Corine2 Profile Photo
Posted: 10/4/08 at 1:19pm

Does anyone know why they started the saying "BREAK A LEG" and mean it as good luck?

I broke my ankle and can't walk and find that saying upsetting now. Breaking an ankle or leg is horrible and not good luck at all.


JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#2re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/4/08 at 1:21pm

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

Mamie Profile Photo
#3re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/4/08 at 4:00pm

I know what you mean, Corine. I understand that it's traditional in the theatre but every time I say it, I always add on a 'not really' or something like that. I broke my leg a few years ago and I truly never felt such excrutiating pain in my life. I don't wish that - even in jest - on anyone else.

(I do hope you're healing and getting better every day!)
A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03

#4re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/4/08 at 4:02pm

I was working backstage before curtain one opening night and I said, "Good luck in MacBeth tonight, Kelsey Grammer!" and, well, you know how that turned out.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Corine2 Profile Photo
#5re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/5/08 at 1:15pm

Thanks, Mamie.
I have never had this much pain in my entire life. All I hope is to walk again. And I miss my gorgeous high heel shoes. I am wearing the ugliest boot you have ever seen and it is so uncomfortable.

Don't break a leg is my new saying. Also, our health care system is messed up. If you are a middle class woman you are pretty much screwed if you break an ankle. Even if you have health insurance nothing is covered!!!!

See Forbidden Broadway for me and laugh for me.

#6re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/5/08 at 6:24pm

The expression is "Break a leg" Corine, not "Break a cankle."

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Corine2 Profile Photo
#7re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/5/08 at 6:43pm

No kidding! But when you break your ankle you have no use of your entire leg and can't walk. It pretty much leaves you helpless and it sucks.

What is even worse is there are many markets in this City that wont do phone orders so you are pretty much screwed if you don't have family or friends who can help.

I have lost 20 pounds mainly because I can't get any food here.
It is disgusting!
TRADER JOE'S AND FAIRWAY wont do food orders and delivery. You need to go there and buy it and then they deliver. The same goes for Pioneer, Western Beef and Met Foods wont deliver as I am out of their delivery zone.

Before the accident I could buy groceries and never had a problem but what do handicapped and older people do? I am astonished!!! Also, hungry. Updated On: 10/5/08 at 06:43 PM

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#8re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/5/08 at 8:22pm

Corine, I know you are in pain, but there is no reason to starve. Do you live in a walk up? Can you take cabs? What about Seriously, people who are much worse off than you manage to survive. You can, too!


Jane2 Profile Photo
#9re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/5/08 at 8:31pm

You have no friends to help?

If not, then there's such a thing as ordering out. Almost every restaurant delivers.

I'm not feeling very sympathetic.

Actually, I am feeling sympthetic. About the fact that you have no friends to help.

Updated On: 10/5/08 at 08:31 PM

#10re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/5/08 at 8:35pm

Why do you require Trader Joe's or Fairway? Just call Fresh Direct.

Hope you're managing your pain okay.

NYadgal Profile Photo
#11re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/5/08 at 8:40pm

Corine, there are many ways that people who are older, handicapped or temporarily disabled by an injury or illness can get food, supplies and continue living their lives.

It just takes a little extra planning, and involves some work at finding alternative methods of doing errands and patience.

I'm sorry you have this temporary disability, but be grateful that you will heal and continue to live your life.

This, too, shall pass.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."
Updated On: 10/5/08 at 08:40 PM

Corine2 Profile Photo
#12re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/5/08 at 11:24pm

My friends have done a lot, I just don't want to keep bothering them. I don't see why FAIRWAY and TRADER JOE'S can't do phone orders and delivery. I was willing to pay extra for that.

Sue, I can't get around by myself. I am hoping on one leg. It is very difficult. I just wish there was a service to help.

I miss Trader Joe's food. If I could get there and buy it I would.

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#13re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/5/08 at 11:57pm

What about crutches?


Corine2 Profile Photo
#14re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/6/08 at 9:31am

I can't bear any weight on the ankle. I can't get to PT to learn how to use crutches. I have a walker.
(I did learn at one session at the nursing home but they did not feel I had the strength (UPPER BODY) to do it alone. Updated On: 10/6/08 at 09:31 AM

NYadgal Profile Photo
#15re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/6/08 at 9:37am

Corine, crutches enable you to keep weight off the broken leg. A walker requires that you use two legs to walk, but provides support.

That doesn't make any sense that you have a walker if you can't bear any weight on the ankle.

