
"Growing Up Trans" on PBS' Frontline - Tonight (6/30/15)

"Growing Up Trans" on PBS' Frontline - Tonight (6/30/15)

HorseTears Profile Photo
#1"Growing Up Trans" on PBS' Frontline - Tonight (6/30/15)
Posted: 6/30/15 at 10:07pm

FRONTLINE is one of the best in the biz when it comes to investigative journalism and news docs.  This report is airing tonight on most PBS stations.  Assume it will be available on PBS.org and the PBS apps later:


JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#2"Growing Up Trans" on PBS' Frontline - Tonight (6/30/15)
Posted: 7/1/15 at 7:45am

It's up on PBS.org. What a beautiful documentary. It covers a lot of questions and concerns I have had as a parent. So many children with gender-dysmorphia don't become adolescents with gender-dysmorphia. I am in a couple of parenting groups (a two mom group and a non-bio mom group) and in both, there are several families that have small children that identify as trans. I would be so afraid of my child making a choice that they regret, in either direction.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

uncageg Profile Photo
#3Growing up Trans
Posted: 7/2/15 at 1:08pm

Very well done. I really hope they follow-up on these kids in a few years.

Just give the world Love.

HorseTears Profile Photo
#4Growing up Trans
Posted: 7/2/15 at 1:34pm

I'm saving it watch with a friend this weekend, but as JG said, it's available to view online now: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/growing-up-trans/

HorseTears Profile Photo
#5Growing up Trans
Posted: 7/19/15 at 8:04pm

"Very well done. I really hope they follow-up on these kids in a few years."


Finally got time to watch it and, yes, I agree.  A Seven Up style follow up with these kids every few years would be fascinating.  I think I was most struck by how mature and self-assured so many of these kids were and with how much grace most of their parents handled these difficult decisions, though it was equally interesting (and kinda heartbreaking) to see how conflicted Isaac (the red headed 19 yr old) was about the choice he made to transition in his youth.  

