
Scott Walker Defeats Tom Barrett: Wisconsin Recall Results 2012 - Page 2

Scott Walker Defeats Tom Barrett: Wisconsin Recall Results 2012

#25Scott Walker Defeats Tom Barrett: Wisconsin Recall Results 2012
Posted: 6/10/12 at 10:46am

1) the Washington Times is a right-wing rag that will print anything.

2) You've got to hand it to Republicans. They have use their near-total control of the nation's media to somehow convince people that it's the teachers, firefighters and highway workers who drove this country into the ditch and they need to be punished while at the same time convincing people that make $25,000 a year that people who make $250,000 a year pay too many taxes.

#26Scott Walker Defeats Tom Barrett: Wisconsin Recall Results 2012
Posted: 6/10/12 at 10:58am

I think the situation in California is just starting to unravel. Most Californians have no clue about how generous their state has been in many respects, when compared to most other states. Labor protection has been inordinately high while tuition rates, at least for community colleges, have been absurdly low. California state spending has been out of control for decades and the last balanced budget was, when, 1999?

#27Scott Walker Defeats Tom Barrett: Wisconsin Recall Results 2012
Posted: 6/10/12 at 11:43pm

"1) the Washington Times is a right-wing rag that will print anything."

Are you disputing their reporting of the CA election results?

From the NY TIMES:
"Residents of San Diego and San Jose voted overwhelmingly to cut the pension benefits they give city workers. And they did so in a way governments traditionally avoid: moving to cut not just the benefits of future hires, but also those of current city workers, whose pensions generally have much stronger legal protections than those of private-sector workers.

Unions in both cities vowed to block the cuts in court, but the ease with which the measures passed is expected to embolden other financially strained cities and states to follow their lead."

