
Malaysian Airliner 747 crashes. Did Russia shoot it down?- Page 2

Malaysian Airliner 747 crashes. Did Russia shoot it down?

#25Malaysian Airliner 747 crashes. Did Russia shoot it down?
Posted: 7/18/14 at 10:55am

The black box will be in Moscow by noon!

PalJoey Profile Photo
#26Malaysian Airliner 747 crashes. Did Russia shoot it down?
Posted: 7/18/14 at 11:04am

The Russian-backed separatists are in control of that area. It's just as impossible to secure as an ISIS-controlled area of Iraq or Syria would be.

This is the kind of world we live in. Technologically advanced yet still barbaric.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#27Malaysian Airliner 747 crashes. Did Russia shoot it down?
Posted: 7/18/14 at 1:37pm

One American was killed, Obama confirmed it.

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#28Malaysian Airliner 747 crashes. Did Russia shoot it down?
Posted: 7/18/14 at 2:13pm

The loss is immeasurable. These are people who spent their lives helping others.

NYTimes Updated On: 7/18/14 at 02:13 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#29Malaysian Airliner 747 crashes. Did Russia shoot it down?
Posted: 7/18/14 at 6:04pm

The others who died lives are just as important. One life is not worth more than another. To try and say one loss is more than another is wrong. Yes they helped others but the lives of the others who died are just as important to their friends and family.

Poster Emeritus

PalJoey Profile Photo
#30Malaysian Airliner 747 crashes. Did Russia shoot it down?
Posted: 7/18/14 at 6:34pm

Who said they weren't just as important?

The entire history of literature and drama teaches us that sympathy for the largest portion of humanity is best served by telling the stories of individuals.

By telling Anne Frank's story, we do not say that Anne Frank is "more important" than every other victim of the Holocaust. Rather, we humanize all of them by telling the story of one.

"Tell my story"--it's the greatest gift we can give to those who have passed.

#31Malaysian Airliner 747 crashes. Did Russia shoot it down?
Posted: 7/18/14 at 10:17pm

What an awful human being to joke about a situation like this.

Jason Biggs Causes Twitter Controversy by Posting Malaysia Airline Jokes

PalJoey Profile Photo
#32Malaysian Airliner 747 crashes. Did Russia shoot it down?
Posted: 7/18/14 at 11:31pm

Who gives a SH*T what Jason Biggs says or some absolutely meaningless Twitter controversy?

The cure for AIDS may have been on that plane.

‘The AIDS cure may have been on that plane’ Chris Hayes talks about the impact of losing some of the world’s best AIDS/HIV researchers in the Malaysia Flight MH17 disaster.

#33Malaysian Airliner 747 crashes. Did Russia shoot it down?
Posted: 7/18/14 at 11:47pm

Why is Mr Roxy DETERMINED to take offense whenever the fact that AIDS researchers died is brought up?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#34Malaysian Airliner 747 crashes. Did Russia shoot it down?
Posted: 7/18/14 at 11:53pm

"The cure for AIDS may have been on that plane."

This truly was an unfortunate situation. Hundreds of people lost their lives and the world also lost some hope for the future of medicine.

#35Malaysian Airliner 747 crashes. Did Russia shoot it down?
Posted: 7/19/14 at 7:00pm

We now have some information on what Quinn Lucas Schansman, the lone American passenger, was like as a person.

Who Was Quinn Lucas Schansman, the Lone American Passenger on Malaysia Airlines Flight 17?

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#36Malaysian Airliner 747 crashes. Did Russia shoot it down?
Posted: 7/19/14 at 8:12pm

"To try and say one loss is more than another is wrong."

Thank goodness every thinking person knows no one on this thread has said any such thing.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#37Malaysian Airliner 747 crashes. Did Russia shoot it down?
Posted: 7/20/14 at 9:41am

Now the rebels have taken the bodies and have them in refrigerated rail cars.

When will the world community get off its asses and come down hard on Russia Withdrawing our ambassador "for consultations"might be a start. Sanctions with teeth might be another

Sadly it appears to be all about the Benjamin's as always

Poster Emeritus

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#38Malaysian Airliner 747 crashes. Did Russia shoot it down?
Posted: 7/20/14 at 10:00am

It bears repeating:

Thank goodness every thinking person knows no one on this thread has said any such thing.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#39Malaysian Airliner 747 crashes. Did Russia shoot it down?
Posted: 7/21/14 at 8:00am

Maybe there's proof that Putin DID pull the trigger on the smoking gun:

BUSINESS INSIDER: This Is What Kremlin Panic Looks Like
