The Trump Cabal

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#101The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/17/17 at 2:03pm

Gloria Allred: Accuser Will Sue Trump

"A woman who accused Donald Trump of sexually inappropriate contact will file a lawsuit against the president-elect on Tuesday, according to attorney Gloria Allred. A press conference in Los Angeles with the accuser and Allred is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. local time. At least 13 women, including the president-elect’s first wife, have accused Trump of forcibly kissing, inappropriately touching or looking at them, or worse. Nearly a dozen women came forward with such accusations after a leaked video revealed Trump bragging to Access Hollywood host Billy Bush about being entitled to “grab them by the ****” without consent."

Updated On: 1/17/17 at 02:03 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#102The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/17/17 at 2:03pm

Petralicious said: "It seems that the press has been under fire for 8 years now and would have been under Ms Rodham-Clinton as well. 

When Hillary Clinton headed for Reno, Nev., to make a big speech attacking Donald J. Trump on Thursday, her campaign used two planes. One was for the candidate and her entourage. The other was for the reporters, photographers and videographers assigned to follow her every move — which, of course, is impossible when she’s not physically on the same aircraft.

This is Mrs. Clinton’s standard air travel arrangement, and it represents a departure from how presidential candidates (including Mrs. Clinton in 2008) have dealt with their dedicated press corps since at least the early 1960s, by which point journalists were regularly traveling with them on their planes.

Even Barry Goldwater, the hard-right, press-fighting Republican nominee of 1964, flew with the reporters who covered him. He wound up enjoying it so much he rewarded them with “Eastern Liberal Press” lapel pins.

Right now, every signal from Mrs. Clinton is that should she win, her administration would continue the tradition of being still more secretive than the one before it; the Obama White House has achieved just that with its abysmal record on fulfilling Freedom of Information Act requests and its record of prosecuting whistle-blowers who have shared national security information with the press.


What does any of that have to do with Drumph moving the press corp out of the White House and across the street to the OEOB?

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#103The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/17/17 at 2:04pm

"What does any of that have to do with Drumph moving the press corp out of the White House and across the street to the OEOB?"

Nothing. It has nothing to do with it.

Petralicious Profile Photo
#104The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/17/17 at 2:15pm

Really? you can not see? or do not want to see.

Point is President Obama (i agree with him the press doesnt need to know everything) has been the worst in dealing with the Free Press, according to that Conservative Rag The New York Times. . But no one here it seems wants to acknowledge that. 

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 1/17/17 at 02:15 PM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#105The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/17/17 at 2:19pm

So because Obama was bad with the press (although your post says nothing about Obama) we shouldn't call out Trump for being bad with the press.

Sound logic.

Updated On: 1/17/17 at 02:19 PM

Petralicious Profile Photo
#106The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/17/17 at 2:23pm

Im showing what hypocrites Lefts are. because no one here ever mentioned that while criticizing Trump for the same thing. That is the logic. 

When They Go Low, I Go High

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#107The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/17/17 at 2:26pm

There is no logic to your posts.

Again, there is nothing in your post that mentions Obama so that's strike one.

And there are plenty of people here that critisized both Obama and Clinton, including strike two.

And what Trump has been doing is NOTHING like what that article discusses regarding Clinton...strike three.

Politicians have been trying to find ways to get around the press forever. Trump is on a campaign to deligetimize them. 

Petralicious Profile Photo
#108The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/17/17 at 2:48pm

ErikJ972 said:Again, there is nothing in your post that mentions Obama so that's strike one.

I do not think you read my posts Erik. Your Strikes are wrong. 
Here are 2 mentions just earlier today about Obama and Press

POST #99

Right now, every signal from Mrs. Clinton is that should she win, her administration would continue the tradition of being still more secretive than the one before it; the Obama White House has achieved just that with its abysmal record on fulfilling Freedom of Information Act requests and its record of prosecuting whistle-blowers who have shared national security information with the press.

POST #104

Point is President Obama (i agree with him the press doesnt need to know everything) has been the worst in dealing with the Free Press, according to that Conservative Rag The New York Times. . But no one here it seems wants to acknowledge that


And there are plenty of people here that critisized both Obama and Clinton, including strike two.

I do not think you read my posts.  I said about THIS ISSUE, not AT ALL 


Politicians have been trying to find ways to get around the press forever. Trump is on a campaign to deligetimize them. 

