
Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?

Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?

bdn223 Profile Photo
#1Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 1:02pm

With Miranda and Soo officially leaving July 9th and Odem Jr probably leaving July 9th, do we think anyone else will re-sign when their contract is up?

Goldsberry and Jackson are the only 2 that in my opinion that look to stay with the show "long term".

As Goldsberry said in her acceptance speech she knows the  "best years" of her career were supposed to be behind her. She is significantly older then the rest of the principals, and I don't think she wants to/can afford to not have a steady paycheck especially when it just increased significantly with her win. So I see her staying with Hamilton through at least next pilot season, or until she has another show lined up.

Jackson was with In The Heights for most of its 3 year run only leaving the show for 4 months. He similarly to Goldsberry is at a later stage of his career with a family to support, so I don't see his giving up his steady paycheck anytime soon. 


On a different note I am amazed Soo gave up on The Great Comet of 1812 which would of only increase her star power starring opposite Josh Groban, in a role that actually shows her range.  She would also be favored to win the Tony and if she could upset Bette Middler as Dolly for the win...I can only imagine the headlines..

Updated On: 6/13/16 at 01:02 PM

#2Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 1:04pm

We don't know yet.

Broadway Forever2
#3Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 1:05pm

I agree with you that Jackson and Goldsberry are staying for a while.  I hope Renee get some good offers though.. Did Soo really give up The Great Comet of 1812? Wasn't she staring in that off broadway? i wonder if she was offered something else or she wants to do movies or tv or something? 

Updated On: 6/13/16 at 01:05 PM

#4Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 1:07pm

bdn223 said: "On a different note I am amazed Soo gave up on The Great Comet of 1812 which would of only increase her star power starring opposite Josh Groban, in a role that actually shows her range.  She would also be favored to win the Tony and if she could upset Bette Middler as Dolly for the win...I can only imagine the headlines.."

It's been reported that she wants to focus on movies and television.  That combined with the fact she's about to get married to Steven Pasquale who has an active career in Los Angeles makes it completely logical that she'd pass on a roll she's already played.

#5Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 1:10pm

As a heads up - If Renee is indeed staying with the show, she will have at least a couple nights out in Nov. around the 18th. She will be doing a concert in Indy. 

AC126748 Profile Photo
#6Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 1:10pm

bdn223 said: "As Goldsberry said in her acceptance speech she knows the  "best years" of her career were supposed to be behind her. She is significantly older then the rest of the principals, and I don't think she wants to/can afford to not have a steady paycheck especially when it just increased significantly with her win. So I see her staying with Hamilton through at least next pilot season, or until she has another show lined up."

Um...no. That is not at all what she said. What she actually said: "I would just love to say that if you know anything about me, I have spent the last 10 years of my life -- what some would consider the life blood of a woman's career -- just trying to have children. And I get to testify in front of all of you that the Lord gave me Benjamin and Brielle and he still gave me this."

She's worked steadily for 20 years and if anything, she'll be in even greater demand when she decides to move on. 


"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

bdn223 Profile Photo
#7Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 1:14pm

Jallenc32 I understand that rational for an older actress, but it really seems like she is giving up a chance to go from the lead of a cultural phenomenon to a star in her own right with The Great Comet of 1812. I saw her in it when it moved uptown and it is the role of a lifetime. 

#8Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 1:26pm

Of the principles, I can see Renee, Chris, Anthony, and Jasmine extending for a bit.

sarahb22 Profile Photo
#9Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 1:37pm

Certainly I think Anthony will.  He's very young and probably just appreciates having a steady job and a part that doesn't require a whole lot of heavy lifting.  I could see him hanging around for at least another year, unless he gets a movie/TV offer from somewhere.

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#10Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 1:37pm

I don't know if this has been superseded by other news since June 1:

Odom plans to tour with the record, but in the meantime, he’s got his hands full being in the eye of the hurricane with Hamilton mania (Odom told Billboard he will "probably extend" his current contract with the show for a little while longer). It's a once-in-a-lifetime zeitgeist hit that he, naturally, still seems to be adjusting to.



