
Fleabag - BBC 3 UK, coming to Amazon Prime

Fleabag - BBC 3 UK, coming to Amazon Prime

Farmer's Daughter Profile Photo
Farmer's Daughter
#1Fleabag - BBC 3 UK, coming to Amazon Prime
Posted: 7/24/16 at 6:04pm

Has anyone had a chance to see the first episode of this series? I'll just be brief and generic and say I thought it was really good. (In a hilarious/sad/filthy/sardonic kind of way, that is.)  It's been described as a modern day Bridget Jones' Diary..  Currently airing on BBC 3 in the UK, where it premiered July 21, and coming to Amazon Prime this Fall. 


formerly JbaraFan1 8/14/04-2/14/16

John Adams Profile Photo
John Adams
#2Fleabag - BBC 3 UK, coming to Amazon Prime
Posted: 8/8/16 at 10:51am

Farmer's Daughter said: "I started a thread about two weeks ago that's drifted to way down on page 2 of the board.  Maybe it'll pick up more here once it's on Prime."

YIPES! I'm so sorry! I did a search and came up empty, but I know others have had similar bad luck with the Search option, here.

REPOST to your thread:

I've seen the first three episodes and I am in LOVE with this show. It's twisted, and dark and soooo very, very funny! If you have access to the BBC's iPlayer, you can catch up on the first three episodes with the next three to follow on a weekly basis. It's coming to the US on September 16th via Amazon Prime.

The cast is amazing. My favorite character is Harry, played by Hugh Skinner (Les Mis, American Psycho). I want so badly to tell you why I love his character, but I couldn't do him justice and if I were to try, it would definitely spoil the fun of watching Skinner work.

Olivia Coleman is also in the cast and she is hysterically evil. I've never seen her do any work that isn't outstanding. 

You can get a feel for what the show is about from these articles:

Fleabag: a hilarious sitcom about terrible people and broken lives
'Fleabag' Creator: We Can Be "Utterly Monstrous and Filthy" With a British Accent
Amazon’s ‘Fleabag’ Unleashes ‘Naughty, Dark’ Character for Selfie Generation

Is anyone else already watching?

I like this trailer because although it contains some of the funniest scenes, it's edited out the 'best' parts of them so you'll still be surprised when you actually watch:


Farmer's Daughter Profile Photo
Farmer's Daughter
#3Fleabag - BBC 3 UK, coming to Amazon Prime
Posted: 8/8/16 at 11:14am

JA, no worries!  Your thread was fine. :)   Sweet of you to revive mine.  (Agree on the search function here.)


(removed from other thread to add here):

John Adams, you describe this show to perfection. I've been watching on iPlayer too. Will be glad when September 16th gets here, so I can watch it on the TV screen instead of solely via computer.  My husband hasn't seen it either, so something new for us to watch together in the evenings.

formerly JbaraFan1 8/14/04-2/14/16
Updated On: 8/8/16 at 11:14 AM

John Adams Profile Photo
John Adams
#4Fleabag - BBC 3 UK, coming to Amazon Prime
Posted: 8/20/16 at 11:38am

This show is soooooo good! Just watched episode 5. It's very hard to keep it 'unspoiled' until next month!

Farmer's Daughter Profile Photo
Farmer's Daughter
#5Fleabag - BBC 3 UK, coming to Amazon Prime
Posted: 8/27/16 at 3:51pm

omg, episode 6! Roller coaster of emotions. So, that's the whole first season then, right?

formerly JbaraFan1 8/14/04-2/14/16

John Adams Profile Photo
John Adams
#6Fleabag - BBC 3 UK, coming to Amazon Prime
Posted: 8/27/16 at 7:04pm

Yup, that was the whole season. What an amazing series and series ender! I'm going to go back and binge-watch all six again, tomorrow.

I'm going to miss those characters until the second series comes 'round. And the cast is really first rate. I loved Hugh Dennis in Outnumbered until all the kids on that show grew up. I will watch anything Olivia Colman is in.

I will miss Hugh Skinner's character if he should not turn up again after this series. I think his character is a very good example of one of the many aspects I adore about this show - even the characters that are short-lived leave very strong, lasting impressions.

John Adams Profile Photo
John Adams
#7Fleabag - BBC 3 UK, coming to Amazon Prime
Posted: 9/10/16 at 10:18am

Bumping, as the series becomes available this Friday.

For anyone who's not convinced about how good his show is, you can watch the first episode FREE by signing into your Amazon account! smiley
