Big Brother 17

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#100Big Brother 17
Posted: 7/27/15 at 10:40pm

I haven't been on the field all that much lately, but it seems like she's always been a non-entity on them, too!

I think Vanessa is still playing the best game.

Updated On: 7/27/15 at 10:40 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#101Big Brother 17
Posted: 7/28/15 at 12:07pm

Apparently, there is a guy named Steven in the house.  See if you can try and find him!  They should outfit him in a red and white striped sweater and a hat with a pom-pom.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
#102Big Brother 17
Posted: 7/28/15 at 12:14pm

I loved when Britney said she didn't know Jackie was in the house until she won HOH even though I think that's a little unfair. Becky is definitely the most invisible one to me. If she hadn't been hit by a train I don't think I'd know a single thing about her.

"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#103Big Brother 17
Posted: 7/28/15 at 1:06pm

Who got nominated? I missed Sunday! 

ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
#104Big Brother 17
Posted: 7/28/15 at 1:19pm

"Who got nominated? I missed Sunday! "

 Vanessa nominated Clay and Becky hoping they would win BOB. Jackie nominated Liz and James because they wanted to backdoor Austin. Unfortunately Liz and James won even though James tried to throw it. 

"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#105Big Brother 17
Posted: 7/29/15 at 10:42pm

Judas is such a weenie.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#106Big Brother 17
Posted: 7/30/15 at 1:27pm

I think Vanessa just made things worse for herself.  It's hard to tell who knows what regarding alliances, but didn't Jason's group find it odd that she nominated Clay and Becky in the first place?  And then by forgoing the original plan to backdoor Austin, she looks like a wuss giving in to Austin (who has proven only to be a liability), she puts a much bigger target on her back not only with Jason's group, but especially with Becky and Jackie who made crucial decisions based on Vanessa's plan.  Not to mention, keeping Austin doesn't really increase their numbers considering how much damage could be caused by putting up Jason.  I think what surprised me most was Vanessa giving in to both Austin and Liz's rather squirrely (or "squir-RUHL-lee", depending on your dialect) reaction to the plan and her defense of Austin.  Whatever his intent with telling Jason, he knew the importance of the information he was disclosing and to whom.  Austin's mistakes are plentiful and his vote doesn't count for much when he's painting giant red flashing targets on his the backs of his alliance members.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

jasonf Profile Photo
#107Big Brother 17
Posted: 7/30/15 at 2:27pm

It really depends, I think, on Vanessa's mindset. On the one hand, she's getting out perhaps the smartest rival to her alliance in the game. No one else there has shown any kind of strategic gameplay and only minimal comp wins. James only cares about girls in the house, Meg and Steve haven't won anything - the only other REAL threat there is Jackie who hasn't shown herself to be nearly as smart as Vanessa or Shelli. 

I can see Vanessa, who is a poker player (important not to forget that) playing Austin here. If she's doing what I think she is, she's scaring him into staying completely loyal to her. He may do stupid things, but he's a sure vote not to get her kicked out of the house. He'll see her as having saved him against the wishes of the house, so he becomes a permanent vote and a meatshield for her.

I'm not so sure that was a bad move on her part. Yes, it might have been easier had the right people won BOB, but given they didn't I think this was a suitable response.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#108Big Brother 17
Posted: 7/30/15 at 2:48pm

He may do stupid things, but he's a sure vote not to get her kicked out of the house.

He may be a vote for her side, but his stupid things may cause more votes to evict her than to protect her.  Who does she really think is on her side?  Clay, Shelli, Austin, Becky and Liz/Julia?  Becky has every reason to flip after this fiasco, if she every truly was aligned with them (which is pretty unclear to me, considering she spends so much time strategizing with Clay, Shelli and Austin).  Liz and Julia will be wild cards once Julia's in the house, especially with Austin still there.  James, John Meg and Steve will start gunning for for Vanessa along with Jackie.  No, I think backdooring Jason now is WAY too soon while Austin has continually been leaking information and falling for Liz.  His loyalty is irrelevant when he truly doesn't understand the game.  It's like throwing the football at the one kid who always fumbles, causing the other team to score, instead of putting him on the bench.  At this point, I really don't know who is really in Vanessa's alliance or who she thinks is in her alliance.  The number of alliances here are starting to reach Big Brother Canada proportions.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#109Big Brother 17
Posted: 7/30/15 at 3:15pm

I think Vanessa just made things worse for herself.

