Fun Home- Comparing Albums

slmlbl Profile Photo
#1Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 10:15am



I have the Off-Broadway Cast recording of 'Fun Home' and am trying to decide if it's worth it to purchase the updated one. 

Anyone have any comparisons after hearing the new one?

#2Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 10:48am

the new soundtrack for fun home is out

cut from this version:

Al for Short

I need more coffee



Party Dress  2:21

Clueless in New York 1:50

Pony Girl  :46

A flair for the dramatic  2:43


I think the adds to the early-mid section of the show improved an already fantastic show. I like to have cast recordings that match the production I saw and have both recordings





macnyc Profile Photo
#2Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 11:06am

Also, the actress who plays Medium Alison on Broadway is Emily Skeggs. Alexandra Socha's vocals are on the off Broadway version. Another minor difference (or not) is that the vocals from the two child actors who played the brothers at the Public are still on the Broadway cast recording (as far as I could determine from iTunes).

Updated On: 5/19/15 at 11:06 AM

steven22 Profile Photo
#3Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 11:45am

I've listened to both recordings. I was surprised that the two new brothers weren't added to the new cast recording. The iTunes cast listing also still says Alexandra Socha. It's most definitely Emily Skeggs. 

Updated On: 5/19/15 at 11:45 AM

firebolts Profile Photo
#4Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 12:39pm

I like the new changes - I miss "Al for Short," but mainly because it was cute, and Sydney did a great job with it. But, its absence does not hurt the show. I really don't care for Emily - her pronounciations are odd, and she just doesn't sound genuine the way Alexandra did. When I listen to Alexandra's "Changing My Major," I feel something; with Emily, nothing. It's the same feeling with all of Emily's scenes. Most of the time, Emily sounds like she's singing with cotton balls in her mouth. I'm glad I purchased the off-Broadway recording on iTunes before it was removed. Otherwise, it's still a perfect show. 

Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#5Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 12:47pm

When I saw "And I and Silence" at the Signature, some months after I saw Fun Home at the Public, I was fairly convinced that I was watching Alexandra Socha, or at least an actress who seemed a lot like Alexandra.

It wasn't.

It was Emily Skeggs.

#6Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 12:51pm

firebolts, you're pretty much alone in that category. Not sure if you get some kind of pleasure from coming into this thread just to hate on Emily.

steven22, I'm also surprised they didn't re-record Come to the Fun Home, especially considering they put the new brothers on the dialogue track right before it.
Also, my itunes copy says Emily Skeggs...

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#7Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 2:16pm

Alexandra Socha's "Changing My Major" is better than Emily Skeggs'. The addition of "Party Dress" is appreciated, I think it's a lovely number.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

#8Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 2:56pm

Again, that's your opinion. I prefer Emily's rendition. No need to state it so matter of fact-ly.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#9Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 3:55pm

My iTunes copy definitely lists Emily Skeggs. 

steven22 Profile Photo
#10Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 4:23pm

My iTunes copy lists Emily in Changing My Major. But the rest of the songs that include medium Allison list Alexandra. 

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#11Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 4:28pm

I love Emily in the show, but just listening to the recording, I must prefer Alexandra's voice.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#12Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 4:38pm

Weird. Mine lists Emily for everything. Fun Home- Comparing Albums

Polka Dot2 Profile Photo
Polka Dot2
#13Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 4:45pm

Anyone have a clip of Alexandra's "Changing My Major"? I can't find one anywhere. 

TheBoyFromNC Profile Photo
#14Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 4:49pm

first result on YouTube for "Changing My Major"

or did you mean to type Emily?

Polka Dot2 Profile Photo
Polka Dot2
#15Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 4:52pm

Haha, goodness,  I feel stupid. Nothing came up when I searched specifically for her name. Thank you!

