
Bill Cosby Rape Allegations- Page 11

Bill Cosby Rape Allegations

javero Profile Photo
#250Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 7/27/15 at 3:32pm

Honestly, I don't see Cosby taking his own life.  He'll go to his grave a bitter old sanctimonious prick feeling betrayed by "all the little people" that he helped along the way.  And the Missus will stand by her man.  There's something about the two that has always reminded me of the characters Frank & Claire Underwood of HOUSE OF CARDS fame, in the worst possible way.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Liza's Headband
#251Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 7/27/15 at 3:34pm

There's something about the two that has always reminded me of the characters Frank & Claire Underwood of HOUSE OF CARDS fame, in the worst possible way.

More accurate would be the Clintons... but alright. 

DAME Profile Photo
#252Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 7/27/15 at 3:36pm

"Am I the only one who sees this ending in suicide?"



I think he has enough money to live in his own fantasy land.  I don't see suicide at all.   Just the end of his showbiz career.



#253Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 7/27/15 at 4:48pm

I'm not thinking suicide, but possibly a heart attack or earlier than expected natural death.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#254Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 7/27/15 at 4:48pm

I'm not thinking suicide, but possibly a heart attack or earlier than expected natural death.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

DAME Profile Photo
#255Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 7/27/15 at 6:55pm

"I'm not thinking suicide, but possibly a heart attack or earlier than expected natural death."

 All that chocolate Jello pudding.


#256Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 7/27/15 at 7:03pm

All the stress that must have hit him when "Because I said so" was no longer a reason to do his bidding or believe a word he said.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

SNAFU Profile Photo
#257Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 7/27/15 at 10:58pm

He owns 50% of the Cosby Shows. Since most networks have stopped airing them (at least here in the states), I am assuming his money pipeline has a crimp in it. Though, he has amassed untold fortumes to date.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#258Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 7/27/15 at 11:31pm

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#259Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 7/28/15 at 1:15am

Janis Ian had an interesting story to tell:


Do I have a stake in this issue? Yes. Of course. Outside of being female, outside of knowing women aren't "heard" as loudly as men are heard, outside of firmly believing that if women were treated equally around the world, many if not all of the world's problems would no longer exist - outside of all that... I have a personal stake.
No, I was not sexually bothered by Bill Cosby. We met because he was curious about me.

My song "Society's Child" was climbing the charts and creating a great deal of controversy. The Smothers Brothers took a huge gamble and had me on their hit television show. I was just sixteen years old when we taped it. I'd been on the road for months, doing press and one-nighters. My chaperone/tour manager, a family friend six or seven years older than me, was doing everything in her power to make sure I was protected and getting as much rest as possible.

Remember. I was sixteen. Still in high school. Fairly naive, including about my own sexuality. For months on the road, my chaperone was the only consistent face I saw. Everyone else was a complete stranger - radio personalities, newspaper reporters, magazine photographers, audiences, promoters, disc jockeys, all strangers. So I clung to my chaperone.

We'd never been to a big-time TV taping. We had no idea we'd have to be inside from early early morning until whenever they called for me. There were only a couple of chairs for us on the set - I was pretty low on the totem pole, way lower than Jimmy Durante or Pat Paulsen or Mason Williams (all of whom were wonderful to us). And I was exhausted. I'd been having nightmares for weeks, the result of the controversy surrounding "Society's Child" and the death threats I was receiving daily. I needed to sleep. So I fell asleep in my chaperone's lap. She was earth motherly, I was scared. It was good to rest.

We taped the show. I had a ball. (You can see it on Youtube, in fact. That's me, looking scared, in the green dress. My friend Buffy from East Orange, where I'd started high school, made it for me. I treasured it.) Then we went back to New York, and I went back to school.

A while later, my manager called me into her office. "What happened at the Smothers Brothers show?!" I had no idea what she was talking about, and said so. "Well, no one else on TV is willing to have you on. Not out there, anyway." Why? I wondered. And was told that Cosby, seeing me asleep in the chaperone's lap, had made it his business to "warn" other shows that I wasn't "suitable family entertainment", was probably a lesbian, and shouldn't be on television.

Again, a reminder. I was 16. I'd never slept with a man, I'd never slept with a woman. Hell, I barely been kissed, and that in the middle of the summer camp sports area, next to the ping pong table.

Banned from TV. Unbelievable. Bless Johnny Carson and his producer Freddy de Cordova, one of the nicest men I've ever worked with, because they didn't listen. Or maybe they didn't give a damn. I don't know. I do know that they broke the barrier Cosby tried to create.

There's a lot to bother a sensible person about this. The years these women were ignored. The years they were derided. That the story finally really "broke" because a male comedian named Hannibal Buress kept bringing it up, kept calling Cosby a "rapist". Not because woman after woman after woman went to the police, to the press, to anyone who'd listen, with horribly similar stories.

Let me be snarky for a moment. Interesting that there are so few women of color in the New Yorker photo. Interesting that the ones in the photo all appear to be light-skinned. Perhaps darker skinned women have not come forward yet? Perhaps they're among the other 12 women who've accused him but aren't pictured?

