BroomstickBoy Profile Photo
#875LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 2/26/15 at 7:35pm

Man-child and "sissy boy" are not synonymous with one another. Patrick is a typical product of this gay generation of wanting what he wants and not knowing what it is.

Patrick needs to GROW up. Kevin needs to MAN up, because dishonesty with people you claim to care about is petty and immature. When you knowingly get involved with someone you know belongs to someone else, you know what you're getting into, but you don't know how it's going to make you feel, until your feelings get smashed into a million pieces.

And while we're at it, what does "man up" even mean? Is that another "deflect and project" maneuver, pun intended, to throw faux-masculine shade at a guy who doesn't act the way you want him to?

I don't WANT to live in what they call "a certain way." In the first place I'd be no good at it and besides that I don't want to be identified with any one class of people. I want to live every whichway, among all kinds---and know them---and understand them---and love them---THAT's what I want! - Philip Barry (Holiday)

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#876LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 2/26/15 at 10:03pm

"I would have expected John to question Kevin about Patrick's allegations during his sissy fit. But no, none was forthcoming and it was truly WTF is up with this."

I know some will say I'm working too hard to make this work... but it made sense to me. Yes, on a typical soap, that's what would have happened. But if John truly has no idea, and has met Patrick for about 20 seconds before, is apparently very drunk, Patrick is very drunk, they're at a party, etc, etc, I find it completely plausible at that point he would remain fairly clueless. Obviously once he found Patrick and Kevin outside together looking intense and miserable and claimed he was looking for the sign up sheet he already had SOME idea something was going on.

*edit* Roscoe I think we mostly agree. Except, as I mentioned, I thought John already noticed some awkwardness in the stoop scene.

Updated On: 2/26/15 at 10:03 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#877LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 2/26/15 at 10:55pm

I think John knows EXACTLY what's going on.

It's obviously happened before, and Kevin has ALWAYS come back.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#878LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 2/26/15 at 11:05pm

I agree with that. Kevin is obviously a certain "type" that I am sure most of us have seen in real life.

#879LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 2/27/15 at 8:57am

I do think it is worth remembering that we know NOTHING of what goes on between Kevin and John -- John has remained a name and an occasional rather hunky appearance, no more. We only have Kevin's word for what's going on between them, which leaves a whole lot of ambiguity going on. That's either acceptable or not, as you like. I'm digging it, mainly, but I keep wishing the show was a full hour instead of this barely 30 minute eyedropperful we get every week.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog: http://www.roscoewrites.blogspot.com/

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#880LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/1/15 at 2:47pm

I've only seen a few episodes of Looking, but Russell Tovey was hotter before I knew he was a "Masc only" type of guy. Is that unfair?

Tovey thinks carefully about what he’s going to say next. If I had to guess, watching him fidget, I’d say he’s weighing up whether to be honest at the risk of causing offence, or whether to divert and say something bland. He chooses to risk offence. “I feel like I could have been really effeminate, if I hadn’t gone to the school I went to. Where I felt like I had to toughen up. If I’d have been able to relax, prance around, sing in the street, I might be a different person now. I thank my dad for that, for not allowing me to go down that path. Because it’s probably given me the unique quality that people think I have.”
Guardian interview

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#881LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/1/15 at 2:50pm

If I’d have been able to relax, prance around, sing in the street, I might be a different person now.

Me too. I think I'd be happier and better-adjusted.

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#882LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/1/15 at 2:59pm

His Dad sounds like an asshole.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#883LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/1/15 at 3:02pm


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SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#884LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/2/15 at 10:12am

Why do they let them speak?

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#885LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/2/15 at 1:27pm

I'm glad Kevin finally broke it off with John. If John was truly an innocent I think that was the right thing to do. I don't disagree with previous comments though that we may see him do the same thing to Patrick.

BroomstickBoy Profile Photo
#886LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/2/15 at 9:09pm

When your accent sounds like you have balls in your mouth, I wouldn't exactly call it "toughened" up. Every man who pulls the "toughen up" card is just a total bitch boy underneath it all.

