
It's time to salute the previously unheralded

It's time to salute the previously unheralded

#1It's time to salute the previously unheralded
Posted: 10/2/12 at 11:08am

It's time to salute the previously unheralded

SPORK! What would KFC be without it?

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#2It's time to salute the previously unheralded
Posted: 10/2/12 at 11:10am

Or Taco Bell

tazber Profile Photo
#2It's time to salute the previously unheralded
Posted: 10/2/12 at 11:31am

The spork revolutionized Western culture. It's not overstating it to say that its inventor deserves the same plaudits as Jonas Salk or Steve Jobs.

....but the world goes 'round
