
Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show- Page 6

Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show

#125Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/2/16 at 9:18am

double post

Updated On: 5/2/16 at 09:18 AM

#126Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/2/16 at 9:18am

Gee, so my generation stood around and did nothing while the Aid's epidemic spiraled. And the generation before me did nothing for Civil Rights and the Vietnam War.  Every generation has it strengths in supporting causes.  I just think its odd that the current generation doesn't like to talk on the phone.  This at least explains why my sorry niece and nephew don't pick up a phone to thank me for birthday gifts sent.  I just assumed my brother didn't teach them manners.  I never thought they were fearful of speaking to me live over the phone.

#127Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/2/16 at 9:23am

ArtMan said: "Gee, so my generation stood around and did nothing while the Aid's epidemic spiraled. And the generation before me did nothing for Civil Rights and the Vietnam War.  Every generation has it strengths in supporting causes.  I just think its odd that the current generation doesn't like to talk on the phone.  This at least explains why my sorry niece and nephew don't pick up a phone to thank me for birthday gifts sent.  I just assumed my brother didn't teach them manners.  I never thought they were fearful of speaking to me live over the phone."

I'm sorry, when did I or anyone else say that your generation did nothing? Yes, every generation has its strengths in supporting causes but it is also true that the millennial generation has been particularly noteworthy for this. There are hundreds of studies online outlining that, but it doesn't take away from any other generations achievements. 

As for your niece and nephew, they should be thanking you, whether on the phone or otherwise. But it's not odd, texting/messaging is much easier and 'telephobia' is a thing and a big part of social anxiety which a lot of people suffer from.

It's amazing how this thread has gone from: blaming young people for speaking on the phone in theatres -> young people clarifying they don't usually speak on the phone -> blaming young people for not speaking on the phone.

Not once have I or anyone else insulted an older generation on this thread but in return I've been told that my generation is sad, odd, we don't talk correctly, we don't have the capacity to learn etc. Every generation has its positive and negatives. No generation is perfect. Younger generations have always been looked down upon by older generations. It'd be nice if we tried to accept our differences and stop this habit.

Updated On: 5/2/16 at 09:23 AM

#128Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/2/16 at 10:22am

aaaaaa15,  Gypsy101 first brought into the conversation that no one in his generation receives or makes live phone calls but depends most on texting and other informal means of conversation.  ( I am paraphrasing).  I read this comment to state that it can't be the young people receiving the calls in the theater, because your generation only texts.  I stated that was sad because you are taking the "personal' out of conversation and interaction.  Now you tell me there is a phobia out there called  "telephobia" which many suffer from and that is why they only text.  Thank you for educating me.  Now I must get off the computer and make a live phone call to my credit card company and chew them out for a double billing.  I could text/email the issue to them, but I feel I will have it 100% resolved through a live phone conversation.  If you haven't guessed, i don't suffer from "telephobia".

Updated On: 5/2/16 at 10:22 AM

Wee Thomas2 Profile Photo
Wee Thomas2
#129Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/2/16 at 10:27am

So . . . did they kick the patron out?

OlBlueEyes Profile Photo
#130Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/2/16 at 11:17am

ArtMan said: "Gee, so my generation stood around and did nothing while the Aid's epidemic spiraled. And the generation before me did nothing for Civil Rights and the Vietnam War. "

Oh, why I'm I getting drawn into this?

Did nothing for Civil Rights and the Vietnam War? You are dead wrong in that assertion. I will give you Vietnam (others would not) but not Civil Rights. Lyndon Johnson was the President most responsible for expanding the Vietnam War until it would kill 50,000 American soldiers, maim tens of thousands more, and fifteen to twenty years later leave thousands more with mental damage that left them living on the streets as alcoholics and drug abusers or confined to mental institutions. (I have some knowledge of this since in the early 90s I volunteered at a homeless shelter for men and could not believe all the Vets living on the streets who stumbled into the place.)

The same Lyndon Johnson pushed all the important Civil Rights legislation through Congress. And that generation did the heavy lifting on Civil Rights, having to stumble through difficult issues with legitimate grievances on both sides, such as forced school busing and affirmative action. There were no clear winners and losers in resolving these issues, and perhaps that was the correct outcome, but African Americans made clear gains here and the tone of the debate in the country moved away from shallow ignorance and hatred (hatred on both sides) to more reasonableness and compromise.

Damn! This has gotten far away from cell phones.



#131Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/2/16 at 11:52am

OlBlueEyes I think you are misreading their post. They thought, for some reason, that I had said that their generation did nothing for social issues and so they questioned me for this. I then cleared up that I in fact never said that.

Anyway, I'd love to know the age of this theatergoer who is causing all of this discussion!

Marway44 Profile Photo
#132Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/2/16 at 12:54pm

It was well handled as Laura doing this also reminded the other rude patrons to shut there phone.  It's become such an "addiction" where people need there cell phone "fix" and the idea of shutting there precious phone doesn't even come to mind.

