
Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-

Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-

DAME Profile Photo
#1Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 9/24/13 at 8:50pm

We talk about this every year around the holidays. I want to get the word out early this year.


Updated On: 9/24/13 at 08:50 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#2Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 9/24/13 at 11:06pm

May decide to throw a slug in their pot at Christmas

Poster Emeritus

#2Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 9/25/13 at 8:55am

so next week? or is it two weeks? that the scandal breaks out and this guy gets caught with a married woman, a girl half his age, he tweets his genitals to someone, he propositions someone in a rest room...all of the above?

#3Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 9/25/13 at 12:05pm

Here is Snopes.com's take on this.


"We note here that this controversy in (sic) based on a good deal of interpretation rather than literal explanation. The Salvation Army's Handbook of Doctrine does not specifically condemn homosexuals and call for them to be put to death"

trentsketch Profile Photo
#4Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 9/25/13 at 1:48pm

Specifically, the policies don't call for death. They just throw you out of their shelters if you ask for help and they find out you're gay. I guess that's part of the academy lectures rather than the written guidebooks.

romantico Profile Photo
#5Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 9/25/13 at 2:03pm

So, they can turn away their fellow man in their hour of need just because they are prejudice. Wow! How Christian! I'm sure Jesus would be proud. Remind these volunteers how UNCHRISTIAN their organization REALLY is.

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

DAME Profile Photo
#6Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 9/25/13 at 2:25pm

Plenty of other worthwhile charities out there.


#7Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 9/25/13 at 2:29pm

"Specifically, the policies don't call for death. They just throw you out of their shelters if you ask for help and they find out you're gay. I guess that's part of the academy lectures rather than the written guidebooks."

Maybe in your neighborhood, but not everywhere:


"If they did investigate, Miller said, they’d meet people like Jacquelynn Massengill, a 55-year-old transgender woman. She lived at Harbor Light for 18 months, moving there from Indiana to escape a domestic violence situation.

'The accusations are not true and they’re not fair,' Jacquelynn said. 'I’ll go to my grave thanking The Salvation Army.'"

romantico Profile Photo
#8Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 9/25/13 at 3:54pm

The Salvation Army has done NOTHING to help imrove their image regarding the LGBT Community. Like the Chick-Fil-A CEO, they almost sound proud when they talk about how they disagree with the homosexual 'lifestyle'.

If they are so concerned about myths and urban legends and false information,then do something about it. They really don't seem to care what gays think of them or their 'so called' Christian organization. I'm not saying they don't help out people. I'm just saying imagine if the Salvation Army came out and said they won't help Muslims or anyone born of Middle Eastern decent.

You can't dismiss the good they've done but at the same time they are denying human beings the help they need just because of their religion,or in this case their sexual orientation. At least the Mormon Church is now trying to repair their hateful image regarding gays and lesbians. Salvation Army does not seem to give a fu*k.

I agree with Dame.So many other charities to give to.Here is just one for example I think does good work


'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#9Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 9/30/13 at 10:09am

Out HGTV designer defends SA connection

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

all that jazz Profile Photo
all that jazz
#10Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 9/30/13 at 2:43pm

This is so confusing!! If I keep donating now knowing they're bigots, I guess that'd make me a bigot, but at the same time they do provide a lot of help to people in need, so boycotting them would be wrong as well.

By those standards I should stop attending church altogether, which obviously isn't going to happen.

Addison D. Profile Photo
Addison D.
#11Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 9/30/13 at 2:50pm

"This is so confusing!! If I keep donating now knowing they're bigots, I guess that'd make me a bigot, but at the same time they do provide a lot of help to people in need..."

Um... No.

Donating to bigots "makes" you someone who supports bigots.

And to suggest that withholding your support = depriving people in need only makes sense in a universe where there is only one charitable organization helping people in need.

As DAME so rightly said, there are many other charitable institutions out there.

You think, what do you want? You think, make a decision...
Updated On: 9/30/13 at 02:50 PM

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#12Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 9/30/13 at 2:54pm

Many charitable organizations.

This is the one closest to my heart.
Ali Forney Center

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#13Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 9/30/13 at 3:03pm

For what it's worth, the Canadian Sally Ann DID release a statement.