I don't WANT to live in what they call "a certain way." In the first place I'd be no good at it and besides that I don't want to be identified with any one class of people. I want to live every whichway, among all kinds---and know them---and understand them---and love them---THAT's what I want! - Philip Barry (Holiday)

Kad Profile Photo
#887LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/2/15 at 10:23pm

I've been seeing a lot of that sort of response to what Tovey said and it strikes me as... wrong. It's just using effemininity as a way to demean.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#888LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/2/15 at 10:41pm

A friend of a friend on Facebook has implied that these comments need to be taken in the context of Tovey talking about himself and his career. And I guess I can see it to some degree but… I think it's still fair to address the implications of what he said, which I think in a nutshell is if he had gone to drama school he probably would've been at mincing faggot now. And his dad didn't want that to happen to him and he's glad that his dad did that for him.

I do think there are some intersections of homosexuality and gender that correlate why some people are more naturally effeminate than others. I just don't understand why it still has to be a thing. Some people conform to stereotypes and that always makes people uncomfortable, especially people who don't conform to stereotypes, whether naturally or having it beat out of them.

Tag Profile Photo
#889LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/2/15 at 10:48pm

Spoiler: Looks like Barry (Dom's friend from the funeral) is in next week's episode. Thought that little interaction would have more to it!

PalJoey Profile Photo
#890LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/2/15 at 10:52pm

He's a stupid actor. That's all STUPID.

Most actors are stupid. And even when they're not stupid, they're vain and self-centered. Which is a kind of stupid.

All actors should act. Very few actors--if any at all--should be allowed to give interviews. Because they're vain and self-centered and stupid.

And I am getting so F*CKing sick of Internet Outrage--particularly when the Internet Outrage is leveled against someone on our own "side." It's no longer even Outrage Du Jour. It's Outrage de l'Heure.

Whatever happened to fighting the REAL enemy?

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#891LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/2/15 at 10:53pm

Even in the context of his career, he's basically saying that he's thankful he can "pass as straight" because it gives him more options career-wise - without acknowledging the wider problem of discrimination and narrow-mindedness...it's just odd to be thankful for that kind of situation.

Also, a friend of a friend on facebook was sitting directly behind him at Women On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown on the West End a week or two ago, and said he kept sitting forward with his head in his hands, blocking his view with his ears...so I was already kinda gone off him, but that's neither here nor there.

Edit - I don't think anyone here is "outraged", just commenting.
Edit#2 - my friend of a friend on facebook is kinda a dick himself, though.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$
Updated On: 3/2/15 at 10:53 PM

#892LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/2/15 at 11:10pm

"Whatever happened to fighting the REAL enemy?"

You mean the other stupid people? Because it gets increasingly more difficult to tell the difference between the stupid non-enemies and the stupid enemies.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#893LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/2/15 at 11:20pm

I can't speak for all of outraged internet but I ain't fighting anyone. And I don't know that Tovey and I are necessarily on the same side. I'm also not sure what the sides are.

Edit 1 - For what it's worth, I liked him on Being Human.
Edit 2 - Not all gay men are my brothers (Maupin via namo)

Updated On: 3/2/15 at 11:20 PM

#894LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/2/15 at 11:23pm

All I know is, I would really like to be there when Justin Sayre gets ahold of this!!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

PalJoey Profile Photo
#895LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/2/15 at 11:26pm

You mean the other stupid people? Because it gets increasingly more difficult to tell the difference between the stupid non-enemies and the stupid enemies.

No, I don't think "stupid" people should be classified as enemies.

All people are stupid, especially actors.

I mean the real enemies. The ones inflict real harm. Not the stupid non-enemies who happen to say stupid things.

And the Internet is the stupidest place to fight them of all.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#896LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/2/15 at 11:27pm

It really gives a new spin to the term "straight acting", doesn't it?

PalJoey Profile Photo
#897LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/2/15 at 11:30pm

I have asked Justin Sayre to speak to us.

#898LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/2/15 at 11:34pm

I just remember the piece by Armistead Maupin (which I haven't been able to locate in eons) where he talked about how liberating it is when you realize, "No, all gay men are not my brothers." And the thing is, I think intra-community critique is healthy.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#899LOOKING - Season 2
Posted: 3/2/15 at 11:34pm

No one is calling him the enemy but you, boo.
