
Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?- Page 8

Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?

strummergirl Profile Photo
#175Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 1/15/12 at 12:09am

NBC sometimes does not really know what guest-star they should promote for this show so if Fillion is on the show, I could see how it went under their radar (and the fact they cannot really promote it properly until it is back on the schedule). I don't remember Josh Holloway's appearance in the paintball finale (and a Lost-Community fan cross-over is pretty significant) getting heavily promoted but Drew Carey as Jeff's old associate did get promoted by NBC.

That said, it is really not unusual for even TV stars to visit the sets of other shows, even on different networks.

MotorTink Profile Photo
#176Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 1/15/12 at 10:48am

Nathan & Joel are pretty good friends I think. they are tweeting back and forth and about each others shows all the time, so coulda just been a set visit. But who knows.

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures ...it rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#178Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/21/12 at 3:28pm

Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#179Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/21/12 at 3:35pm

Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?

The Josh Profile Photo
The Josh
#180Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/21/12 at 5:46pm

Pop pop!

yodamarie78 Profile Photo
#181Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/21/12 at 6:03pm

Six seasons and a movie!

strummergirl Profile Photo
#182Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/21/12 at 6:59pm

Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?

Yes! I knew things were going up when they were making a bunch of guest-star announcements. Giancarlo Esposito aka Gus from Breaking Bad is going to appear in an episode!

#183Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/22/12 at 12:24am

There were rumors about the 3/15 return date on the IMDB boards, of all places, a few days ago, and it's awesome that they've actually turned out to be true. SHOW. I MISS YOU.

picturetaker9211 Profile Photo
#184Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/22/12 at 1:23am

Thank god!

THe only downside is that Parks & Recreation is gone til April 19 when Community comes back. Why isn't Whitney cancelled yet so they can move Community or another comedy to Wednesday night so I can get all my shows back at the same time?

"Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, take the moment & making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious ambiguity."
-Gilda Radner

MotorTink Profile Photo
#185Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/22/12 at 8:04am

yay yay yay yay.... If you were going to take P&R away from me for a month, at least you give me the best replacement ever!!!!!

Now get everyone you know to watch the returning episodes so we can get a S4!

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures ...it rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#186Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/22/12 at 2:58pm

Frankly, I'd rather 30 Rock go away again, since this season has been its worst. But I'm still happy my Community is coming back!

strummergirl Profile Photo
#187Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/22/12 at 6:18pm

30 Rock has been up and down this year. Not as bad as Season 4 but a real decline from Season 5 which I think does not get enough respect. For me last season was more in line with the brilliance of Season 2 and 3.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#188Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/22/12 at 7:41pm

I thought it reached its zenith with season three. Four and five were okay, but god, this season has been execrable.

#189Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/22/12 at 7:47pm

For purposes of this thread, the important thing about 30 Rock is that given Community's timeslot, it's been getting equally bad ratings - sometimes even worse. Which shows that it's the timeslot that's the problem at least as much as the show, which will hopefully help Community get renewed if Sony makes financial concessions.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#190Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/22/12 at 7:53pm

That's a good point. I really hope we can get at least one more season (I mean, I'd like ten more, but I know what we're up against here). We have to see the gang graduate!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#191Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/22/12 at 8:15pm

Why do they have to graduate? They could go to Greendale for ten years and finally one day ask why the hell they're still there.

strummergirl Profile Photo
#192Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/22/12 at 9:02pm

I think out of most of the group Annie seems most determined to graduate. Abed and Troy will have their tents up in Greendale forever... in my mind.

#193Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/22/12 at 11:16pm

Jordan, Dan Harmon has explicitly said that he's not going to extend the story by coming up with stupid reasons to delay graduation. Anyway, I find it wildly unlikely that the show will get more than four seasons anyway.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#194Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/22/12 at 11:18pm

WEll why does one season have to be one full school year?

strummergirl Profile Photo
#195Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/22/12 at 11:50pm

It's not like they are full-time students. Some had legit reasons to start/continue their education and others are just there for the fun of it or are doing to maintain their (in)sanity.

#196Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/23/12 at 2:22am

*shrug* Again, I'm just going by Harmon's interviews here. He said that if they get past graduation he'll find other stories to tell.

And honestly, I think I'd be okay with a four-season run that tells a contained story rather than extending the show until it jumps the shark, stingray, and moray eel.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#197Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 2/23/12 at 9:41am

Yeah, if the plan had been to stretch the school years over more than one season from the beginning that would be one thing, but at this point, we'll be lucky if we get a fourth season at all, so I'd imagine if they do get it, Harmon will want to wrap it up with them graduating.

I also always assumed everyone but Pierce was a full-time student.

MotorTink Profile Photo
#198Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 3/8/12 at 1:38pm


2 1/2 minute preview of rest of season as shown on The Soup last night.

1 Week!!!!

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures ...it rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

#199Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 3/10/12 at 2:17am

I've watched that trailer an embarrassing number of times. And I was at the Paley event in NYC, too, so I saw next week's episode and it's really nice! Not "all-time masterpiece" great or anything, but a fun return to the show, with great Shirley and Britta material.
