor may claim to have worked in New York theatre unless he has worked at La MaMa. I offer the following anecdote, that you may better appreciate my writing about Ellen Stewart in mythic terms.