Uncle Joe Is At It Again

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#1Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/29/12 at 7:02pm

Now he blames GWB for the entire deficit. Obama was just an innocent bystander in the White House when GWB cooked up his nefarious schemes down in Texas

While we are at it, why not pin the following on GWB

1. Disappearence of Judge Crater
2. Sinking of the Luisitania
3. Great Chicago fire
4. Frisco earthquake of 1906
5. Fall Of The Roman Empire

Poster Emeritus

#2Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/29/12 at 7:13pm

To put it in simple terms for you:

Clinton: Surplus. GW Bush: deficit.

Or to use full sentences that will obviously fly over your head, let's let former Money Magazine staffer Teresa Tritch explain it all for you. Come on, Roxy, I *know* you have the stamina to make it through a complete paragraph:

In 2001, President George W. Bush inherited a surplus, with projections by the Congressional Budget Office for ever-increasing surpluses, assuming continuation of the good economy and President Bill Clinton’s policies. But every year starting in 2002, the budget fell into deficit. In January 2009, just before President Obama took office, the budget office projected a $1.2 trillion deficit for 2009 and deficits in subsequent years, based on continuing Mr. Bush’s policies and the effects of recession. Mr. Obama’s policies in 2009 and 2010, including the stimulus package, added to the deficits in those years but are largely temporary.

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Kad Profile Photo
#2Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/29/12 at 7:27pm

Eh, it evens out with the fact the Republicans blame everything on Obama. Even things that haven't happened or could only hypothetically happen.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#3Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/29/12 at 7:41pm

Remember very late in the game when Roxy finally gave up trying to defend the disaster that was W, he made one post that said so. From that moment on, everything became about how "W isn't the great Satan" and how people are blaming W for the Lindburgh baby murder. But, YES, W blew the surplus and left the next president with a deficit and two wars he paid for with tax cuts!

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Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#4Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/29/12 at 7:53pm


If Obama shoots a bad round of golf will it be Bush's fault as well?

If the democrats had nominated a loaf of bread for president you guy would support the bread.

The up side of this is that Obama (or GWB if you will) will screw up the country so bad that the democrats will be up ****s creek in 2014 & 2016.

Romney is a bad candidate that Obama has smeared all over the place (hope & change don't you know) as the second coming of Hitler.

His remark about the death of a US ambassador being " a bump in the road" is beyond uncaring. He is the most detached president in recent history. He is too bsy shining his halo to worry about the country, His unconstituional dream act (during an election) merely adds more people to the unemployment rolls & makes it that much harder for college grads get a job. His gay marriage epifhany was beyond transparent as an election stunt but he is hailed as progressive. After his daughters supported it for years they convinced him again during an election it was the right thing to do and hallelujah he saw the light.It was but came 3 plus year into his presidency for him to come to the conclusion

He makes Elmer Gantry looked like a piker

Poster Emeritus

SNAFU Profile Photo
#5Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/29/12 at 8:02pm

Romney smeared himself. Look atthe ads. It is the crap that spews from Roney's mouth!
Want to know why Republicans are up ****'s creek? Give you one hint… who wasn't invited to the RNC? Georgie Boy! Ole W. Even the Republicans KNOW having him show his face was a bad idea.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

Kad Profile Photo
#6Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/29/12 at 8:12pm

Are you an attention whore, Roxy? Does no one pay you any attention in the real world, so you come to espouse views you know are unpopular with the members here?

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#7Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/29/12 at 8:42pm

Roxy, you didn't want Obama to end the war in Iraq because of unemployment in the US. Let's just say your view is skewed just a bit. And you're just projecting about the loaf of bread. Romney IS Wonder Bread. Nobody has to smear him. Nobody has called him Hitler. Nobody. His is an outsourcer. He does harvest fortunes out of the companies he killed. He does keep money in off shore bank accounts. He is running the worst campaign in modern presidential history. Nobody but you says Obama has a halo. It's like you're arguing with yourself.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

SNAFU Profile Photo
#8Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/29/12 at 9:26pm

When Roxy talks like this at home, Mrs R gets all hot!

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

#9Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/29/12 at 10:12pm

And as is typical for Roxy, he changed the subject without acknowledging that Biden is right and he is wrong. Roxy didn't make a peep while W was driving up the deficit and Cheney assured us that "Ronald Reagan taught us that deficits don't matter." Not a word from Roxy, not a word. Or from any of the other blatherers who are so concerned about it now.

Oh, and, Roxy? "His" unconstitutional dream act was first introduced by Orrin Hatch and Dick Durbin in 2001. Is this another instance where you're insisting Obama got in a time machine and altered history, the way you're trying to make him go back before he was elected and blow the surplus and run up the deficit?