According to NYTIMES, Mr Obama has been delegitamizing , at war with FOX for a long time. 

The Obama administration, which would seem to have its hands full with a two-front war in Iraq and Afghanistan, opened up a third front last week, this time with Fox News.

Under the direction of Ms. Dunn, the administration has begun to punch back. On Sept. 20, the president visited all the Sunday talk shows save Fox News’, with Ms. Dunn explaining that Fox was not a legitimate news organization, but a “wing of the Republican Party.”

The one weapon all administrations can wield is access, and the White House, making it clear that it will use that leverage going forward, informed Fox News not to expect to bump knees with the president until 2010. But Fox News, as many have pointed out, is not in the access business. They are in the agitation business. And the administration, by deploying official resources against a troublesome media organization, seems to have brought a knife to a gunfight.

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 1/17/17 at 02:48 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#109The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/17/17 at 2:54pm

because no one here ever mentioned that while criticizing Trump for the same thing.

Because they aren't the same thing.  

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

madbrian Profile Photo
#110The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/17/17 at 3:20pm

Trump supporters and other trolls can't righteously defend him, so they focus on deflection.  Best to ignore them and remain on point.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#111The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/17/17 at 5:30pm

The false equivalencies Petra is such a fan of drive me crazy.

You can't come after Trump for delegitimizing the free press because Obama was mean to Fox News once and you didn't say anything.


adamgreer Profile Photo
#112The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/17/17 at 9:29pm

Betsy DeVos proved herself today to be the most clueless, uninformed nominee for Secretary of Education EVER today when she wasn't able to explain the difference between proficiency and growth. As a public school teacher, I can tell you that this is a major policy issue in the education community, one that any first year teacher would be able to discuss at length. The fact that this woman can't even offer a rudimentary explanation of her position is frightening, and enough to prove that she should not be allowed to run this department.


But wait, there's more! When asked about the possibility of allowing guns in public schools, she refused to rule it out because of potential grizzly bear attacks. Yes, you read that right.

Extra special bonus!! She's completely unaware of what IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act) is. Has no idea it's a federal mandate! How can a woman unaware of federal laws surrounding education be allowed to run the federal Department of Education?

Updated On: 1/17/17 at 09:29 PM

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#113The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/18/17 at 9:06am

DeVos flopped miserably- it seemed like every answer was "I'll have to look into that and look forward to working with you." It's a shame (but unsurprising) that Senators didn't have more time to question her. I expect her to be confirmed, but anyone watching that can see that she is remarkably out of her depth. She's also a person with hideous beliefs, but above all she has no experience- just a lot of money. 

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#114The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/18/17 at 9:21am

The DeVos hearing was a total sh!t show. She couldn't even answer basic questions. She had no idea about the profciency vs growth debate which has been at the forefront of education reform discussions for at least a decade. She also seemed clueless about the federal IDEA law. If confimed she willl be the least qualified person to ever hold the job.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#115The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/18/17 at 9:33am

Her favorite response was, "I look forward to discussing that."  Uhhhh, what do you think these hearings are for?  

Completely out of her league.  Not that it will stop Republicans and Cory Booker from voting to confirm her, mind you. 

Updated On: 1/18/17 at 09:33 AM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#116The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/18/17 at 10:00am

Cory Booker shares a lot of her views.

She also said it should be up to the States if schools that receive federal funding should be mandated to educated the disabled.

Here Are Just Some of the Stunningly Bad Moments From Betsy DeVos' Confirmation Hearing

Updated On: 1/18/17 at 10:00 AM

xxdrewboy85xx Profile Photo
#117The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/18/17 at 2:05pm

That DeVos hearing was embarrassingly bad.  I can't begin to comprehend what it will be like if she is confirmed for Secretary of Education....Well actually I can..... I can only hope we as a country don't have to live with the DeVoses' in our politics the way I've experienced my whole life. 


I know the DeVoses personally. I know their kids. I taught one of them in an acting class. I used to work for one of their businesses (Not Amway.... though I can see the Headquarters from my mothers back yard).  I have personally experienced what it's been like since she got involved in education in my home state/town.  I now understand how much Michigan's education has changed since I graduated from a Michigan public school in 2003; then accepted a teaching position for two years teaching middle school music and drama from 2012-2014.  


