DNC Chair

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#1DNC Chair
Posted: 2/25/17 at 2:44pm

Looks like we get Perez.


javero Profile Photo
#2DNC Chair
Posted: 2/25/17 at 3:57pm

You Dems got it right.  It's a full-time job and Perez needed one.  He's competent, hard-working, professional, and a decent guy who's worked his way up through the ranks.  I remember when he sat on my county council.  Hopefully the Dem nominee for POTUS in 2020 will pick him as her or his running mate.


#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#3DNC Chair
Posted: 2/26/17 at 4:20pm

We'll see, couldn't be any worse then what we've had.


javero Profile Photo
#4DNC Chair
Posted: 2/26/17 at 4:39pm

Trust me, I feel the same way about DB as you did about DWS.  Yesterday's committee vote was partly a referendum on Pelosi and Obama who in spite of their many virtues have been accused of leaving down ballot folks twisting in the wind financially.  Perez must strike a delicate balance with respect to funds distribution and must be very adept at coalition building like Howard Dean before him.  The Warren-Sanders-Ellison branch is not to be taken for granted.  Best of luck Dems!

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#5DNC Chair
Posted: 2/27/17 at 1:51pm

If the whisper of we're more leftist now hasn't been heard yet.....