#11Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 1:45pm

bdn223 said: "Jallenc32 I understand that rational for an older actress, but it really seems like she is giving up a chance to go from the lead of a cultural phenomenon to a star in her own right with The Great Comet of 1812. I saw her in it when it moved uptown and it is the role of a lifetime. "

Young actresses are what Hollywood wants. 

QueenAlice Profile Photo
#12Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 1:45pm

In addition to likely wanting to try to break into film/ tv;  I suspect Phillipa Soo also likely feels she that after already having done a year with Natasha Pierre in all its downtown settings, and a year and a half with Hamilton, she wants to do something new.

“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”

Liza's Headband
#13Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 1:54pm

How can someone answer your question unless they are a.) privy to contract negotiations and/or b.) able to get inside the mind of the actor??? I swear, the threads on this message board sometimes.... 

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#14Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 2:11pm

Liza's Headband said: "How can someone answer your question unless they are a.) privy to contract negotiations and/or b.) able to get inside the mind of the actor???"

I don't know, I think I provided a bit of useful information for the OP without any of those superpowers. :)


Broadway Forever2
#15Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 2:19pm

sarahb22 said: "Certainly I think Anthony will.  He's very young and probably just appreciates having a steady job and a part that doesn't require a whole lot of heavy lifting.  I could see him hanging around for at least another year, unless he gets a movie/TV offer from somewhere.



yeah I've been thinking Anthony might stay too. He so talented though so i hope he gets other good roles.  

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#16Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 2:24pm

very shocked and sad to hear about Phillipa, considering I assumed she would stay with the show after we heard she wouldn't play Natasha on Broadway. I thought she could have won the Tony for that. oh well Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#17Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 2:24pm

QueenAlice said: "In addition to likely wanting to try to break into film/ tv;  I suspect Phillipa Soo also likely feels she that after already having done a year with Natasha Pierre in all its downtown settings, and a year and a half with Hamilton, she wants to do something new."

It's also pure speculation that she was offered the part. Any producer in their right mind would do it because of how easily that would tap into the huge Hamilton-fanbase without heavy promotion, but we don't actually know she "passed up on the opportunity".

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

Broadway Forever2
#18Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 2:28pm

Yeah we don't know for sure she was offered but like the producers would be stupid not to offer it to her coming straight from Hamilton. I didn't see it but i heard she was great in it too. 


she must have turned it down. I guess she figures she's still young an the ripe age to get offers in Hollywood. 

Updated On: 6/13/16 at 02:28 PM

Liza's Headband
#19Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 2:29pm

Hey! This is BroadwayWorld. You know we don't allow pesky facts to get in the way of assumptions and speculation! 

#20Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 2:34pm

Liza's Headband said: "How can someone answer your question unless they are a.) privy to contract negotiations and/or b.) able to get inside the mind of the actor??? I swear, the threads on this message board sometimes.... "


You DON'T have access to everyone in Hamilton's phones? Weird. I do.



Liza's Headband
#21Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 2:36pm

Broadway Forever2 said: "Yeah we don't know for sure she was offered but like the producers would be stupid not to offer it to her coming straight from Hamilton. I didn't see it but i heard she was great in it too. 


she must have turned it down. I guess she figures she's still young an the ripe age to get offers in Hollywood. 




How do you know she was even offered it? 

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#22Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 2:52pm

maybe we assume because everyone else from the off-Broadway production is there except Dave Malloy

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

QueenAlice Profile Photo
#23Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 2:59pm

It's been inferred on this board that Soo wasn't offered the Broadway production and when I was asked to invest in COMET a few weeks ago (they are still raising money for broadway if anyone is interested) I point blank asked one of the producers if that was true, and he said Soo was asked and declined.

“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”

#24Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 3:34pm

Chris Jackson will most likely be leaving by the end of the summer as the CBS pilot he is on BULL got picked up to series.

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#25Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
Posted: 6/13/16 at 4:04pm

I would be very, very surprised if Renee Goldsberry stays. She has talked quite openly about being excited for other people to have the opportunity to take on the role of Angelica and feeling like she's really had the chance to live in the role between the runs at The Public and on Broadway.

If anyone is going to want to pursue other opportunities that will come their way from this experience, it's her.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 6/13/16 at 04:04 PM
