
Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady

Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady

A Director
#1Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 3:25pm

This is a story from Talking Points Memo.  I'm sure Petra and BroadwayC will rush to her defense.

Melania Trump’s lawyers alleged in a lawsuit filed Monday that the First Lady’s “unique once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity to profit from her White House role was damaged by a Daily Mail article claiming she once worked as an escort.

The suit, filed in New York State Supreme Court against the tabloid’s owner, Mail Media, seeks compensatory and punitive damages of at least $150 million.

According to the suit, Trump planned to leverage her years as “one of the most photographed women in the world” to establish new “licensing, branding and endorsement” deals worth millions of dollars. She intended to “launch a broad-based commercial brand” selling “apparel accessories, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics, hair care, skin care and fragrance,” the suit states.

The lawsuit alleges that Trump's reputation was undermined at a particularly opportune moment by the Mail article, which published unsubstantiated allegations from a Slovenian magazine that the First Lady had worked for an escort service. That article was eventually retracted.

A judge in Maryland dismissed a similar suit earlier this month, claiming the state court didn’t have the jurisdiction to pursue a case against the U.K.-based Mail Media.

The First Lady’s lawyer, Charles Harder, announced on Tuesday that she had agreed to settle for a "substantial sum" with a Maryland blogger who also published a post about the escort allegations. In a statement provided to TPM by Harder's office, blogger Webster Tarpley said his story was “replete with false and defamatory statements” that he “fully” retracted. 

Harder has been retained by many high-profile clients, includuing disgraced Fox News CEO Roger Ailes. Last year, Trump ally Peter Thiel paid Harder to represent former pro wrestler Hulk Hogan, whose given name is Terry Bollea, in an invasion-of-privacy suit against Gawker Media. The suit resulted in the media company’s bankruptcy.


Petralicious Profile Photo
#2Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 3:44pm

BTW, her name is Melania.

Well of course, Mail Media should suffer the same fate as Gawker and sued out of business for publishing obvious vile lies to defame her. 

It is only one example of why the Americans distrusts the Media even more than Congress.

Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 2/7/17 at 03:44 PM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#3Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 3:49pm

"Well of course, Mail Media should suffer the same fate as Gawker and sued out of business for publishing obvious vile lies to defame her. "

Word salad.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#4Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 4:17pm

I don't hate the media.  At all.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Petralicious Profile Photo
#5Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 4:25pm

DramaMamma,  you are part of the 32% that trusts them.   The lowest in decadesI dont blame you, as best as I can tell by your posts you are liberal and the media is too. I envy you, I wish I could trust them.

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 2/7/17 at 04:25 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#6Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 4:34pm

I don't hate the media more than Congress and I certainly haven't been polled about my trust in either.  Funny that we're supposed to rely on a POLL regarding MASS MEDIA and TRUST after this farcical election.  

FYI - "Hate" is not the opposite of "trust".  32% represents those who responded with "great deal" or "fair amount".  

Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Petralicious Profile Photo
#7Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 4:41pm

Point taken MisterMatt.  I changed it to DISTRUSTS the Media, Hate is too strong a word.

Thank You.

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 2/7/17 at 04:41 PM

A Director
#8Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 4:44pm

Petra -  I found this section of the story troubling.

"Melania Trump’s lawyers alleged in a lawsuit filed Monday that the First Lady’s “unique once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity to profit from her White House role was damaged by a Daily Mail article claiming she once worked as an escort.

The suit, filed in New York State Supreme Court against the tabloid’s owner, Mail Media, seeks compensatory and punitive damages of at least $150 million.

According to the suit, Trump planned to leverage her years as “one of the most photographed women in the world” to establish new “licensing, branding and endorsement” deals worth millions of dollars. She intended to “launch a broad-based commercial brand” selling “apparel accessories, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics, hair care, skin care and fragrance,” the suit states."

To me, Melania is the first First Lady who wants to make a financial profit because her husband is President. Her plan is shameful. Her plans proves she is a grifter.

By the way, I trust nothing, repeat nothing coming out of the White House.

When people go high, the Trump Clan and those who work for them go lower.

Petralicious Profile Photo
#9Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 4:48pm

Its a lawsuit.  Legally they have to show potential loss of income in order to sue.

It is telling though that you are not at all troubled by the fact that they lied about a women being a prosititue. Even after he admits it.  Not SlutShaming I thought was a liberal thing. Just another example of FAKENEWS from the left doing what they can to defame.

The BLOGGER WEBSTER TARPLEY: I posted an article on August 2, 2016 about Melania Trump that was replete with false and defamatory statements about her,” Webster Tarpley, the 71-year-old blogger, said in a statement by Trump’s attorneys, according to the Washington Post.

Trump’s legal team declined to provide the settlement amount. Tarpley, of Gaithersburg, didn’t respond to requests from the Washington Post for comment, but his lawyer confirmed a settlement had been reached.