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Updated On: 9/29/12 at 10:12 PM

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#10Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/29/12 at 11:44pm

Roxy, your cynical declaration that Obama's support of marriage equality is mere political opportunism ignores the fact that Romney is not only against it, but plans to write inequality into our Constitution.

Shame on you.

strummergirl Profile Photo
#11Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/29/12 at 11:53pm

Yeah, let's ignore the fact Bush came in with a budget surplus and left with the biggest budget deficit.

And as for you other comments.

"His remark about the death of a US ambassador being " a bump in the road" is beyond uncaring. He is the most detached president in recent history. He is too bsy shining his halo to worry about the country..."

You ignore the remarks by Secretary Clinton and the President after the death of the Ambassador Chris Stevens who considered him invaluable to helping them get vital information on the regime change in Libya.

Contrast that to the way Mitt Romney carried himself talking about an unfolding, escalating situation. I mean, it was talked about on this board, panned from all corners of the media, but you seemed to be conspicuously absent during this moment:
Uncle Joe Is At It Again

Uncle Joe Is At It Again

Uncle Joe Is At It Again

Uncle Joe Is At It Again

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#12Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/29/12 at 11:59pm

Well said, strummergirl! (Since we've disagreed elsewhere today, I want to give credit where credit is due.)


Am I the only one to notice Mr. Roxy's impossible logic?

We posters--largely gay--would vote for a loaf of bread if the Dems nominated it, according to Mr. R.

Yet Obama's changed position on gay marriage was "pandering" for our votes. Why, when we gay people would vote for a loaf of bread?

#13Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/30/12 at 12:00am

Moving post and illustrations, strummergirl.

Game over, Roxy. For you and Willard.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

strummergirl Profile Photo
#14Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/30/12 at 12:08am

Thanks, GavestonPS (sorry for our little tiff on the main board) and thanks Namo.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#15Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/30/12 at 12:09am

Not to worry, strummer. I trust no harm was done either way.

Kad Profile Photo
#16Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/30/12 at 12:18am

Those photos say WAY more about Romney and how he used the situation as an opportunity to campaign, before the bodies were cold or the facts were known, than words ever will.

And you think Obama is detached and shamelessly pragmatic?

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

PalJoey Profile Photo
#17Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/30/12 at 12:21am

Roxy, your cynical declaration that Obama's support of marriage equality is mere political opportunism ignores the fact that Romney is not only against it, but plans to write inequality into our Constitution.

It also ignored the fact that Romney was previously ALSO in support of gay marriage, which seems to suggest that Romney's plan to write inequality into the Constitution is not merely MERE political opportunism. There is nothing MERE about it at all. It is BLATANT and OSTENTATIOUS political opportunism. It is VULGAR opportunism. It is DEFIANT AND UNCARING political opportunism.

Ask yourself Roxy: Is it possible that Romney is everything you accuse Obama of being?

"Obama is uncaring": Romney's 47% speech pretty much cornered the market on "uncaring."

"Obama is detached": That word so perfectly describes Mitt Romney that I defy you to name one thing that Mitt Romney could be said to be "attached" to? One thing, that's all--name one thing...

And finally "Obama plays too much golf." HELLO?

Uncle Joe Is At It Again

Updated On: 9/30/12 at 12:21 AM

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#18Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/30/12 at 1:16am

If Roxy swings his cane in the air any more, he may break something.

Like a lamp.

Or a hip.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#19Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/30/12 at 3:38am

Ladies and Gentelemen, for tonight's performance, Roxy will be playing the role of Clint Eastwood's Chair.

He is fresh off his stint as John McCain's lawn.

Huss417 Profile Photo
#20Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/30/12 at 8:14am

I've come to the conclusion for quite sometime now there is really no way to have a serious conversation/debate with someone who would vote for Romney and have stopped. Talk about people who would vote for a loaf of bread.

No matter what the press or should I say before they do "the liberal media" has to say be it any of the facts that most of you pointed out here they will stick by their guy.

I don't understand why the 3 or 4 people that keep posting these pro Romney threads or anti Obama threads just don't get together at the Waffle House and enjoy each others company.

"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.

#21Uncle Joe Is At It Again
Posted: 9/30/12 at 11:07am

In 2001 G W Bush thought America's big problem was having too much money. Taxes were too high and the debt was going to be paid off and the money would just pile up. Really. That is what they thought. They HAD to dump cash and FAST. Everyone got a check for $300 and taxes were dropped.

To understand this you have to understand: The Republican Party is now dedicated to the vague goal of "less government." A government deep in debt and running deficits is GOOD because no one could possibly expect it to do much of anything. You don't say "we can't do that" because you can't afford it- you run a deficit so government is weak and powerless to do good things for the people. Imagine where we'd be now if those taxes hadn't been slashed: We could pay for healthcare for all, we could build infrastructure, we could go to Mars, we could invest in renewable energy. Oh what a hell that would have been.