Agreed.   I really hope Becky goes. 

Updated On: 7/30/15 at 03:15 PM

jasonf Profile Photo
#110Big Brother 17
Posted: 7/30/15 at 3:21pm

From what I understand, and this is from reading about feeds, not actually watching them, the REAL core alliance is Vanessa, Shelli and Clay (which I think is kind of dumb because final three Vanessa NEEDS to win), but there it is. They are supposedly in an alliance with Liz/Julia and Austin forming Sixth Sense. There was another temporary alliance formed with the core three, Jackie, Jason, Becky, Meg and James, but that obviously has been thrown out the window.


I think Vanessa is safe as long as Shelli, Clay, Liz/Julia or Austin win HOH. She should be fine if JohnnyMac or Steve win. She's only really in trouble with Jackie, Meg, possibly James and possibly Becky winning.  Given that she's a gambler, those are pretty good odds for her.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

jasonf Profile Photo
#111Big Brother 17
Posted: 7/30/15 at 3:23pm

I found this:


As of a couple of days ago, at any rate - look at how many alliances Vanessa has been a part of...yeah, it could bite her in the ass, but I think she's in a decent position right now.  It gets stronger if Shelli/Clay wins Hoh tonight.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#112Big Brother 17
Posted: 7/30/15 at 3:54pm

look at how many alliances Vanessa has been a part of...yeah, it could bite her in the ass

See, that's what I was thinking.  And as soon as she found out she would be the reigning HOH, she was going to get blood on her hands no matter what happened.  Instead of focusing on the numbers in one alliance, she should have focused on moving ahead with the agreed-upon plan rather than backpedaling.  

It gets stronger if Shelli/Clay wins Hoh tonight.

I hope so, but then it means Shelli or Clay may be HOH, which bores me.  I really hope Vanessa hasn't put all her eggs in their basket.  I'd like someone to break up that showmance soon.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#113Big Brother 17
Posted: 7/30/15 at 4:05pm

I'll be sad if Jason goes home. He makes me laugh every episode. His "thanks Caleb" was my favorite line of the summer so far.

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#114Big Brother 17
Posted: 7/30/15 at 6:15pm

Happy to see Jason go. His immaturity is grating. I will say that I am loving that James is the new HOH!!!

Updated On: 7/31/15 at 06:15 PM

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#115Big Brother 17
Posted: 8/2/15 at 11:39pm

I was really sad to see Jason go and I wasn't looking forward to what I thought would be three boring weeks of James, Jackie and Meg getting picked off one by one.

And then tonight happened! Hot damn! This is what I watch Big Brother for. A shake-up when the people who had no power suddenly have it all. Loved seeing James win HOH and admire is let's take out a big target now attitude.

Seeing Shelli and Clay's faces up there together had me clapping and laughing. Vanessa made the smart move by being upfront and honest with James. He is able to detect bullsh!t pretty easily and I love that Shelli and Clay didn't fool him for a second.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#116Big Brother 17
Posted: 8/3/15 at 12:07am

Yes! It was a perfect turn of events! A lot of scenes in this episode came from stuff I watch on the live feeds yesterday. I love the Julia doesn't buy all the Austin BS. She should ditch him and Liz and try to make nice with James and Meg and all them.

As much as I like Vanessa, I really really love chaos. Shelli and Clay seem a little insane. Did they really believe that they did not have a part in Jason going home? Did they not explicitly promise Vanessa to back her up because she didn't want to get all that blood on her hands alone? I feel like this season is going for record for how many times someone can say "blood on my hands."


CapnHook Profile Photo
#117Big Brother 17
Posted: 8/3/15 at 1:25am

Part of me wants Shelli to go home this week because she deserves it. The other part of me wants to see Clay go home this week because I want to see Shelli live miserably in the house without him.

