
Rattlestick Playwrights box office?

Rattlestick Playwrights box office?

#1Rattlestick Playwrights box office?
Posted: 4/10/16 at 1:40am

I am looking to buy tickets for Ironbound, and couldn't find any information regarding box office hours for Rattlestick. Is Ovationtix the only way to buy tickets from the theater? I don't live in New York and haven't been to any production from this company. Thanks so much for any input!

Taryn Profile Photo
#2Rattlestick Playwrights box office?
Posted: 4/10/16 at 9:51am

I'm fairly certain they only do advance sales online or over the phone with OvationTix.  It's a tiny theater and I doubt they have someone manning their bitty box office outside of showtime.  But really, the best people to ask is Rattlestick.

#3Rattlestick Playwrights box office?
Posted: 4/10/16 at 10:43am

They usually open their box office between 15 and 30 minutes prior to curtain, so you can purchase tickets there if you like.

#4Rattlestick Playwrights box office?
Posted: 4/11/16 at 9:10am

They don't really have a physical box office. It's inside their tiny theater. You should just call Ovation Tix

#5Rattlestick Playwrights box office?
Posted: 4/11/16 at 9:48am

I've seen people purchase tickets at the box office before.  Just show up 7:45pm (it might be cash only, I can't recall.)

#6Rattlestick Playwrights box office?
Posted: 4/11/16 at 6:02pm

Thanks so much for the input! I decided to buy tickets on ovation as there were really good seats available. The fee was just a little high, which would make sense if their box office only operates before curtain.

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#7Rattlestick Playwrights box office?
Posted: 4/15/16 at 8:05am

Has anyone on here seen Ironbound? Curious to hear throughts on it.