Bruce Jenner Interview

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#1Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/24/15 at 9:25pm

Anyone watching?

SNAFU Profile Photo
#2Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/24/15 at 11:23pm

I haven't but read the reports on the interview. Good for him! I hope he finds peace and freedom in this!


Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

ChgoTheatreGuy Profile Photo
#2Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/24/15 at 11:56pm

The interview was beyond amazing.  Not sensational at all, Diane Sawyer asked very intelligent questions and covered every possible angle there could be.  Bruce seemed to be very relaxed and at times relieved to have all of this weight from the years removed from him.  Very touching...

#3Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 12:58am

I thought Jenner was brave and heartfelt. Sawyer is a bit like an actor who feels the need to indicate everything instead of just being in the moment.  I found Jenner's oldest son most compelling. Overall a fascinating story well told.

#4Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 12:59am

He's always been so vacuous when it comes to politics, I wonder if it will ever occur to him that the old white men he supports in politics have done everything they can to stand in the way of all advances for people in his situation?  On the other hand, maybe maybe maybe his telling people to keep an open mind will really get through to some of them?  

I also would like to point out that it was Kanye West who reacted with insight and the empathy.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#5Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 1:10am

Most have reacted with empathy and insight, as did Kanye.  In fact I don't recall anyone connected to Jenner who didn't respond that way.  It's hardly unique or special.  As for his being a Republican, I don't understand the Log Cabin branch either but there they are.

#6Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 1:30am

His step daughter Khloyieuy.  Kim was stuck until Kanye told her his thoughts.  The thing about his Republicanism comes through when he makes a REAL point to say he isn't/wasn't gay.  And really, NO mention of "Can't Stop the Music"?

You wonder if he will ever make the connection between lack of funding for transgender youth suicide prevention and the people he votes for?  Maybe one day he will realize his difficult struggle would have been much harder were he black and poor.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

RippedMan Profile Photo
#7Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 1:35am

Honestly I think it's kind of incredible that this is happening. I mean, it's a highly rated show with a bunch of idiots that people can't seem to stop watching. And yet something like this happens that just puts a whole new spin on the show and let's people see something like this that they may not have sought out like Transparent, etc. I think it's great, and I'm glad it was handled well. I'm already sick of the media making jokes about him. Grow up.

Tag Profile Photo
#8Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 1:45am

Between this and her recent Sound of Music special, Diane and her team are really hitting it out of the park.

#9Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 1:56am

Not sure what "Can't Stop the Music" has to do with this discussion. Are you suggesting that everyone in that cast was gay?  Steve Guttenberg, Russell Nype, Jack Weston, Paul Sand...  And if you had listened to what Jenner said, or what any trans person has ever said, sexual orientation has nothing to do with sexual identity.  Watch "Transparent" on Netflix for a started course then come back to the conversation.

Updated On: 4/25/15 at 01:56 AM

#10Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 2:03am

Yeeeeeeeah I've seen the series, thanks. 

I guess if Bruce looks at the film of him standing at the medal platform in the Olympics in 1976 and sees sadness, I don't think his presence in a movie filled with repressed gender non-conformists is any less interesting in the face of it. 

What does he see when he looks at that?  Probably far too tricky for him to imagine any sort of common ground with gay men. He's an Obama-hating conservative. 



Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 4/25/15 at 02:03 AM

#11Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 2:11am

So much for empathy.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#12Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 2:51am

Seriously, namo, what do you know about sexuality or gender?  

Transparent is on Amazon, btw.

I was surprised at how much compassion and empathy I had for Jenner.  Not because I wouldn't have compassion and empathy for him as a trans person, but because of that Kardashian side show he was (is?) a part of.    I wondered if it was telling that not a single member of his Kardashian family appeared, and virtually every other kid of his did, but maybe those E! ladies have something in their contracts about not being on other networks.  

I respect that he didn't reveal "her" name, but it did sound weird to keep referring to this "her" over and over. 


NYadgal Profile Photo
#13Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 7:46am

I was struck by the fact that his first two wives provided loving and supportive comments while Kris provided 'no comment' - until "Bruce Jenner" became the number one trending topic, with positive support from around the world.  Suddenly a loving tweet. 

My hope is that he can separate himself from the publicity whores known as Kardashians once and for all. 

Add my voice to the chorus of those who felt moved by this brave and honest discussion.  The support of his older children, and the video of his mother sharing her love, were moving moments.  I do believe that he will help change the conversation and will make a difference.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."
Updated On: 4/25/15 at 07:46 AM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#14Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 8:13am

Excellent interview all around.


Luscious Profile Photo
#15Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 8:28am

"On the other hand, maybe maybe maybe his telling people to keep an open mind will really get through to some of them?"

Based on the comments posted in response to the following article, I really don't hold out much hope for humankind. So much hatred. So much bile. So much self-righteous vitriol. And for the most part, all in the name of religion. What a sad, angry, ugly world we live in.

Bruce Jenner Reveals 'Yes, I am a woman'


Updated On: 4/25/15 at 08:28 AM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#16Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 8:48am

Reading an Internet comments section and forming an opinion about humankind is inaccurate as reading a previews thread on an Internet Broadway site and forming an opinion about the quality and future success of a show. You just get a bunch of people crabbing whose voices seem disproportionately loud.