Crutches take a little practice, but I'm sure you could figure out how to use them on your own. And, couldn't a Physical Therapist make a home visit, if you're completely unable to manage on your own?

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."
Updated On: 10/6/08 at 09:37 AM

Craig Profile Photo
#16re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/6/08 at 10:30am

Your friends can help you shop, but not take you to PT? You would feel guilty asking a friend to take you to PT?

Something doesn't add up there.

As others have suggestion, delivers, so does food emporium (I believe) and gristedes.

While you may enjoy Trader Joes - you might have to make some temporary sacrifices. Oh the horror.

You can't get any food there? That's 100 percent false. You just can't get Fairway or Trader Joes.

A few years back I hurt my foot and it was a HUGE inconvenience, but my life didn't stop. It took me forever to go anywhere and I spent a lot on cabs - but the world didn't stop.

Be SOOOOO thankful you live in NYC where you have so many resources. If you lived in a rural town, you'd really be screwed.

and NYAdgal is right - a walker requires both feet while crutches enables one foot to never touch the ground. Makes no sense to me.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

Corine2 Profile Photo
#17re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/6/08 at 10:40am

Not true. I use a walker and was taught to hop on my left leg.
My friends all work and pt is during the day. I am trying to get them to come to my house. It is all about what my insurance covers.

At the nursing home they spent a day teaching me how to use crutches but did not think I had the upper body strength to do it and found it unsafe for me to do alone.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#18re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/6/08 at 10:43am

Stop whining, ok?

I understand that you never had such pain before and it's hard to get around. But you will heal and be out of pain and be able to get food.

One thing you can try is thinking of those people who will not get better and have to live life being handicapped.

p.s. crutches ARE more effective in keeping weight off one foot. Walkers are for people who are able to put weight on both feet. My sister is handicapped that way.

Updated On: 10/6/08 at 10:43 AM

Craig Profile Photo
#19re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/6/08 at 10:47am

...why not get a wheelchair then. If your insurance won't cover it - maybe you can rent one?

I think I've seen one or two people in NYC in wheelchairs at the supermarket, but I could be wrong. Maybe someone else can verify.

Or is that also an issue with upper body strength to roll yourself around?

I'm no doctor or PT - but if you can balance and hop with a walker, it would seem reasonable to me you have enough upper body strength to use crutches. Is there a doctor in the house?

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

Jane2 Profile Photo
#20re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/6/08 at 10:49am

People in wheelchairs can go anywhere if there's a ramp, and if they live in a building with an elevator.


Corine2 Profile Photo
#21re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/6/08 at 10:59am

I have a wheel chair but the problem with it is I can't get it through my doors of my apt without help from someone so I prefer to use the walker.

I got stuck in my door while trying to go to a Doctors appointment which was very scary. Thanks to some nice neighbors I got out.

I am used to doing everything for myself so it is hard to be so needy and dependent on others.

Craig Profile Photo
#22re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/6/08 at 11:09am

Earlier you wrote that you're a middle aged woman with healthcare but when you break an ankle - nothing is covered.

What isn't covered?

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

#23re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/6/08 at 12:28pm

Oh, please. Corine, I'm sorry you're going through this. Really, I am. But it's not all that bad. One of my best friends broke her foot and twisted her tendons recently. She's in a cast and cannot put any weight on her foot. Nevertheless, this weekend, we spent all of Saturday wandering around Chicago. We went to the Field Museum and out to eat. Between her wheelchair (which your insurance should cover, if you have a doctor prescribe one to you) and her crutches, we didn't have a single problem. And she wouldn't let us help her either. She spent the entire day pushing herself and opening her own doors.

So, basically, what I'm trying to say is that it is quite possible to live your normal life in a cast.

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#24re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/6/08 at 12:34pm

Why don't you work on your upper body strength? Crutches are actually pretty easy once you get used to them and they will make you so much more mobile and "independent".


NYadgal Profile Photo
#25re: BREAK A LEG!
Posted: 10/6/08 at 12:55pm

Let me understand: your wheelchair didn't fit through your door?

You could have gotten out of it, used it to balance on one foot while you pushed it through the door, and then gotten back in... I assume that it's the kind of wheelchair that 'folds' for transportation, as it's a temporary device, and not a fully motorized chair that people who are permanently disabled and unable to walk need to use.

I actually think that using a walker and hopping along with one foot requires more upper body strength, as you don't have the benefit of leaning on the device with your underarms, (helping to absorb some of the body weight), as you do with crutches.

Where there's a will, there's a way.

And truly, there are so many resources in NYC...

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."
