Jason Biggs, who made his Broadway debut at the age of thirteen opposite Judd Hirsch in the critically acclaimed play *Conversations with My Father*, has since become widely recognized for his role in the Netflix series *Orange is the New Black*. more...
Judd Hirsch, an acclaimed actor with a career spanning over five decades, starred in the past Broadway production of "Conversations With My Father," showcasing his remarkable talent and dedication to the theater. more...
David Margulies, a versatile actor known for his extensive career in both stage and screen, graced the Broadway production of "Conversations with My Father," showcasing his ability to seamlessly transition between comedic and dramatic roles. more...
Tony Shalhoub, renowned for his versatile acting career, received a Tony nomination for his role in the 1992 production of Conversations with My Father, showcasing his early prowess on Broadway. more...