
PROJECT RUNWAY Season 13- Page 2


Jane2 Profile Photo
#25So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 7/30/14 at 2:36pm

OMG I'm in LOVE with her clothes. All of them. I can't wear every single piece because of my (ahem) body, but the ones that would fit - I'll take 'em.

But I wouldn't wear an entire ensemble as pictured. I'd take one of the pieces and juxtapose it with entirely different style additional pieces to wear as an ensemble, hipster that I am.

Updated On: 7/30/14 at 02:36 PM

paradox_error Profile Photo
#26So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 7/30/14 at 6:01pm

Her lookbook makes me much more interested in her than her winning look... There is some cool stuff in there!

RippedMan Profile Photo
#27So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 7/31/14 at 3:56pm

I'm excited to see what she'll do with an unconventional challenge.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#28So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 7/31/14 at 4:09pm

Especially since all her clothes are unconventional!


GavestonPS Profile Photo
#29So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 7/31/14 at 9:30pm

I'm not an expert (I only pay attention to fashion when I watch PR), but I really like her resort wear. That print with the Escher-inspired "staircases" is gorgeous!

I still think her entry last week looked like a rape victim on LAW & ORDER SVU.

#30So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 7/31/14 at 11:55pm

Sheesh... tonight's loser sure was obnoxious... see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#31So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 8/1/14 at 12:11am

I thought for sure they were going to send them both home.

But yes, what a nasty disposition. Both of them -- insisting that neither of them should be going home, and feeling the need to repeat the comments about Sandhya with so much relish.

I am so sick of hateful, bitter people.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#32So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 8/1/14 at 8:31am

oh dear that was weird. Sandya's dress was abysmal. So the other two had to go and copy it? The three of them failed, and in a way, it was Sandya's fault that team was the worst. However, I doubt she would have been sent home if she didn't have immunity.


#33So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 8/1/14 at 9:04am

I'd have more respect for the show if they'd told Sandya that her outfit was so abysmal that they were negating her immunity. That dreadful little backstabbing tattletale moment where she whined to Tim Gunn about how she was being picked on is one the low points in the show's history.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog: http://www.roscoewrites.blogspot.com/

#34So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 8/1/14 at 10:27am

I'm actually glad that they didn't negate her immunity, not because I particularly care for her designs (I'm still neutral on her so far), but because the show sometimes has enough trouble with keeping the producers' fingers out of the pot. If they are allowed to start ignoring their own rules to that extent then it would mean all bets are off and there would be no point in even offering immunity.

The team challenges often play out like this. A very weak person (Angela) is carried through by stronger teammates. A weak design is saved by immunity and somebody else gets sent home. It's nothing new to the show and highlights why the producers love the team challenges, drama and ratings.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#35So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 8/1/14 at 10:43am

I hate when people get their panties in a twist about someone with immunity actually USING that immunity to help them. It's a game. Don't like it, don't play it. A couple seasons ago on TOP CHEF they made a whole thing about trying to get someone with immunity to give it up and send himself home because his dish was the worst and people were just outraged that he didn't do that.

javero Profile Photo
#36So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 8/1/14 at 11:31am

"That dreadful little backstabbing tattletale moment where she whined to Tim Gunn about how she was being picked on is one the low points in the show's history."

I agree. Professionally, I've had to deal with Dick Cheney-types for 25 yrs now. At the start of my career many of my colleagues were openly hostile toward females and surreptitiously so toward members of select ethnic minority communities. The experience and my personal narrative have hardened me. I'm not immune to harsh criticism but my mantra still is "never let them see you sweat".

That's why I'm astonished by the amount of tears that flow from creative types when either the teeniest amount of pressure is applied or their product is not raved by a panel of judges on a reality TV show. The team challenges tend to bring out the best and worst in some otherwise talented individuals on PR, in terms of their character.

I don't dig mean people either but not everyone in life is going to coddle us to death. I'd hazard a guess that in that particular industry the Tim Gunns are few and are between, outside the classroom/PR setting.

I was hoping that the entire losing team had been sent home. To the contestants, buck up buttercups. Despite her talent, Sandya is going to have to both discover her inner bish and outperform her haters if she expects to make it to NY Fashion Week. The respect that she deserves from her PR peers is simply not going to be handed to her; she'll have to beat them into submission, I suggest.

ETA: While Wendy Pepper will never be a fan favorite, mama sent a bunch of arguably more talented designers packing. They watched from their living room sofas as she presented at Fashion Week.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 8/1/14 at 11:31 AM

madbrian Profile Photo
#37So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 8/1/14 at 11:43am

I wonder if Sandhya would have acted differently if she had not had immunity. Would she have tried to be truer to herself, or would she have melted down even further under the pressure?

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

Jane2 Profile Photo
#38So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 8/1/14 at 2:30pm

I think that no matter what she puts together, Sandya will remain on the show for a while, as she's providing most of the drama so far.


javero Profile Photo
#39So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 8/1/14 at 3:38pm

Whether Sandya wins or not, she's becoming the breakout star. Who wouda thunk it?

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 8/1/14 at 03:38 PM

#40So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 8/1/14 at 3:48pm

Heidi's reaction to Sandya's winning dress from last week, "I've never seen anything like it," only made me think that Heidi's never seen a psycho baglady before.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog: http://www.roscoewrites.blogspot.com/

Jane2 Profile Photo
#41So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 8/1/14 at 5:13pm

We got the hint^ you didn't like the dress. So which one did you like?


Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#42So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 8/2/14 at 4:33pm

For me the elephant in the room the whole time was that the dress they gave the win to-- that craft store horror that Amanda made-- was twice as awful and unwearable as Sandhya's OR Carrie's. Frankly 2/3 of Amanda's winning team should have been in the bottom (I thought Korrina's green dress with plastic letters was best of that bad bunch).

This was one of those unfortunate team challenges where ONE garment from each team was a standout brought down by the other teammates' efforts: Sean's gorgeous white straw coat, Samantha's lovely white cd bodice and film-strip tulip skirt, even crazy Mitchell's stunning iridescent dvd dress. They should have just chucked the team conceit when they got to the runway and picked bests and worsts.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#43So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 8/2/14 at 4:47pm

"they gave the win to-- that craft store horror that Amanda made-- was twice as awful and unwearable as Sandhya's OR Carrie's. "

I loved that one, lol.


BobbyBubbi  Profile Photo
#44So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 8/2/14 at 5:48pm

Hedi - "we could always get rid of both of them"

They should have done that.

My husband Scott Patric is back!!!!

Jane2 Profile Photo
#45So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 8/2/14 at 6:19pm

"get rid of both of them" was kind of a crass way of putting it. I can understand saying that in private but I'm surprised they aired that.


BobbyBubbi  Profile Photo
#46So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 8/3/14 at 4:13am

I was surprised as well. I liked Nina's reaction lol.

They also aired a Tim Gunn freak out during the teaser for this week's episode. Presumably aimed at the other designers after Tim and Sandhya had their chat. I guess that's coming later.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#47So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 8/3/14 at 8:12am

good, I hope Tim gives it to them!


paradox_error Profile Photo
#48So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 8/3/14 at 3:31pm

I hate the whole team concept. It sucks every time they do it. Angela should have gone home and Sean should have won. Sure, work as a team, but your work should stand on its own. And 90% of the time the person with immunity would be in the bottom or go home... they should just scrap it already!

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#49So PROJECT RUNWAY Starts Tomorrow
Posted: 8/3/14 at 9:34pm

^ Totally concur.