Better to judge by the show itself. Think about how many millions of people now heave listened to the heart of a trans person.

That is how progress happens: by people listening.

I would say the overall impression is "I hope he's happy...or should I say 'she'?"

And that's a good thing.

Luscious Profile Photo
#17Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 9:17am

I agree with you, PJ. And I expected a certain amount of negativity and backlash - just not that much. I would have thought (hoped) that it would have been more evenly balanced. But a good 90% of the comments are just downright hateful. It's upsetting to me to see that level of ignorance and intolerance in this day and age. I thought we had come further. Guess living in a big city and spending time on a Broadway message board can skewer one's perception of the world. We've got a long, long way to go as a species.

Updated On: 4/25/15 at 09:17 AM

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#18Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 11:21am

Namo landed on a telling nuance, noting the tone employed as Jenner balked at being gay.  Yeah, we all fully understand the need to draw the distinction among trans people, with widespread ignorance reported about his revealing his "sexuality," when gender is entirely separate. Yet intentional or not, his insistence was oddly contentious in a way that couldn't help but conjure a Jindal/Pence-restricted America.        

Anyone else see "Can't Stop the Music" at the Ziegfeld in NYC?  I remember the cavernous barn with about 30 people spread out (like the shots of the house from the stage in "The Boyfriend.") It was a decidedly unique experience, watching it with so few New Yorkers on a warm Saturday afternoon. 

On the way out, someone said "I never miss a Tammy Grimes Bruce Jenner movie."  

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling
Updated On: 4/25/15 at 11:21 AM

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#19Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 11:22am

double trouble

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling
Updated On: 4/25/15 at 11:22 AM

#20Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 11:30am

The actual story of his lifelong loneliness and confusion was moving.  I agree with nyadgal about the specific responses from others -- especially his mother -- they all made me feel deep emotion.

I feel like he's got showbiz hucksterism in his blood.  I'll attach a link to Frank Deford's excellent NPR piece about knowing Bruce since the '76 Olympics, which shows his mindset on how to capitalize on his remarkable Olympic achievement for the rest of his life.  (His bit lipsynching the TV commentary was the one moment of unbridled "you better work" Bruce allowed himself in this entire show). As moved as I was by his story, my thoughts that the most recent family members weren't there because they don't do anything without getting paid for it.  I'm sure this will be a hot topic with or without Bruce on their TV show, which translates to money for them.

And I also felt his holding back on what his new name will be, and leaving it to Diane to describe "her" in the beautiful black dress was not only reminiscent of holding back on the shark reveal in "Jaws," but was also specifically about Bruce's upcoming E! network show about his transition.  On one level, all this talk of "the next year" was really a big commercial for that.  I can't really say as I blame Bruce, a girl's gotta make a living.  But it did put up a wall between him telling his story and me completely buying into his hoping this helps people and that's why he's talking.  I also realize both things can be true at the same time.

Bruce Jenner clearing hurdles

The thing I can't abide by is his stupid politics, which have always been stupid for his entire public life.  I mean, on this very special a Nixon speechwriter gasped, "You're a REPUBLICAN?" and that was glorious!  Not for nothing did I think there was any reason other than his conservatism that he declared himself asexual and that his only desire is to have a "small group of friends" to sit around in the privacy of his home, talking and having dinner.  We get it.  You're not going to cause any trouble!  You're not going to trouble the politicians you support with anything more than your "journey"… even if that means you become a lesbian.  In fact, you'd rather say you're asexual.

He's living proof that every act is political, from what we name ourselves, to how we sell ourselves.

I'm grateful for the special.  I'm grateful for him sharing the story. But it can be true at the same time that he's a shameless huckster and a political coward.  May he have many years to prove me wrong.  All THOSE things can be true simultaneously too.

PS Auggie, was writing this as you posted.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 4/25/15 at 11:30 AM

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#21Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 12:56pm

I thought it was an interesting study on how I could have empathy and find someone completely abhorrent and morally bankrupt at the same time. The political values he professed were so deeply hypocritical and dripped in self-interest.

I agree the interviews with the kids were interesting. That was the closest to not manufactured as the program got for me.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

#22Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 1:04pm

It was almost Shakespearean the way two of the most important events happened off screen but were related to the audience.  "Off camera, Bruce told me the story of the accident and it was devastating."  "She was beautiful."

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#23Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 1:44pm

I love this article by Justin Vivian Bond, who sits more easily with the ambivalence.


Cheers to Bruce Jenner for Proving It’s Never Too Late to Be Yourself

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#24Bruce Jenner Interview
Posted: 4/25/15 at 2:03pm

When he said he was a republican, my wife said, "That's it. You just lost me. I was there with you on being trans, I was looking over the Kardashian garbage, but being a republican is something I just can't forgive." 


I thought it was an interesting study on how I could have empathy and find someone completely abhorrent and morally bankrupt at the same time.

That captured my feelings totally. It was really interesting and my heart was really being tugged for him, but then they got to his third wife and I remembered how I felt about him. 

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!
Updated On: 4/25/15 at 02:03 PM
