
The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down

The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#1The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 7:49am



This is beyond brilliant, and the truth hurts.


JANET Hubert, who played Will Smith’s aunt Viv on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air has slammed the actor and his wife Jada Pinkett Smith over their Oscars boycott.

In response to Pinkett Smith, who said she may boycott the Academy Awards due to the lack of black nominees, Hubert blasted the couple with a Facebook video titled “To the Smiths!”

In the four-minute video, Hubert questions the couple’s motivation and Will Smith’s acting ability.

“First of all, miss thing,” the 60-year-old says, referring to Pinkett Smith, “does your man not have a mouth of his own with which to speak?”

“The second thing, girlfriend, there’s a lot of sh*t going on in the world that you all don’t seem to recognise. People are dying. Our boys are being shot left and right. People are starving. People are trying to pay bills. And you’re talking about some motherf**king actors and Oscars. It just ain’t that deep.”

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian
Updated On: 1/19/16 at 07:49 AM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#2The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 9:50am

Right on Rosscoe


How about a number of great performances from those not aggrieved who did not get a nod? Make more slots in certain categories available by increasing the number if that would help. Maybe that would not do it and we have to have a certain number of winners and not just nominees. This would be the next logical progression.


When you think of the greats who never won one it it staggering it is not perfect.

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 1/19/16 at 09:50 AM

HorseTears Profile Photo
#3The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 10:01am

Can we just put some police tape around this thread?  

#4The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 10:38am

Yeah, Janet Hubert is just objectively talking about the boycott and has no other investment in this.  What.  So.  Ever.

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ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#5The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 10:45am

Didn't she infamously quit FRESH PRINCE because of Will Smith's on-set attitude? 

I'm a bit confused about her asking whether Will Smith doesn't have a voice of his own since Pinkett Smith's comments had to do with the lack of black artists in the list of nominations. Is she saying Smith, as the husband, is the one who should be allowed to speak on behalf of the couple? Because that seems ridiculous. 

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

#6The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 10:47am

Yes, she is.  Because she's a real right on lady.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Jane2 Profile Photo
#7The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 12:35pm

Of course Spike Lee is also boycotting, I heard.


Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#8The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 12:39pm

At least something good will come out of this per Jane 2 post

Poster Emeritus

#9The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 12:39pm

I do not blame him one bit.



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Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#10The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 1:11pm

The fact that anyone equates the Oscars with anything life changing is mind boggling. It is a popularity contest first and foremost.Watching it is an annual event like the world series or Super bowl.It is Hollywood patting itself  on the back once a year.In the grand scheme of things "Who Cares"?


I stopped taking it seriously when John Wayne won a Best Actor award over Richard Burton. Burton,  by the way, never won one. Mad Max is up for Best Picture. Come on gang. Increase the number of slots for acting awards. It is only a stopgap until someone complains about not enough winners. If the awards stopped tomorrow who would care? It is fantasyland people.


If Will Smith had been nominated would she still be boycotting? I somehow doubt it.



Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 1/19/16 at 01:11 PM

HorseTears Profile Photo
#11The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 1:16pm


Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#12The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 1:59pm

To totally defuse the situation, every one get a popcorn and coke and watch the movie The Oscar to show how meaningless they are. You will get to see one of the worst films ever made with cringeworthy dialogue and Tony Bennett chewing up the scenery like nobody's business. We can all have a good laugh.


Some people were touting Michae Caine and/ or Jane Fonda for Youth. Neither was nominated. Life ain't fair.Many are left out . 

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 1/19/16 at 01:59 PM

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#13The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 3:33pm

Jada Pinkett Smith and Spike Lee are allowed to boycott whatever they want. It is a free country after all. Janet Hubert also has a right to voice her opposing opinion in regards to that boycott, but you would have to be a fool not to believe that this is really just a case of sour grapes on Hubert's part because of what transpired between Will and her when she was on "Fresh Prince". 


Don't kid yourselves about Hubert's intentions with this rant. Hubert may be concerned about all the things she listed in her diatribe but not in the context as it pertains to Will Smith. She hates the man, has always hated the man and took this opportunity to unleash her venom out on him - - - and his wife.