The school I graduated from was considered one of the best public schools in the state and nationally renowned for sports, the arts, and education. A school of 2,000 diverse students with hundreds of  languages spoken between our students. Blacks, whites, asians, Africans, Eastern Europeans, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Catholics, Dutch Reformed bigots..... we all coexisted and got along and racism didnt seem to even exist. Maybe I was ignorant, but it was a blessing to grow up and learn with such diversity. The majority of Bosnian refugees went to school with me when they escaped Bosnia starting around 1993; parents brought their special needs students to our school from all over the state for the best special education around. Parents moved to our district from all over for the arts and theatre program. For the dance program. To play for the countries largest marching band, the states best and one of the countries best Football teams, our renowned Hockey, soccer, and lacrosse teams.  The top grades and testing and well above the national average for reading and math. Many going off to top Ivy League Colleges, some now professional sports players, Top doctors, Broadway performers, etc. 


Then they close down half the inner city public schools, ship all of them to my alma matter because it's the largest high school in the area that isn't all white, redistrict neighborhoods so the wealthy neighborhoods are now zoned to another school that used to be a division 3 small Country school with a bunch of rednecks and racists and all one religion (Dutch reformed). Charter schools pop up everywhere, and now the school I went to has such a bad reputation for being diverse and when I mention where I graduated from they look shocked and say "I'm sorry".  The DeVoses are responsible for a lot of that. 


As I live in Chicago and the country is going through a major recession, The auto industry crashed, Michigan is hurt very badly. Well.... all of Michigan EXCEPT my hometown of Grand Rapids and rest of Michigan's "Gold Coast" of West Michigan. Grand Rapids sees this growth unlike anywhere else in Michigan during the recession. The town is all of a sudden on the map. We have some of  the best bars and restaurants in the country; the best beer and breweries in the world. The best hospitals and doctors are coming from all over the world to practice here. The Arts are thriving. We have the worlds largest Art competition ArtPrize, Laughfest which brings world renowned comedians to GR to perform with proceeds going to Cancer research and patients. Named best place for Millennials to move, to start a family..... 


All of that has been amazing for my home town and it really is a gorgeous town. But as Detroit is crumbling, and Flint is being poisoned.... we go from a small town know only as the furniture capital of the world, Amway and Meijer (the liberal, arts supporting billionaires) headquarters, Gillian Anderson, President Ford, Taylor Lautner, Anthony Kiedis and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and American Pie....... to this desirable place everyone is moving to. It's because of the DeVoses. It's because Betsy's husband lost the 2006 Gubernatorial race to Granholm. The family used their wealth and power to make them the most powerful political force in the state. They became more powerful by NOT becoming Governor than if they had. 


Now im kind of disgusted with how my hometown became what it is today— practically overnight. We all learned to separate that DYNASTIES political beliefs for their anthropology. But we can't anymore. ??





Updated On: 1/18/17 at 02:05 PM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#118The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/18/17 at 2:15pm

Some good looks, at least from his Instagram account, that Cory Booker might be changing his mind about Betsy DeVos. 

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#119The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/18/17 at 3:22pm

Father, may I ask you a question?

Certainly, my son!

Is there a proper blessing for the President?

A blessing for the President? Of course. May God bless, and keep the President...far away from the nuclear codes!

Petralicious Profile Photo
#120The Trump Cabal
Posted: 2/7/17 at 12:55pm

ErikJ972 said: "Some good looks, at least from his Instagram account, that Cory Booker might be changing his mind about Betsy DeVos. 


"Betsy just  confirmed.  Booker voted yes


When They Go Low, I Go High

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#121The Trump Cabal
Posted: 2/7/17 at 12:59pm

Petralicious said: "Betsy just  confirmed.  Booker voted yes"

I don't think that's correct (regarding Booker).


Sunshine! Profile Photo
#122The Trump Cabal
Posted: 2/7/17 at 1:01pm

He didn't. Petra is liar. Shocking! 

Petralicious Profile Photo
#123The Trump Cabal
Posted: 2/7/17 at 1:01pm

Youre right Erik.  I apologize. I heard wrong. 

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 2/7/17 at 01:01 PM

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#124The Trump Cabal
Posted: 2/7/17 at 1:03pm

Disgraceful that Betsy DeVos got confirmed. In a line-up of horror shows, she was one of the worst- unequivocally unqualified who literally bought her seat. Every Republican who voted for her should be absolutely ashamed.  

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.