I love that Steve and John are keeping under the radar. They will now have to side with the divided house and I hope they don't put targets on themselves in the choices they make. Being a wildcard was smart, but it's time to start to position yourself as a power player and take out Vanessa, Liz, Julia, Clay, and Shelli.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#118Big Brother 17
Posted: 8/3/15 at 12:38pm


Ive been wondering why no one has courted Steve, poor boy just wants to fit in, he's be so incredibly loyal!!

I really hope that the noms don't change so that the house is forced to break them up.

I'm tired of the popular kids powerhousing big brother.  Too much like high school.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#119Big Brother 17
Posted: 8/3/15 at 1:03pm

Seeing Shelli and Clay's faces up there together had me clapping and laughing. Vanessa made the smart move by being upfront and honest with James. He is able to detect bullsh!t pretty easily and I love that Shelli and Clay didn't fool him for a second.

Ditto all that.

I love the Julia doesn't buy all the Austin BS.

Me too.  I really like Julia.  I just get so disappointed when I hear Liz feebly attempt to rationalize Austin's behavior.  They really need to start a new strategy.  The Titanic is sinking and they don't want to be the musicians on deck.  Leave Clay, Shelli and Austin in third class and jump in a lifeboat, girls!

Did they really believe that they did not have a part in Jason going home?

I guess they forgot those conversations they had with Vanessa and then WITH AUSTIN.  All that hypocritical morality nonsense spewing from Clay and Shelli about James breaking his word makes me want them out ASAP.  I gave them the benefit of a doubt early on for taking risks and making moves, but now they're just being pathetic.  Clay's soapbox DR speech about James may have shed some light on his game.  It sounds as if he's never watched a single episode of Big Brother and has no idea what he's doing.  Oh, and Shelli bitching about Vanessa throwing her under the bus?  Shelli's short-term memory is whack.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 8/3/15 at 01:03 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#120Big Brother 17
Posted: 8/3/15 at 1:25pm

 It sounds as if he's never watched a single episode of Big Brother and has no idea what he's doing.


I can't speak to that, but I can say on the feeds one day he asked someone why the show as called Big Brother.  So cute.  Such lovely hair.  Maybe not so smart. 

ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
#121Big Brother 17
Posted: 8/3/15 at 5:41pm

I was extremely happy to see James win HOH especially after Jason was sadly evicted. I couldn't have been more excited to see the end of BOB too. I guess they abandoned that whole BB Takeover concept.

It's nice to see people making big moves and breaking up Clelli was the best idea ever. Even though James gave his word not to put them up I don't think it'll really hurt his game because everyone knows that Shelli is the biggest threat in the house and she was going to fall anyway.

While I hate Liz, Julia is kind of growing on me. It's nice that she is smart enough to see through Austin's lies. Becky is slowly making her way to the top of my sh!tlist with her running directly to Clelli and spilling the beans. I hope they find her out and stop telling her things. Steve remains in the background and barely exists. I honestly don't know what side he's on because there has been nothing shown of him talking game to anyone.

On another note, can we please refrain from posting live feed spoilers without some kind of warning? I would rather not have known James won HOH before the episode aired, SmoothLover.

"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#122Big Brother 17
Posted: 8/3/15 at 5:54pm

Becky is slowly making her way to the top of my sh!tlist with her running directly to Clelli and spilling the beans.

I was sort of surprised by that.  She was so upset when Austin wasn't put on the block as planned.  I thought for sure that she might be less fond of Clay and Shelli when she eventually found out they were involved in all that.  Obviously, Shelli has gotten to her.  If I have to fault Becky, it's for being naive.  She's going to find out the hard way loyalty to Shelli and Clay will only get her an express ticket home.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#123Big Brother 17
Posted: 8/4/15 at 2:37am

Clay and Shelli have not played very well. They should have not spent so much time together. You would think they would have learned from past seasons...

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#124Big Brother 17
Posted: 8/6/15 at 12:15am

Bye-bye, Shelli!