“I acknowledge that these false statements were very harmful and hurtful to Mrs. Trump and her family, and therefore I sincerely apologize to Mrs. Trump, her son, her husband and her parents for making these false statements,” Trump’s lawyers -- in comments attributed to Tarpley -- wrote in their statement.


When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 2/7/17 at 04:48 PM

A Director
#10Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 5:01pm

Petra, Who is paying you to post this nonsense?  It is telling though that you are avoiding the major issue that Melania plans to "leverage her years as “one of the most photographed women in the world” to establish new “licensing, branding and endorsement” deals worth millions of dollars. She intended to “launch a broad-based commercial brand” selling “apparel accessories, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics, hair care, skin care and fragrance,” the suit states.""

To me, it looks like Melania knows her "Best Used By" date is coming soon and is worried Don The Con will starting looking for someone new, so she plans to get all she can while the going is good.

Petralicious Profile Photo
#11Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 5:09pm

Why cant you just say whether you think it is OK to publish known lies about an innocent women, claiming she is a prostitute. This is very offensive, especially with the problems of Sex Trafficing in Eastern Europe.  Your silence on this is deafening.


I already answered your question,. It is a LEGAL Manuever. Legally you must prove the loss of future earnings.  Now answer mine. 

When They Go Low, I Go High

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#12Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 5:15pm

Just another example of FAKENEWS from the left doing what they can to defame.

A UK tabloid rag and a blog are "the left"?  So, if Fox News constitutes "the right", why has it always been okay for their FAKENEWS?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Petralicious Profile Photo
#13Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 5:29pm

All you have to do MrMatt is take a look at both the bloggers main page and the Talking Posts Memo link that A Director posted from to see they are both very LEFT. 

When They Go Low, I Go High

A Director
#14Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 5:51pm

I found this comment about the lawsuit on another site.  It sums up my thoughts.

"Some first ladies champion literacy, healthcare or children's nutrition...but OK! 

She should sue herself next. For damages, seeing as this suit makes her look like a total scumbag." 

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#15Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 5:55pm

Got it.  UK tabloid + blog = THE LEFT.  FAKENEWS from LEFT = BAD.  FAKENEWS from right = GOOD.

I've never really counted on any tabloids or blogs for news, fake or otherwise, but I'd say the idea that Melania had anything to do with any of this herself other than being asked to sign a document and pose for advertising is most likely the sort of FAKENEWS that you would consider GOOD.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 2/7/17 at 05:55 PM

Petralicious Profile Photo
#16Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 5:57pm

Ok A Director we see where you're coming from. you have no cares about rhe vicious vile smears the blogger admits are Lies or offensive  slutshaming as this is the third time now I've asked you your thoughts on that.  so c'est la vie

When They Go Low, I Go High

ukpuppetboy Profile Photo
#17Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 5:58pm

Petralicious said: "All you have to do MrMatt is take a look at both the bloggers main page and the Talking Posts Memo link that A Director posted from to see they are both very LEFT. "

The Daily Mail is in no way left-wing. It famously supported Oswald Mosley, Leader of the British Fascists in the 40s and is pretty much just full of articles about the "welfare scrounging" of it's chosen target group of the day (single mothers, eastern european migrants, gypsies..). It's a populist piece of **** paper that plays on the fears and biogtry of white middle classes to create scapegoats and secure it's position. I'd say that was the dictionary definition of right wing..

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#18Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 5:59pm

Well, you have no cares about the vicious vile smears and lies of the President, so you're even.

And I will admit, I'm sure Melabia was never a "paid escort".  Certainly they use another word for escort.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

ukpuppetboy Profile Photo
#19Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 6:02pm

But in repsonse to your point Petralicious I think we should all agree that fake news from any source/political side is wrong and harmful to the discussion.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#20Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 6:09pm

Petralicious only agrees that FAKENEWS from THE LEFT (represented entirely by a UK tabloid and a blog) is BAD.  No response about FAKENEWS from RIGHT.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Petralicious Profile Photo
#21Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 7:22pm

Mister Matt said: "Well, you have no cares about the vicious vile smears and lies of the President, so you're even.

And I will admit, I'm sure Melabia was never a "paid escort".  Certainly they use another word for escort.


"MrMatt that is really mean and beneath a smart guy like you


Ukpuppet i agree all fakenews is bad but noone mentioned Daily Mail so not sure your point.


When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 2/7/17 at 07:22 PM

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#22Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 7:56pm

The Daily Mail left? Haha are you kidding? It could not be more right wing if it tried. 

Namo i love u but we get it already....you don't like Madonna

#23Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 8:57pm

Petralicious said: "Ukpuppet i agree all fakenews is bad but noone mentioned Daily Mail so not sure your point."


What do you mean no one mentioned the Daily Mail? That is literally who she is suing and who you are ranting about for posting these false stories about her.

Petralicious Profile Photo
#24Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 9:41pm

No. Its the Maryland blogger who i am talking about.If daily mail published as well  that they should be sued out of existence too no matrer if they are left or right.

When They Go Low, I Go High

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#25Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady
Posted: 2/7/17 at 11:18pm

Melanie Wants To Profit From Being First Lady

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