How I wish Tom Hewitt did this when I saw "Dracula".  I was first row center.  Tom was on stage in a quiet scene and the cell rang next to me.  The woman answered it and said "Hello?" (pause) "I really can't talk now. I'm at a Broadway show" (pause) "Dracula" (pause) "eh I don't care for it, and the Dracula is no Langella"!

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#133Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/2/16 at 1:25pm

Class all the way

Poster Emeritus

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#134Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/2/16 at 4:28pm

A phone being ON isn't the same as a phone being on silent. I don't know anyone under 35 who actually has a ringtone- everything is on silent or vibrate. As others have said, most don't even get phone calls, unless it's their parents or an elderly relative. Younger people are more likely to be on their phone texting and distracting everyone behind them like a freaking lighthouse beacon in the dark theatre.

Older people are more likely to have the obnoxious, loud ringtone that goes on and on because they don't realize it's their phone and then the awkward fumbling while they try to figure out how to shut it up. And then the second obnoxious, loud ringtone because they just declined the call the first time, not actually shut the phone off. That happened during the first act of The Crucible yesterday. Same exact Samsung ringtone that my mother has.

Airplane mode, people. And dim the screens- it sucks up your battery anyway.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

ken8631 Profile Photo
#135Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/2/16 at 4:29pm

The only show I attended where they stopped the show was "Boy From Oz" where one of the audience members appeared to be having a heart attack.  Liza (aka Stephanie J. Block) asked if anyone in the house was a doctor, and they resumed where they left off after the patron was attended to.  Good reason for a stoppage in that case.

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#136Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/2/16 at 5:46pm

I was watching Morning Joe and Mika's cell went ringer went off and I could not believe that she would not double check that everyday. But the panel ignored it and kept talking.

I hate to be the party pooper but cell phone dependence and lack of phone etiquette is the way of the world now and I fear there is very little that can be done accept reminding people to turn them off.

#137Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/2/16 at 6:30pm

 aaaaaa15, Thanks for trying to clarify my post to OlBlueEyes.  He really interpreted my post incorrectly.

skies Profile Photo
#138Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/2/16 at 6:44pm

I just think Patti Lupone should have been the usher at the theatre, and armed with a very large club to tap patrons on the shoulder with, very lightly, naturally.

"when I’m on stage I see the abyss and have to overcome it by telling myself it’s only a play." - Helen Mirren

#139Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/2/16 at 9:45pm

> But get this - there's a simple solution. Check your phone when you hear the announcement.

And yet mobiles ring.

My point, bless your heart, is that in fact it is not that simple. The announcement alone has not, does not, and will not ever ensure 100% compliance. People don't do it, and hope is not a strategy. This problem doesn't go away until the issue of unintentional  non-compliance is addressed. Not gainsaid, but addressed.



"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)

OlBlueEyes Profile Photo
#141Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/2/16 at 11:12pm

Thanks. I didn't really post that in anger. I wonder if young people are taught and understand how much progress was made in race relations between 1950 and 1990, and how hard it was for everyone. You know, the armed forces were segregated during WW II. Some good came out of this, as the outstanding performance of all black units could not be ignored.

There was so much segregation left in the 50s. In 1974 a federal judge ordered that Massachusetts schools be integrated through forced busing of children. The reaction: demonstrations, riots, violence, boycotts. For almost two years. It was not clear cut good vs. evil. All this in the most liberal state in the union. The final outcome was far from perfect, but progress was made. 

I was concerned about my nephew when he seemed interested in only sports, video games and rap music, but he turned out better than I did.

I'm really the champion thread buster. Sorry.


orangeskittles Profile Photo
#142Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/2/16 at 11:45pm

Suggestions for something that is realistic to do that is not currently being done?


Blow darts with tranquilizers.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

NOWaWarning Profile Photo
#143Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/3/16 at 12:06am

Blow darts with tranquilizers.


LOL! You've got my vote.


bandit964 Profile Photo
#144Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/3/16 at 10:36am

Wow.  I didn't think there'd be so many people on both sides.  To me, a phone ringing is much more distracting than the actor calmly addressing it, then moving on.  

artscallion Profile Photo
#145Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/3/16 at 10:50am

I think a performer addressing it from the stage is actually less distracting. If a phone rings during a quiet, important moment and no one addresses it, I'm left to sit there and stew about how annoying it was and how the moment was ruined by some moron. On the other hand, if an actor deals with it from the stage, I have the satisfaction of knowing the moron got his/hers and I can let the moment go and get right back into the play without dwelling on it.

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

#146Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/3/16 at 11:46am

Geez, this thread is nothing but misery.

#147Cell Phone Nightmare: Laura Benanti Stops the Show
Posted: 5/8/16 at 12:48pm

Out of curiosity, was anyone else at She Loves Me last night? There was a malfunction somewhere during Illona that nearly drowned out poor Jane and Gavin. After it finished, Jane gave a little "yay" and clapped her hands. They had to pause for about 45 seconds for laughter.
