Nibbler Reviews

#1Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 2/23/17 at 8:43am

Previews start tonight 


anyone seeing this. Would like to hear reviews before I buy tickets. 

#2Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 2/24/17 at 9:18am

Anyone go last night or going tonight ?

#3Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 2/25/17 at 9:26am

Anyone go last night or going tonight ? 

After Eight
#4Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 2/25/17 at 9:50am

A coming-of-age tale about five high-school grads, with a supernatural elemental. The latter was not handled all that smoothly, but the play held my interest, and elicited empathy for the characters. The cast was uniformly good. 

#6Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 2/28/17 at 12:01pm

PAfter Eight said: "A coming-of-age tale about five high-school grads, with a supernatural elemental. The latter was not handled all that smoothly, but the play held my interest, and elicited empathy for the characters. The cast was uniformly good. 



How much nudity is in this ? Did not expect that reading the reviews. 

#7Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 2/28/17 at 3:04pm

How much nudity is in this ? Did not expect that reading the reviews. 


"Same question


#8Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 3/1/17 at 1:15pm

Anyone ? 

AC126748 Profile Photo
#9Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 3/1/17 at 1:19pm

Alexis Soloski gave it a mixed-to-positive review in the Times:

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

#10Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 3/2/17 at 1:10pm

Anyone ?

#11Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 3/3/17 at 1:24pm

Anyone ?

#12Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 3/3/17 at 1:25pm

Why are you so hung up on this?

#13Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 3/3/17 at 4:01pm

Great pun. But seriously... anyone?

#14Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 3/4/17 at 2:20pm

Anyone ? 

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#15Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 3/4/17 at 2:45pm

sonsoftheprophet said: "
How much nudity is in this ? Did not expect that reading the reviews. 


"Same question




Reviews notes the added shock value and "ew!" moments. Can anyone elaborate? 

#16Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 3/5/17 at 1:15pm

Anyone ? 

#17Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 3/6/17 at 1:12pm

Anyone ?

#18Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 3/6/17 at 1:14pm

Please stop.

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#19Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 3/6/17 at 1:39pm

neonlightsxo said: "Please stop.




But really... has anyone seen this that can weigh in some more? 

After Eight
#20Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 3/6/17 at 6:38pm

"But really... has anyone seen this that can weigh in some more?"


Since this thread has been bumped numerous times with the question "anyone?," it is pretty clear that if anyone had seen this and wished to weigh in some more, that person would have done so. Since no one other than myself has, it is logical to conclude that no one else here has seen it, or that anyone else who saw it didn't feel like posting about it.

In theory, that should put an end to the badgering. But for some, nothing is ever enough. I saw the play and liked it. But I really had no interest in posting about it. The only reason I did was because the OP seemed so insistent about it.  But again, nothing satisfies those who are never satisfied and are never grateful for what they receive.

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#21Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 3/6/17 at 6:41pm

After Eight said: "
"But really... has anyone seen this that can weigh in some more?"


Since this thread has been bumped numerous times with the question "anyone?," it is pretty clear that if anyone had seen this and wished to weigh in some more, that person would have done so. Since no one other than myself has, it is logical to conclude that no one else here has seen it, or that anyone else who saw it didn't feel like posting about it.

In theory, that should put an end to the badgering. But for some, nothing is ever enough. I saw the play and liked it. But I really had no interest in posting about it. The only reason I did was because the OP seemed so insistent about it.  But again, nothing satisfies those who are never satisfied and are never grateful for what they receive.



Ok, cool. You clearly don't understand the significance of bumping a thread. It is to simply bring it back into conversation, in case anyone has since it since it was last present on the board. I understand in this case the bumping. has been excessive, and I know it's hard for you to comprehend the idea that maybe someone else on this earth has seen it since it was last bumped and cared to weigh in. That's all. 



After Eight
#22Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 3/6/17 at 6:54pm

"I know it's hard for you to comprehend the idea that maybe someone else on this earth has seen it since it was last bumped and cared to weigh in. That's all. "


Perhaps it's hard for you to comprehend the idea that if anyone else on this earth has seen it since it was last bumped and cared to weigh in, that individual would do a search for the thread and then weigh in. That's all.

#23Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 3/7/17 at 12:02pm

Anyone ? 

#24Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 3/7/17 at 2:03pm

I was under the impression that the person doing the bumping was interested in hearing about the nudity, not the play itself.

#25Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 3/8/17 at 11:33am

Anyone ? 

#26Nibbler Reviews
Posted: 3/9/17 at 12:23pm

Anyone ?