She should have kept it classy, She didn't have to resort to calling Pinkett Smith "Miss Thing" and when she went down that ghetto road, she lost me and I said to myself, "Huh, this isn't about the Oscars....AT ALL."


This is personal. 

Updated On: 1/19/16 at 03:33 PM

DAME Profile Photo
#14The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 3:56pm

@Carlos  You are 100% correct.  And her little tirade about their production company ... if it was my production company I would also just hire people I want to work with.   I am not for the boycott.  But Hubert really comes out like the bitter fool she claims not to be.  


#15The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 4:03pm

She should have kept it classy


Would could possibly be classier than shooting it with the Apple Photo Booth comic book filter on, making her look like Eartha Kitt's Catwoman henchwench on Batman '66?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

best12bars Profile Photo
#16The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 4:10pm

Would could possibly be classier than shooting it with the Apple Photo Booth comic book filter on, making her look like Eartha Kitt's Catwoman henchwench on Batman '66?


LOL Which is appropriate, since she was in the OBC of "Cats" and seems out for a cat fight now.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#17The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 4:13pm

FindingNamo said: "She should have kept it classy




Would could possibly be classier than shooting it with the Apple Photo Booth comic book filter on, making her look like Eartha Kitt's Catwoman henchwench on Batman '66?



LMAO!!! Oh lawd !!! You almost made me pee in my pants Namo! Damn you!!! Damn you straight to hell!!!




CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#18The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 4:15pm

DAME said: "@Carlos  You are 100% correct.  And her little tirade about their production company ... if it was my production company I would also just hire people I want to work with.   I am not for the boycott.  But Hubert really comes out like the bitter fool she claims not to be. "


Mmm hmm, you know that's right. High five mi'ja! ¡Ya tu sabe!






#19The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 5:01pm

she was in the OBC of "Cats" and seems out for a cat fight now.



Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

uncageg Profile Photo
#20The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 5:06pm

CarlosAlberto said: "Jada Pinkett Smith and Spike Lee are allowed to boycott whatever they want. It is a free country after all. Janet Hubert also has a right to voice her opposing opinion in regards to that boycott, but you would have to be a fool not to believe that this is really just a case of sour grapes on Hubert's part because of what transpired between Will and her when she was on "Fresh Prince". 

Don't kid yourselves about Hubert's intentions with this rant. Hubert may be concerned about all the things she listed in her diatribe but not in the context as it pertains to Will Smith. She hates the man, has always hated the man and took this opportunity to unleash her venom out on him - - - and his wife.

She should have kept it classy, She didn't have to resort to calling Pinkett Smith "Miss Thing" and when she went down that ghetto road, she lost me and I said to myself, "Huh, this isn't about the Oscars....AT ALL."

This is personal. 


agree. When Miss Thing came out of her mouth I said "Oh God" out loud. And then the profanity. Yup she is bitter but it is a shame she presented her views this way instead of a more classy and intelligent way. Bu I am sure her phone is ringing right now for tv appearences. In my eyes, she became an embarrassment to the black community. JMO

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 1/22/16 at 05:06 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#21The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 5:12pm

George C Scott had it right . It is a meat market. Is it right to say Di Caprio's performance is better than Redmayne's or Cranston's? Truth be told, I did not think his was the best - a lot of grunting and a fight with a CG bear.Think him and the movie are overrated. He will probably win as it is thought to be "his year".


To say it is an honor to be nominated is  b.s.  You want to win. Just thinking about Stephen Boyd's reaction at the end of The Oscar . It was priceless.


Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 1/19/16 at 05:12 PM

#22The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 5:29pm

She didn't quit.  Will had her fired.

#23The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 5:29pm

double post

Updated On: 1/19/16 at 05:29 PM

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#24The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 5:34pm

How ever she said it, she still has a valid point nepotism is alive and well in that family, 

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

The Glenbuck Laird Profile Photo
The Glenbuck Laird
#25The Smiths ( Jada ) gets smacked down
Posted: 1/19/16 at 5:42pm

I'll be honest, gutted, I thought Morrissey and Marr had reformed.
