DOJ to investigate Comey.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#1DOJ to investigate Comey.
Posted: 1/12/17 at 2:32pm

DOJ watchdog opens review of Comey's Clinton email investigation

"The Justice Department's internal watchdog is launching a broad review of how the FBI handled its investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server.

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz said he would review allegations that FBI Director James Comey violated established procedures when he publicly discussed the bureau's findings and when he sent Congress updates shortly before the election about new evidence agents had discovered. His review will also look at whether FBI and Justice Department employees improperly leaked information prior to the election."

adamgreer Profile Photo
#2DOJ to investigate Comey.
Posted: 1/12/17 at 2:37pm

Is this something they'll be able to complete in a week? I can't imagine the incoming attorney general will allow this investigation to continue. 

Kinky Boy Profile Photo
Kinky Boy
#3DOJ to investigate Comey.
Posted: 1/12/17 at 3:32pm

honey this guy needs to resign. nobody on either side has faith in the FBI anymore. especially not him.
