THe Children's hour

EmieMarie Profile Photo
#1THe Children's hour
Posted: 12/22/06 at 2:35am

I'm auditioning for the Children's Hour and yes I have read the whole play, I am going for Martha or Karen
We have to do a contemp. monologue and I was thinking of doing Bella's "I'm as strong as an Ox" mono from Lost in Yonkers.

If anyone must scream and jump infront of the bullet for me, this would be an oppertune time

and if y'all know any monologues that WOULD get me the part?

kudos to those who reply

Fear no more the heat o' the sun, Nor the furious winter's rages; Thou thy worldly task hast done, Home art gone and ta'en thy wages: Golden lads and girls all must, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. ~Cymbeline

justagirl2 Profile Photo
#2re: THe Children's hour
Posted: 12/22/06 at 3:02pm

My best friend just finished this play at her college, so I'll ask her today what monologues were used for those characters.

ForTheLoveOfLea Profile Photo
#2re: THe Children's hour
Posted: 12/23/06 at 3:58pm

I'm in the rehersal process for The Children's Hour at my college now. I'm playing Karen. :) For my audition I actually did a Julie's monologue from Carousel when she is telling Billy she loves him after he died. Good luck!

Thou giveth fever.

theaterFrEaK07 Profile Photo
#3re: THe Children's hour
Posted: 12/28/06 at 12:13pm

Im about to start rehersals for the Childrens Hour too. Im playing Cardin. Its such a beautifully tragic show.

Yes, I know my profile name is spelled incorrectly. That's what happens when you don't spell check and just push done. I wear it as a reminder to spell check.

#4re: THe Children's hour
Posted: 12/28/06 at 3:17pm

I suggest going to Barnes & Noble in the DRAMA section because they have the whole script there...i just bought it! :) it's interesting!

EmieMarie Profile Photo
#5re: THe Children's hour
Posted: 12/28/06 at 8:57pm

I read the playwhen I first learned we were doing it, It is so beautifully written, That why I really want to be cast in this show!!!

Fear no more the heat o' the sun, Nor the furious winter's rages; Thou thy worldly task hast done, Home art gone and ta'en thy wages: Golden lads and girls all must, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. ~Cymbeline