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#16Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 5:09pm

I think it's dumb they took the off Broadway album off iTunes.  I don't care for Emily's voice, especially in "Changing My Major".   People should have a choice of albums digitally.  

firebolts Profile Photo
#17Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 7:15pm

I did not say anything wrong - this is the first time that I have even said anything "negative" about Fun Home. Not everyone is going to like a certain performer, and there is nothing wrong with me stating my opinions. If my opinion contradicts yours, then so be it. What was I supposed to say? Keep everything cheery and positive? If that is the case for everyone, reviews have lost their purpose. And, I am not "pretty much alone" with my opinion about Emily: others have also voiced a similar sentiment. Also, I do not "hate" Emily - simply, I prefer Alexandra over Emily. I did what the thread title requested: I compared the new recording with the old. Anyway. It's ridiculous that I even have to defend myself. 

Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.
Updated On: 5/19/15 at 07:15 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#18Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 7:29pm

You don't have to defend yourself, you were fine in your opinion.  I agree with you totally about Emily.  

#19Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 8:39pm

the cd for the Fun Home off broadway recording has become a collectable already and is selling on amazon for $100.....

firebolts Profile Photo
#20Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 8:50pm

@Sutton Ross, thank you!

$100? That's crazy and awesome! I'm so glad I bought the original off-Broadway recording the NIGHT BEFORE it got taken off iTunes! I got so luck - I had no idea they were pulling it out of both iTunes and Spotify that night until the tracks on Spotify began to disappear individually. Whew!

Edit: I didn't see it for that price at Amazon or Ebay. I couldn't even find the off-Broadway version. Hmm.

Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.
Updated On: 5/19/15 at 08:50 PM

BrerBear Profile Photo
#21Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 10:55pm

Enjoyed the new recording. Yes, it's mostly the same, but I'm glad I got it.

The new tracks in the middle (e.g. the New York scenes) really do a lot to humanize Bruce's character. What was missing from the original CD, but not the show, was that in spite of Bruce's shortcomings, he did show genuine moments where he was tender and caring with Small Alison. It makes him much more sympathetic. I especially liked Pony Girl. Cerveris does an awesome job on that song, so tender.

Hearing Emily Skeggs as Medium Alison was interesting. At first, I was a bit put off in a way that I wasn't when I saw the show live... I never hesitated in my appreciated for Skeggs' performance when I saw her.  But I realized quickly that my initial reaction to the new recording was because I had listened to the original recording so much that it was burned into my brain. Skeggs' delivery is different, a little more breathy, tentative, and innocent. But that's not bad. It's just not what I'm used to, the same way I had trouble appreciating the Matilda Broadway recording after becoming so accustomed to the original version.

One thing I wished they had changed, but did not: the "is it because of me? I'm afraid that it *wasn't*" line in the "It was great to have you home" number near the end. That line sounded awkward on the original recording, and I'm pretty certain it was changed in the show. Wish they had changed it in the new album.

Michael Kras Profile Photo
Michael Kras
#22Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 11:15pm

A lot of press for the updated album said that over half of the tracks are new. That just isn't true. Besides the previously unheard stuff, any other tracks that have changes in them are the same tracks from the original recording with snippets added in. It's a bit disappointing, because the cast has certainly grown into the show and their roles in a fuller and deeper way since the original recording and I'd loved to have heard that new life on this updated recording.

Emily Skeggs is wonderful, super transparent. I prefer Alexandra Socha's work, but Skeggs is by no means worse.

Interestingly, those few tiny changes and updates give the whole album a different and fuller power. It's not the same as the original recording, even though it technically is. And I love the new album artwork. 

Polka Dot2 Profile Photo
Polka Dot2
#23Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 11:26pm

Having listened to both Emily and Alexandra now, I think I prefer Alexandra. Loved Emily live and liked her on the CD, but Alexandra won me over.


Is there any way to download that song now that the off Broadway version is no longer being sold on iTunes?

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#24Fun Home- Comparing Albums
Posted: 5/19/15 at 11:32pm

"Again, that's your opinion. I prefer Emily's rendition. No need to state it so matter of fact-ly. "

Sorry, neonlightsxo, I didn't mean to sound as if I was the arbiter of all things tasteful and good. I obviously meant to say "In my opinion, Alexandra Socha's performance was better than Emily Skeggs." It being an opinion doesn't make it incorrect.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."