Or perhaps not. I have to wonder if this rapist has some issues with his own race.
Continuing the snarkiness, I find it horrifying that his wife is still insisting it was all consensual. That she sounds more upset by "the invasion of privacy" than the rapes.
People seem to be confused because she continues to stand by him. I have just two words for that - money, honey. According to the press, she's his manager, and has been for years. And his "business manager", eg the person who handles the money. So if there were pay-offs, she saw the checks. She is complicit.

If it was consensual, why pay anyone to be silent?

If it was consensual, why are there so many women who do not want money, who do not need fame, who are by turns ashamed, violated, exposed, vulnerable, and still continue to speak out?

Cosby was right in one thing. I am gay. Or bi, if you prefer, since I dearly loved the two men I lived with over the years. My tilt is toward women, though, and he was right about that.

But what an odd thing, that a black man who slept with so very many white women chose to take my possible lesbianism away from our one meeting, rather than the message I tried to get across with "Society's Child." How pathetic. How truly, truly pathetic.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#260Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 8/12/15 at 6:41pm

Three more women come forward accusing Cosby of sexual misconduct. At this point I have lost count.


#261Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 8/12/15 at 6:47pm

Because it's more than 10?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#262Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 8/12/15 at 7:05pm

That incident with Janis Ian is really quite shocking. I had no idea she ever went through all that,

Thanks JG2. It's just so overwhelming that he's still not locked up. I feel so badly for all the women. How did he ever get away with this. The article in the New Yorker is frightening! Can't someone slip him a few hundred roofies? Sad.

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?

darquegk Profile Photo
#263Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 8/12/15 at 7:30pm

Poor Janis... history just keeps holding her down. She should be a giant in the music world, one of the true legends of her time. And whether it's because of her sexuality or the way she refused to steer for the mainstream and pull punches, she's never gotten the success she has deserved after a career of her caliber.

And now this.

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#264Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 8/12/15 at 9:23pm

And she's catching a lot of sh!t for telling the story, too. People all over the place are calling her an opportunist and trolling articles about her story. I feel for her and don't doubt her for a second.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#265Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 8/13/15 at 7:00am

I felt bad for Ian being put through that, and at such a young age. Cosby is full of himself, he's always been full of himself. He's always struck me as a smug and self righteous. The biggest hypocrites always are. His career is ruined and he's persona non grata, a pariah in the entertainment industry.

It doesn't matter what he has done before THIS is his legacy and THIS is what he will be remembered for - - - a sexual predator and a serial rapist. He's a common thug. 

haterobics Profile Photo
#266Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 8/13/15 at 11:27am

I stopped following this story closely, but today's Hollywood Reporter piece mentions, in its last sentence, that Cosby is scheduled to be deposed in October. Is that old news, or did they really bury the lead?

Liza's Headband
#267Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 8/13/15 at 11:38am

That is new-ish news but not enough to be considered "breaking." Yes, it was decided by a Judge in a California Appeals Court about two weeks ago (is that considered old?) that Cosby must be deposed under oath for a civil suit related to the rape of an underage girl in the Playboy Mansion during the 1970s. His lawyers had been fighting it for the last year but a Judge just threw out their objections. They then filed to have the plaintiff be deposed first, prior to Cosby's testimony. A Judge is expected to rule in favor of the plaintiff. October will sure make things a whole lot more interesting now. 

haterobics Profile Photo
#268Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 8/13/15 at 11:52am

Thanks, Liza!

Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#269Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 8/13/15 at 1:15pm

The juxtapositions of Cosby's thought processes are truly staggering. His act was always so "family" and "love" oriented. The tv shows relatively the same extension of those themes. His "children's say darndest things" were very funny. (Thank God he wasn't a pedophile).

Yet while he was promoting these themes, he was filled with loathe and abuse. Notwithstanding what is happening with these allegations, I know personally from a close friend he was infamous for coming into towns and cities, getting his staff to go out and buy up any African(American) memorabilia, knick knacks, posters, only to destroy them. He thought he was abolishing all remembrances of slavery while he was treating all these women as worse than slaves. It would take any network now a lot of balls to even try to put his reruns on. "Those who don't learn their history are doomed to repeat it" He bought up all the rights to Amos and Andy and other early programs depicting African Americans in that way. Now, at least his programs should never be shown again. 

This is all still so very sad to me.

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#270Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 12/30/15 at 10:16am

Breaking news: Cosby has been charged with aggravated indecent assault. 


Hes expectedto be arraigned this afternoon.  

Jane2 Profile Photo
#271Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 12/30/15 at 11:40am

^ yes, because the statute of limitations runs out tomorrow!


Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#272Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 12/30/15 at 11:47am

Looks like 2016 will have the "trial of the century".

SNAFU Profile Photo
#273Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 12/30/15 at 12:12pm

Not sure how this is going to go. I don't think there is any evidence or witnesses. It is just going to be a he said/ she said situation. I guess there will be some sort of closure for the woman though, just knowing he was arrested and taken to court.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

#274Bill Cosby Rape Allegations
Posted: 12/30/15 at 12:32pm

Though be prepared for the possibility that he may not be convicted, which is going to lead to an outlash from every "Men's Rights Activist" about "lying women" and the persecution of a "beloved icon" by said women out to make a buck and a name. It won't matter what reason he's not convicted (hung jury, unable to prove beyond reasonable doubt), unless he's found guilty you know we're going to see that.