In the last week, we have received many calls and emails to our offices, as well as comments on our Facebook page and through Twitter, about The Salvation Army and LGBTQ discrimination.

There are two issues about which most people are generally concerned. These include:
•First, a photo-shopped image of two Salvation Army kettle workers below a kettle sign that reads: “Gays Not Allowed.”
•Second, comments from a 2012 radio interview in which a Salvation Army officer agreed with the comment that, “gays should be put to death.”

The kettle workers photo is a complete and utter fabrication. It is false witness. And, those volunteers don’t deserve to be icons of hate.

The radio comments, however, are of greater concern. It is important to note that the Army around the world immediately rejected those comments and made public statements against them. We stand by the rejection of those comments still. We sincerely apologize to the LGBTQ community and to our clients, employees, donors and volunteers for the offence caused by this misrepresentation of the Army’s views.

Here are links to a few of the responses from The Salvation Army in Australia, Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and Ireland. These were all posted publicly in June 2012, and stand today.

For more than 130 years, The Salvation Army has had the privilege of serving vulnerable people in over 400 communities across Canada. Last year, we helped over 1.8 million people. Many of the people assisted were from the LGBTQ community. And we employ individuals from the LGBTQ community.

We take allegations of discrimination very seriously. If you are aware of a situation where a person has been the target of discrimination, please let us know because this is contrary to our mission.

Our mission is to “share the love of Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our world.” We do this without discrimination. All of our social and community services are equally available. We respond solely based on people’s needs and our capability to serve.


EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#14Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 9/30/13 at 3:13pm

(For the record, I still prefer to give my charity to other similar services locally--but just though I'd put that out there, whether one takes it on faith or not.)

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#15Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 9/30/13 at 3:40pm

Romantico! Somehow I missed you posting about Ali Forney. So sorry!

Addison D. Profile Photo
Addison D.
#16Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 9/30/13 at 3:44pm

Hah! I was just going to add my voice to the Ali Forney Center but I, too, missed Romantico's link. Now it almost seems like piling on....

Still--it's a great organization, staffed by some wonderful folks doing beautiful work.

You think, what do you want? You think, make a decision...

suestorm Profile Photo
#17Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 9/30/13 at 4:01pm

those bells are annoying!

FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW..................................................................................................................... ...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................

#18Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 9/30/13 at 4:07pm

"those bells are annoying!"

So are hurricanes.

And freezing to death.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#19Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 10/1/13 at 1:04am

By those standards I should stop attending church altogether

I did.

which obviously isn't going to happen.

Why? Because you enjoy being told what to do? The church my mother goes to told parishioners to drop their health insurance because the companies covered birth control.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

romantico Profile Photo
#20Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 11/25/13 at 10:59am

With Black Friday and the Shopping season already beginning, I am seeing the red kettles and hearing the bell ringers chant Merry CHRISTmas and God Bless You as I leave the stores. Just remember how much they hate gay people.


'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-
Updated On: 11/25/13 at 10:59 AM

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#21Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 11/25/13 at 12:42pm

I propose that every day from now until January 1 we post the link to a charity other than SA. That way we can all see what else is out there and where everyone gives.

I'll post one now and then tomorrow someone else can post another.


"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

romantico Profile Photo
#22Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 11/26/13 at 11:57am

Good idea Eris0303. Here's my link for today.Just hit the donate button on the upper right hand side of the page.


Truth Wins Out Calls On The Salvation Army To Remove ‘Ex-Gay’ Resources From Its Website


'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

DAME Profile Photo
#23Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 12/5/14 at 2:53pm

Time for a bump of this. Have they changed their stance?


darreyl102 Profile Photo
#24Salvation Army says -Gays Need to Be Put to Death-
Posted: 12/6/14 at 9:03am

"which obviously isn't going to happen.

Why? Because you enjoy being told what to do? The church my mother goes to told parishioners to drop their health insurance because the companies covered birth control. "

I guess we should not obey the laws either, since they are telling us what to do. That is a generalization you are making, as not all churches are the same.

Darreyl with an L!
