Schwartz's Houdini

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#1Schwartz's Houdini
Posted: 10/31/14 at 11:34am

I guess whatever Schwartz wrote for Houdini will go back in the trunk for possible use in a future project A shame we may never get to hear what might have been

Poster Emeritus

#2Schwartz's Houdini
Posted: 10/31/14 at 12:13pm

Maybe the stuff will end in Schikaneder planned for Vienna in 2016.

#2Schwartz's Houdini
Posted: 10/31/14 at 12:14pm

First Aaron Sorkin dropped out, now the composer. Hugh J. was prescient in seeing the writing on the wall, it seems.

#3Schwartz's Houdini
Posted: 10/31/14 at 12:17pm

Too bad for that show, it seemed very promising, but I´m excited for Schikaender, I hope he is still in involved und maybe we will learn a bit of the Houdini score.

 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#4Schwartz's Houdini
Posted: 10/31/14 at 9:44pm

The article also mentioned that the WICKED film is still in the works but why is Stephen Daldry the first choice for the director? I thought that EXTREMELY LOUD AND INCREDIBLY CLOSE was so sappy, forced and infuriating that I could argue that it was a WORSE film than the film adaptation of WAR HORSE, which I liked.

Jeffrey Karasarides Profile Photo
Jeffrey Karasarides
#5Schwartz's Houdini
Posted: 10/31/14 at 9:55pm

Stephen Daldry also made Billy Elliot (both the stage musical and the original film), The Hours, The Reader, as well as the upcoming Trash.

Though I agree with you on why is he being considered, I mean what would make him a suitable choice for Wicked?

My personal choice at the moment is actually Francis Lawerence (Constantine, I Am Legend, Water for Elephants, Catching Fire, Mockingjay Parts 1 & 2). Updated On: 10/31/14 at 09:55 PM

#6Schwartz's Houdini
Posted: 11/1/14 at 6:25pm

Off topic, but wasn't Schwartz also working on a bio of Hans Christian Andersen? I heard a song from it a while back, and really liked it.
