Closing Night Playbills?

showchoirguy Profile Photo
#1Closing Night Playbills?
Posted: 10/22/11 at 9:31pm

Thanks to a recent post about Opening Night Playbills, I found out that 2 of my Playbills that I bought at the Flea Market were from their Opening Nights. Is there a certain way to know if a Playbill is from it's Closing Night?

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#2Closing Night Playbills?
Posted: 10/22/11 at 9:40pm

Nope. No 'special' Playbill is issued for a show's Closing Night. They simply use the same one they've been using for that month.

Also, the Opening Night Playbills aren't just used for Opening Night. They continue using that day's Playbill for the rest of that month. I've obtained countless Opening Night Playbills of countless shows simply because I saw the show a few days or weeks after it opened and they still had the Opening Night Playbills in plentiful. I actually don't think they reprint more for that month -- they just fill the month's quota with those Opening Night Playbills.

showchoirguy Profile Photo
#2Closing Night Playbills?
Posted: 10/22/11 at 9:44pm

Thanks for all the information! I didn't know that that's how that actually worked!

#3Closing Night Playbills?
Posted: 10/22/11 at 10:58pm

Both Les Miserables in 2003 and Rent in 2008 have had specific covers/Playbills made for their closing night. As far as I know they are the only shows in the last 10 years to do so, if there have been any recently or previously I have no idea.

Besides that both Closing and Opening are whatever playbill that was used for the month. The one difference is that the Opening Nights may have a sticker to acknowledge the event.


#4Closing Night Playbills?
Posted: 10/23/11 at 12:21am

Really long running shows typically do. For example:
A Chorus Line
Les Miserables
Beauty and the Beast

#5Closing Night Playbills?
Posted: 10/23/11 at 12:21am

Really long running shows typically do. For example:
A Chorus Line
Les Miserables
Beauty and the Beast

wdwfreak Profile Photo
#6Closing Night Playbills?
Posted: 10/23/11 at 12:25am

Hairspray had one, In the Heights had a closing night sticker on the playbill.

Elke Profile Photo
#7Closing Night Playbills?
Posted: 10/23/11 at 1:54am

Closing Night Playbills?

Here's a scan of the Playbill from Hairspray's Closing Night...

dragonlp86 Profile Photo
#8Closing Night Playbills?
Posted: 10/23/11 at 8:42pm

My In the Heights closing night Playbill has a sticker. The one I got at Next to Normal's closing night? Nothing.